DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Three Cups Of Coffee A Day To Help Keep Skin Cancer Away?
Five People, Four Companies Indicted In Alleged Plot To Export Devices To Iran
Two Nebraska Children Kept In Kennel, Police Say
North Platte authorities say they've rescued four children from a filthy trailer home, including two children who'd been kept in an animal kennel.
Station KNOP reports that the children were removed from the home on Monday, after officers had been sent to check on the children's welfare.
Date of Incident: 24 October 2011
Location: 1000 block of Tyler Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Donald H. Ellis, 30, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 24 October 2011 at 10:03 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office
responded to a complaint of a suspicious subject in the 1000 block of Tyler Avenue in Salisbury. Upon
arrival, the deputies located the subject later identified as Donald Ellis of Salisbury. During the encounter,
Ellis began acting furtively which further raised the suspicions of the deputies. One of the deputies began
a pat down of Ellis for a weapon and recognized the feel of a handgun in the waistband of Ellis’ pants.
The deputy attempted to handcuff Ellis who instead tried to push away from the deputy while reaching
into in his pants in what appeared to be an attempt to grab the handgun. A second deputy utilized a Tazer
device to gain Ellis’ compliance.
Ellis was arrested and transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front
of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Ellis in the
Detention Center in lieu of $20,000.00 bond.
Charges: Handgun on Person
Concealed Dangerous Weapon
Resist Arrest
Last Rare Rhinoceros In Vietnam Killed By Poacher, Group Says
Vietnam's rare Javan rhinoceros was declared extinct in that area after poachers killed the last remaining animal in the country for its horns, the World Wildlife Fund said.
“Vietnam must see this loss as another warning sign of its looming wave of species extinctions,” Dr. Barney Long, WWF’s Asian species expert, said in a statement. “The single most important action that is needed to save remaining threatened species like tigers and elephants is protection.”
Top 10 States With Highest Debt Per Capita
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Investigation Uncovers Rampant Fish Fraud
As part of a special “Fishy Business” series, the Boston Globe spent five months buying fish from dozens of establishments throughout Massachusetts and sending the samples off to a lab in Canada. DNA tests found 48 percent of the fish had been mislabeled as a more expensive type of fish
Mat And John Carter Memorial Benefit Coed Softball Tournament
LOCATION: Winterplace Park, Salisbury, MD
COST: $75 per team entry fee; Double Elimination
REG. DEADLINE: Friday, October 28, 2011
*First game starts at 9 a.m. Blind tournament draw. Teams will be notified of scheduled playing time.
$10 Homerun Derby - 15 pitches or 10 hits.
$5 Cornhole Tournament - Signups the morning of
For registration forms and more info contact:
Shannon at shanlt@live.com or
Chris at cvansant49@comcast.net
Donations welcome and can be made to:
The John H. Carter, Jr. Children Memorial Fund or Lucas Carter Memorial Fund
C/O Karen Mumford, County Bank, 19927 Shuttle Road, Rehoboth Beach, DE
Mat and John Carter Memorial Benefit Coed Softball Tournament Saturday, November 5th
LOCATION: Winterplace Park, Salisbury, MD
COST: $75 per team entry fee, double elimination
REG. DEADLINE: Friday, October 28th
Note: Blind tournament
Please Detach Below and Submit with Tournament Payment
Team Name: _____________________________
Coach: __________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: (home) ___________________________ (work/cell) ____________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to: Coed Softball
Can mail registrations to: Shannon Thomas, P.O. Box 4551, Salisbury, MD 21803
87-Year-Old Vet Arrested in Michigan After Cops Reportedly Find Cocaine in Car
DETROIT – Detroit police arrested an 87-year-old veteran last week after reportedly finding more than 228 pounds of cocaine in the car he was driving.
Leo Sharp refused to allow a state trooper to search his car after being pulled over for improper lane use, according to records. Police called a drug-sniffing dog to the scene and found 104 brick-shaped packages of cocaine worth nearly $3 million in his car, MyFoxDetroit.com reports.
California Man Stuck in Baby Swing for 9 Hours After Bet Goes Wrong
VALLEJO, Calif. – A California man became stuck in a baby swing for about nine hours after a wager went horribly wrong, police said.
After making a $100 bet with friends, the 21 year old lubricated himself with laundry detergent and squeezed into the swing, the Times-Herald reported.
Let me spell this out for you.
The memos indicate that 99% of the world has had enough with the Federal Reserve system and its “leadership”. Together the two account for 99% of the world’s ills.
Former Comptroller General David Walker said: “The fourth and most serious of all [of America’s deficits] is our leadership deficit.” Bernanke, you and former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan are poster boys for personifying America’s “Most Serious Leadership Deficit.”
That’s really putting it too kindly though. After all, you helped create the Second Great Depression, so we don’t have to be polite about this, and I’m not going to be.
CDC Backs HPV Vaccine For Boys
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory panel recommended Tuesday routine vaccination of boys ages 11 and 12 with Gardasil, which protects against infection from human papilloma virus. The panel unanimously approved the plan, with 13 votes in favor and one abstention.
The panel also advised that vaccinations with Gardasil begin in boys as young as 9 years old.
Key Regulator Agrees To Major Program Reforms
Riot Police Arrest "Occupy Oakland" Protesters
OAKLAND, Calif. - Oakland police say they arrested 75 people while clearing an anti-Wall Street protest in front of City Hall that had grown into an encampment with dozens of tents.
Most of the people arrested were taken into custody on suspicion of misdemeanor illegal lodging, as police raided the encampment around 5 a.m. Tuesday.
Interim Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan said at a news conference later in the morning that hundreds of officers and sheriff's deputies from more than 12 agencies moved in on about 170 protesters.
Today's Top Stories 10-25-11
Ravens Just As Mediocre As Everyone Else

The Ravens are still better than most teams because of their defense, but after that, they're just as mediocre or as bad as everybody else — and Monday night's 12-7 loss to Jacksonville proves it. With an inconsistent quarterback, slow and often penalized offensive tackles and other lackluster performers, the Ravens have to separate themselves from the bad teams in the NFL to make it as serious contenders.
FedEx Says It's Hiring 20,000 Extra Holiday Workers
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Gun Smuggling Sting Nabs 5 NYPD Cops
NEW YORK - Five New York City police officers are among 12 people arrested in a gun smuggling sting operation, two law enforcement officials told The Associated Press on Tuesday.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the charges have not officially been made public.
The arrests come amid speculation that the Bronx prosecutor is close to bringing charges in a separate ticket fixing case that could result in about a dozen officers' arrests.
While Mom Gambles, Repo Man Takes Away Car With Kid Inside
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Texas Police Looking For Man They Believe Sexually Assaulted 4 Sorority Alumnae
TSA Releases VIPR Venom On Tennessee Highways
As with TSA's random searches at airports, these roadside searches are not based on any actual suspicion of criminal activity or any factual evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever by those detained. They are, in effect, completely random. So first we are told by the U.S. Supreme Court that American citizens have no 4th amendment protections at border crossings, even when standing on U.S. soil. Now TSA takes the next logical step and simply detains and searches U.S. citizens at wholly internal checkpoints.
The slippery slope is here. When does it end? How many more infringements on our liberties, our property and our basic human rights to travel freely will it take before people become fed up enough to demand respect from their government? When will we demand that the government heed obvious constitutional limitations and stop treating ordinary Americans as criminal suspects in the absence of probable cause?
The real tragedy occurs when Americans incrementally become accustomed to this treatment on the roads just as they have become accustomed to it in the airports. We already accept arriving at the airport 2 or more hours before a flight to get through security; will we soon have to build in an extra 2 or 3 hours into our road trips to allow for checkpoint traffic?
Worse, some people are lulled into a false sense of security and are actually grateful for this added police presence! Should we really hail the expansion of the police state as an enhancement to safety? I submit that an attitude of acquiescence to TSA authority is thoroughly dangerous, un-American, and insulting to earlier freedom-loving generations who built this country.
The McRib Is Back, Yet Again, At McDonald's

It's like the Brett Favre of fast food.
McDonald's announced on Monday that the McRib, usually available only when individual restaurants feel like making it, will be sold at all U.S. locations through Nov. 14.
Netflix Loses 800,000 Subscribers
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- For Netflix, the hits keep on coming -- the bad kind.
The latest thwack: Netflix lost 800,000 U.S. subscribers in the quarter that just ended, which was littered with PR nightmares including a price hike and the Qwikster debacle. It was the first time in years that Netflix's U.S. customer base shrank instead of grew.
Downtown Plaza Coming Along
I stopped by Eric's Barber Shop a few minutes ago and glanced at today's Daily Times. On page 3 in the top right hand corner was a little blurb about the Downtown Plaza being closed this week. Hmmm, I wonder where they found that out. Yeah, your probably right, Salisbury News. No doubt there's a hand full of die hard supporters left still subscribing to the paper, so I guess it is necessary they borrow some of the stuff we have to better inform the community.
Nevertheless, they are doing such a nice job you probably won't even be able to tell anything was ever done. That's the way professionals are supposed to do it. There were no pictures in the DT's but at least people now know the Plaza is closed.
― H.L. Mencken
― H.L. Mencken
― H.L. Mencken
― H.L. Mencken, In Defense of Women
Top 10 Things Guys Wish They Could Say...
Obama Channels A Wartime FDR?
Delmarva Cautions Would-Be Copper Wire Thieves
The company Monday released a statement saying copper theft from its facilities can be life-threatening for would-be thieves, electrical workers and possibly customers.
What's Gonna Get Us
Here’s an example.
The other day I was headed into town, which for me is about 35 miles away on a rural secondary road, one lane each way. I suddenly found myself stuck behind a line of three other cars, all backed up behind an official VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) tractor running a brush shredder of some kind, cleaning up the right shoulder. It had yellow flashing lights and was painted Obey Me Orange. Now, even though the other (oncoming) lane was clear – you could see ahead for a good 1/4 mile – not one of the three drivers ahead of me made a move. They all sat quietly, deferentially plodding behind this VDOT tractor that was half-on, half-off the road and doing maybe 8 MPH (this is a 55 MPH road). I truly believe they would have followed him all the way down the mountain, unless and until the Authority Figure in Orange – with his Official Reflective Jacket on – had given them leave to pass.
Sex Toy in Luggage Elicited 'Wildly Inappropriate' Note From TSA Agent, Traveler Says

An alert Transportation Security Administration screener at New Jersey’s Newark Airport apparently spotted a "sex toy” stuffed inside a passenger’s luggage Saturday and offered the traveler some encouragement.
“Get your freak on girl” was found written in black ink on the back of a TSA notice, passenger Jill Filipovic revealed on her Twitter page.
“Just unpacked my suitcase and found this note from TSA,” she tweeted. “Guess they discovered a 'personal item' in my bag. Wow.”
The End Of History By Paul Craig Roberts
If Washington’s plans succeed, Libya will become another American puppet state. Most of the cities, towns, and infrastructure have been destroyed by air strikes by the air forces of the US and Washington’s NATO puppets. US and European firms will now get juicy contracts, financed by US taxpayers, to rebuild Libya. The new real estate will be carefully allocated to lubricate a new ruling class picked by Washington. This will put Libya firmly under Washington’s thumb.
With Libya conquered, AFRICOM will start on the other African countries where China has energy and mineral investments. Obama has already sent US troops to Central Africa under the guise of defeating the Lord’s Resistance Army, a small insurgency against the ruling dictator-for-life. The Republican Speaker of the House, John Boehner, welcomed the prospect of yet another war by declaring that sending US troops into Central Africa "furthers US national security interests and foreign policy." Republican Senator James Inhofe added a gallon of moral verbiage about saving "Ugandan children," a concern the senator did not have for Libya’s children or Palestine’s, Iraq’s, Afghanistan’s and Pakistan’s.
Washington has revived the Great Power Game and is vying with China. Whereas China brings Africa investment and gifts of infrastructure, Washington sends troops, bombs and military bases. Sooner or later Washington’s aggressiveness toward China and Russia is going to explode in our faces.
Where is the money going to come from to finance Washington’s African Empire? Not from Libya’s oil. Big chunks of that have been promised to the French and British for providing cover for Washington’s latest war of naked aggression. Not from tax revenues from a collapsing US economy where unemployment, if measured correctly, is 23 percent.
Kid Sports: Is Our Obsession With Winning Making Us Lose The Point?
Is Larry Summers An Economic War Criminal?
And where does this political opportunist find the unmitigated gall to instruct us not to “finger point” and thereby identify culprits in Washington who helped enable the housing mess? Like advising the White House to ignore the fact of a collapsing credit market for jumbo and high SATO loans for the past several years?
As a general rule I like to follow the sage advice of Roger Kubarych, formerly of the Fed of New York and then Wall Street, but now working in the public sector, [24] in 2008 during the depths of the crisis. “I have nothing bad to say about anybody,” he quipped during a discussion about how and when the FRBNY senior staff were first apprised on the problems at Bear, Stearns & Co. Good advice in these dark times.
But former Harvard University head Larry Summers is a special case and one that rises to almost Kissingerian dimensions, to borrow from Christopher Hitchens. In “Rational Irrationality” [25] in The New Yorker last May, John Cassidy compared Summers to Henry Kissinger, an apt appraisal which begs the question: Is Larry Summers an Economic War Criminal?
Refinancing Plan Won't Help Housing Market
The Obama administration Monday announced changes to its refinancing program to allow more homeowners who are current on their loans to take advantage of today's super-low mortgage rates.
Consumer Confidence At Lowest Level In 2 1/2 Years
The Conference Board, an industry group, said its index of consumer attitudes fell to 39.8 from a upwardly revised 46.4 the month before. It was the lowest level since March 2009.
Troopers on Scene Of Personal Injury Crash
Lost Dogs
Most Powerful US Nuclear Bomb Being Dismantled
Size of minivan and weighing 10,000 pounds, the B53 was on B-52s
Another Fraud And Kickback Scheme Discovered
New Radar Detector Lets Drivers 'Un-Friend' Speed Cameras
The ESCORT Live uses Bluetooth technology to transmit warnings about laser guns to smartphones, before drivers are in range.
When a driver is near a speed trap or speed camera, a "laser detected" alert is relayed to other drivers in the ESCORT Live network.
Will The Government Phase Out The Dollar Bill?
The Real Contagion Risk
That exact pattern is now playing out in Europe, although arguably the earliest trouble was detected with the severe weakness seen in the eastern European countries nearly two years ago.
Eleven People Sentenced On Government Bribery Scheme
TX Jury Convicts DE Woman Of $3M Worth Of Tax Fraud
Jurors in Dallas Monday convicted Lorna Moseti of Clayton of conspiring with others to claim tax refunds to which she and her accomplices weren't entitled between 2007 and last year, using prison inmates' Social Security numbers and various spellings of the inmates' names.
Home Invasion Robbery
The injury to the adult male was non life-threatening. The suspects were described as:
African American male, early 20’s, thin build, wearing a bandanna facial mask.
African American male, early 20’s, thin build, wearing a bandanna facial mask and a baseball hat.
African American male, early 20’s, thin build, wearing a bandanna facial mask and a toboggan type hat over dread lock hair.
Hispanic female, early 20’s, approximately 5’6", with a medium build
If anyone has any information concerning this incident they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police at 410-548-3165 or Crime Solvers of Delmarva at 410-548-1776. All information is beneficial and information may be left at both locations anonymously.
Today's Survey Question 10-25-11
Mating Season Leads To Rise In Vehicle Crashes
All year long, deer will generally cross certain roadways at certain locations, but from early October through December, the wild animals are more likely to be seen grazing in more populated areas, including high-speed roads.
The season is keeping Frederick Auto Body owner Kevin Loewenstein busy. His shop recently finished repairing three vehicles involved in deer collisions.
While a deer can leave less damage than hitting a stationary tree, pole or vehicle, Loewenstein said the cars he works on have more damage than most would expect.
Occupy Wall Street does have a clear message
Commentary: A call to recognize the crimes of High Finance
SCRANTON, Pa. (MarketWatch) — The Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York City and now in countless other cities and on numerous campuses as well have it right: the current architecture of our political economy is not sustainable, going forward.
The vast economic inequities promoted by Wall Street and the corporate world are immensely harmful to countless millions of people, and to the well-being of our country itself. The financiers whose massively fraudulent activities played a key role in taking our economy over the side of a cliff have not been held accountable for their crimes.
Delmar Holds Historic Meeting
When I had learned that the Bank of Delmar was going to sell their office in Downtown Delmar, I wanted it and I wanted it bad. You know, a Bank of my own.
When I sat down with Carl Anderton and mentioned I wanted to buy it, Carl looked at me and said, Joe, the Town is actually thinking of buying it for a Town Hall.
I had no idea someone would actually be interested in it but it made perfect sense, so I backed away from making an offer and let me tell you, I'm very glad I did.
Folks, this turned out to be one hell of a beautiful building. Whomever did the construction, well, my hat is tipped to them as they seem to be perfectionists. Mind you, I'm sure they were paid a good penny but it looks fantastic.
Its such a pleasure going to meetings OUTSIDE of Salisbury. No Police Officers assigned to protect the Council. No audience bickering. No Mayors throwing digs at Council Members. Yes, going to places like Ocean City, Delmar and Fruitland are truly a pleasurable experience.
The citizens offer well thought out suggestions without being attacked back. Its just a whole new world.
I did learn that the Christmas Parade in Delmar will be held at 2 PM on the 10th of December and the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Town Hall will be on the same date at noon. Note that the Parade date has in fact changed.
A representative from the Wood Creek Development was there to ask for relief from the Town's billing to cut their lawns. It seems they received a bill for more than $30,000.00 to cut around 150 lots over time. They agreed that they had failed to cut the properties and they didn't deny Delmar arranged to have a company cut the lawns but felt each cutting should have been around $650.00 and not around $10,000.00.
Carl Anderton quickly explained how this would have been the same rate for an individual lot or two lots side by side. They are not in the business of cutting lawns and they charge these rates to discourage taxpayers from forcing the Town to have to do so. The Council, (as a whole) stated they would discuss it and get back to the Wood Creek representative.
At that point things were going so smooth I felt lost and disoriented. I thought, Joe Albero just doesn't belong here any more, there's NO BEEF! LOL
Seriously though, good work Delmar. You should be VERY proud and I truly hope you enjoy your new facility for many years to come in good health.
Toddler Given Methadone For Pain
Alcohol Tax Money Goes To Districts That Supported It
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Soft Drinks Don’t Make Hardened Criminals, Experts Say
More than 30 years later, scientists say they may have found a connection between soda consumption and violence in teenagers. But not everyone buys the latest version of the “Twinkie defense.”
Clients Are Up, Funding Is Down For Free Legal Aid
As the economy has slowed, the demand for free civil legal services has risen, but funding for those services has not increased.
“The situation is dire,” said Sharon Goldsmith, executive director of the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland. “The programs are feeling stretched beyond their limits. The funding is not there.”
The center — the pro bono arm of the Maryland Bar Association serving as a clearinghouse for lawyers’ volunteer services — is a statewide nonprofit entity. Nowadays, Goldsmith said, center volunteers are seeing “a lot” of formerly middle-income people who would not have qualified for free legal help before. This is “a whole new group of people” asking for help, she said, in addition to the low-income people already being served.
Gold Alert Leilani Martin
Camp Arrowhead Road, Lewes, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, October 24, 2011 at approximately 9:00 p.m.
Gold Alert Subject:
Leilani Martin, 43, Bristol, PA
White female, 5’6” tall, heavy set, curly black and grey hair, and hazel eyes.
Last seen wearing blue jeans and a black hooded sweatshirt
Lewes, DE- The Delaware State Police are issuing a Gold Alert for Leilani Martin of Bristol, PA.
Martin is a white female, 5’6” tall and is described as being heavyset. She has curly black and grey hair and hazel eyes. Martin was last seen walking along Camp Arrowhead Road in Lewes, DE on Monday, October 24, at approximately 9:00 p.m. and has not been seen or heard from since.
Leilani Martin’s medical condition is such that there is a real concern for her safety.
A photograph of Leilani Martin is not available at this time.
Troopers are asking anyone who may know the location of Leilani Martin to contact Troop 7 at 302-644-5020. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at http://www.tipsubmit.com/
Judge Blocks Fla.'s Drug Testing Law
Next Up For Lawmakers: Gas Tax, Same-Sex Marriage
Busch: State needs to fast-track many projects
House Speaker Michael Busch gaveled an end to the General Assembly's special session Thursday morning, walked across the hall to his office and closed the door. He tossed his jacket over the back of a chair and took a deep breath.The governor's congressional redistricting plan had just finished making its way through the legislature, and it was time for the speaker to focus on what's next.
What's next is the regular session, which will start in 78 days.
Md. Court Strikes Down Landlord Protection In Lead Paint Law
Maryland's highest court struck down Monday a key provision of state law that shielded owners of older rental housing from civil lawsuits — and potentially costly payments to victims — if they took precautions to protect children in their units from lead-paint poisoning.
In a unanimous 7-0 ruling, the Court of Appeals declared that the 1994 lead-poisoning law violated the state's Constitution by denying a day in court to victims of the once-widespread environmental health scourge. In doing so, the court struck down what was considered a historic legislative compromise.
This means that Bank of America’s exposure to the ongoing European debt crisis is now insured by US taxpayers. This direct transfer of risk was completed without approval by regulators and, needless to say, without public input. It was done over the opposition of the FDIC, which objected because it put the insurance fund at risk. It was done with the support of the Federal Reserve, which, now more than ever, clearly represents the interests of the 1%. Bloomberg also reported that other investment banks’ derivatives positions have been placed in insured banks so that taxpayers will bear the risk of those losses as well. Collectively, the insured banks’ derivatives exposure is well over $100 trillion—far larger than the world’s GDP.