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Friday, August 28, 2015

Almost 200 Retired Generals, Admirals Tell Congress: Stop the Iran Deal

Nearly 200 retired U.S. military generals and admirals sent a letter to Congressional leaders Wednesday, asking them to vote down the Iran nuclear deal.

According to The Washington Post, which obtained a copy of the letter, many of the signees have worked in the White House going back three decades.

The letter was addressed to House Speaker John Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.

"As you know, on July 14, 2015, the United States and five other nations announced that a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been reached with Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons," the letter reads.

"In our judgment as former senior military officers, the agreement will not have that effect. Removing sanctions on Iran and releasing billions of dollars to its regime over the next ten years is inimical to the security of Israel and the Middle East. There is no credibility within JCPOA's inspection process or the ability to snap back sanctions once lifted, should Iran violate the agreement. In this and other respects, the JCPOA would threaten the national security and vital interests of the United States and, therefore, should be disapproved by the Congress.

"The agreement as constructed does not 'cut off every pathway' for Iran to acquire
nuclear weapons. To the contrary, it actually provides Iran with a legitimate path to doing that simply by abiding by the deal."

More here


Anonymous said...

Maryland Senators, ARE YOU LISTENING?

Anonymous said...

Yes bc this is TREASON.

Anonymous said...

10:03 Correct. Any Senator that supports Obama on this American giveaway is also anti-military.

Anonymous said...

These are the same senior officers that were asked if they would order their subordinates to fire on American citizens in the event of a civil conflict....they said NO!

Anonymous said...

Flip floppers.

Anonymous said...

Obama is smarter than all the Generals and Admirals combined. If you don't believe me just ask him.

Anonymous said...

To all of you and the generals with a better idea than this agreement lets hear it.

Remember back in the day you did not want to be known as a general in high school because all the male generals ended up in foxholes.

Anonymous said...

all of you are done if you voted to approve/

Anonymous said...

1:16 Yes, they are called "bunker busters". However, I expect Israel to use them because they don't take a bunch of crap. And, why the 100 billion taxpayers dollars as a bribe?

lmclain said...

All you need to do to convince us that your savior obama got a good deal is tell the rest of us what the USA got in return for this travesty --- 24 day notice, no military site inspections, the right to refuse inspections, SELF-INSPECTIONS (!!?), 100 BILLION dollars released to them, and all sanctions gone.
Don't forget to explain the top secret "side deals" that are so odious that "we, the people" aren't even allowed to know about???
Keep cheering.

Anonymous said...

Without complete disclosure(transparency)on absolutely everything, every Senator, regardless of party, should vote against it. It seems like another, pass it and we will find out what's in it later.

Anonymous said...

Do they continue to have a say even after they've retired? Most jobs don't contact ex employees for advice.

Anonymous said...

Alright, 1:16 PM. Here's the better idea:

1) Vote down the 'agreement'.

2) Tell Iran they have 30 days to fully disclose all current and past activities; that they must immediately cease all enrichment, and submit to no-warning inspections.

3) If they refuse, keep all previously-frozen assets frozen, and apply massive, crippling sanctions that will destroy their economy.

4) Make clear that ALL military options remain on the table.