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Friday, April 10, 2009

FDA Reversal OK's Morphene Painkiller For Dying

A liquid morphine painkiller given by family caregivers to dying patients can remain on the market, federal regulators have decided after hearing protests over their decision to remove it. The Food and Drug Administration had announced last week that it was ordering manufacturers to stop making 14 medications including the liquid morphine. All were developed so long ago they had never received FDA approval.

But on Thursday, the FDA's Dr. Douglas Throckmorton told The Associated Press the morphine liquid will remain on the market until it's replaced by an approved version or some equivalent therapy.

The reversal was welcomed by experts in hospice care and pain relief. One doctors group had told the FDA that last week's order would "cause extreme suffering for many patients who are nearing the end of life."

The order has not changed for the other painkillers, at least for now, said Throckmorton, deputy director of the agency's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

The agency said last week that the unapproved drugs might be unsafe, ineffective or poor quality. The order gave manufacturers 60 days to stop making those products.

The liquid morphine is highly concentrated. Other approved forms of liquid morphine are more dilute, and Throckmorton said the FDA had thought the other forms could take the place of the concentrated form.

But reaction from hospice experts and others "helped us understand" that some patients need the unapproved version, Throckmorton said.


Anonymous said...

I guess the CIA has an abundance of poppie crop now that we have cranked up production in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Liquid morphine concentrate allows hospice nurses and family caregivers to give a pain-relieving dose to those in need using just a drop or two, which is absorbed quickly with little or no chance of choking. The people who need this drug are literally not long for the world, many of them in profound pain from cancers and the like. It's a blessing to them and to their families that they can be relieved of their suffering as their ends come near.
The FDA outlawed these drugs in a knee-jerk fashion. It's another blessing that they listened to the caregivers in the trenches who know how necessary the drugs are.

Anonymous said...

Just recently had a very dear friend of mine die from cancer. His suffering was enormous. If it had not been for this medication, he would have died much more difficult. There were no words to describe his suffering. He was screaming in pain. Once he received the medication, he passed peacefully. Stupid government. Believe me if it was their loved one they would think twice about their stupid actions. They would beg for it. Idiots.

Anonymous said...

My Step Father was just put on this medication. He has not been able to keep food down for the past 3 days. Costal Hospice is there thankfully! I am thankful that he will be in pain no longer for the little time he has left.

Anonymous said...

As a hospice nurse, I've used the dropper bottle of concentrated morphine with dozens of end-of-life cancer patients. The droppers are calibrated for milligram doses. Some patients require a tiny dose, some a bit more. Complete pain relief comes in minutes, instead of waiting forty minutes or more, forty minutes of intense, continued pain. People shouldn't have to suffer with such pain, especially as they die. People should know that this drug is reserved for just such patients, and isn't in general use among any other kind of patient.
I'm so glad the FDA saw the light and reversed their terrible decision.

Anonymous said...

Thank God they passed it. Several
family & friends have passed away
with cancer & I would not want to
think what pain they would have
endured had it not been for this

Anonymous said...

Because the Muslims grow it or should I say Obama's brethren.

Anonymous said...

I would like to take a min and sya i am glad they put it back i have had alot of family members and friends pass away that had to use it cause the pain was so bad, I think this is something that really helps people rest and have a little bit of peace before they pass on,I thank god every day for ladies at costal hospice they helped my family many of time, they are all ANGELS,

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that this drug and those who administer it are a blessing for those in an end of life situation. Hospice has helped my family a couple of times now. We could not have done it without them. They are not only professional care givers, but kind and caring people towards the patient and their families. I too am happy this drug is permitted in this situation. Until I had the need to use their services, I did not completely understand what they did. Their prime goal is to make your family member comfortable and whether at home or at Hospice. Their support and advise is priceless. I am so thankful that we have Hospice in our community.
