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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Gas Prices Near $3 A Gallon

WASHINGTON -- Gas prices in the Washington region are close to breaking record highs for the holiday season, with drivers currently paying 33 cents more per gallon than they did a year ago.

The price of gas has never exceeded $3 per gallon during the holidays, according to AAA Mid-Atlantic, but the current regional average is $2.97 -- two cents above the national average -- and could break the $3 barrier.
A year ago, prices for self-serve regular gas averaged $2.64 a gallon across the metro area, according to AAA.



Anonymous said...

hey instead of calling AAA call our buddy at the Fed who is now talking about more quantitative easing which will drive the dollar lower and gas prices higher. if you think $3 is bad remember $4 how about $5. But that is what our government wants so we stop driving and save the world from global warming. Hows that Hope and Change working for you.

Anonymous said...

where are all those demoncrats now who were crying about the price of gas when bush was in office?
why aren't they crying for us now?

Anonymous said...

If gas drops to $1 a gallon you will see the economy take off. Imagine what you could do with the extra $30 you will have every time you fill up.

Anonymous said...

blame your neighbor the spectulator for the high gas price salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Joe Can you find out how much of the cost per gallon is Taxes? Md? DE? I think it is over 50%. TX

Anonymous said...

If you don't like the price of gas, don't drive.

Anonymous said...

Blame all you idiots that rushed out to get big SUV's for your wife or kid during the past 15 years.