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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Today's Survey Question

Do You Support The Use Of Traffic Cameras For Speeding Tickets?


Anonymous said...

Of course not. Honestly I could write a 300 page book about why this is wrong and what kind of society it points to, but I will just say that if you are FOR traffic cameras you deserve to live in a 1984 style society. You are ASKING for it.

Chris Lewis said...


Anonymous said...

Only if those same cameras could be used by the citizens to 1) support their innocence; 2) help investigate traffic accidents for citizens; 3) document malfeasance by government entities.

It's gotta work both ways - 'they' shouldn't be allowed to make 'us' pay for the equipment and not gain all reasonable benefits from it.

Anonymous said...

NO, NO, NO its not for safety but for a money making venture. The State cares nothing for your safety unless it makes money on you.

Anonymous said...

If someone is too stupid to slow down after they see the sign that says "Speed cameras in use next 10 miles" then fine the poo poo out of them. Call it a tax on the stupid if you want to.

Anonymous said...

No. Isn't that what cops are paid to do?

Anonymous said...

How does this allow for your constitutional right to face your accuser? You can't subpoena a camera to court and question them like you can a cop who writes you a speeding ticket.

Unknown said...

No. This is just another form of tax. My understanding is that the camera company installs the equipment for "free" and gives the municipality a cut of the take. I don't understand how the cameras can be legal; the blurry photos don't show who is operating the vehicle. Government needs to get it together and stop spending OUR money.

Anonymous said...

My problem is the same as with the stoplight cameras, there is no appeal process. You are denied your right to due process and to explain to a court your actions. This only bears out the contention that it is all about the money not safety. The truth is that we are permitting a private entity or business to act in a judical manner.

Anonymous said...

I am ALL for the camers doing the tickets. For anyone who says no, well we all know what happens when your coming up a yellow light. RT 13 and Centre RD. That is the money maker right there! For the people saying, "isnt that what the cops are for?" Dumb azz. So when the police are asking the public for help to identify a bank robber or info on a murder case, you say the same thing right? Quit with your boohooing

Anonymous said...

As a retired police officer, I am completely against all of them. They are nothing but money makers. What ever happened to a traffic violation being a criminal misdemeanor in which the violator has the right to face their accuser. Now they are civil penalties that can not be challenged in court. How can a violator take a camera to court. Many states are now making traffic violations civil violations which is question is why? Money!

Anonymous said...

In Montgomery County, they have one of these cameras in front of a school. The speed limit during 'school hours' (7am - 8am and 3pm - 4pm) is 25mph, and during other hours is 40mph. This school is located on a very busy road and people would fly down these roads while children were outside trying to cross. The police installed these cameras for the safety of the students and I think they are great. The school zone is only about 1/4 mile long, so it's not a long distance to watch your speed for. But we are talking about our children's safety here, and lets face it, some people just don't care how fast they are going or who's life they could be endangering. Since they have installed those cameras, NO ONE speeds through there anymore and it is much safer for the children.

But on that note, I DO NOT approve of these cameras any where else. It is just a quick way for the government to make money without having to do any work.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely NOT! Vendor paid speed camera are fee based TO THE vendor. Not only is that ethically wrong, but the camera has no judgement. This is just another tax and a move towards European style government,

Anonymous said...

No, I agree with 10:18 a.m.--- and to add that we simply have too much government in our lives, this is just another intrusive step to deny us our rights

Anonymous said...

No, there's no way to prove who is driving the vehicle.

Anonymous said...

No. Officers should be out earning that paycheck, not drinking coffee in some doughnut parking lot!!

Anonymous said...

No, as they are against the constitution, are presumed guilty and have to prove your inocence

Anonymous said...

No it's big brother !

Anonymous said...

they found out in montgomery county the police would speed by them every day sometimes giving the finger to the camera, no of the fines were ever paid. never did hear what happened to the police officers accused of doing this. just another way to rape our citizens!

Anonymous said...

I say no; however, in some respects I wish there was some way that these people could get caught. I drive 1.5 hours one way to work every day. The drive in the morning isn't too bad; however the afternoon drive is unbelievable. I've seen some of the dumbest actions. I love the people who speed up and when they get up to your bumper you can't see their headlights in your rear view mirror. So there's a car in front of me and to my right. Where do you want me to go? Then once they get past you they drive about 90 miles an hour only for me to catch up to them at the stoplight. It's scary.

Anonymous said...

Explain why you drove through a red light? No need to explain to the judge anon 10:18. Stop breaking the law. It is good to have cameras. It shows us how pathetic americans get when they are not being watched. Just like in car cameras for police vehicles. Thats awesom when suspects dont know when they are on camera. Pathetic america at its best!

Anonymous said...

If you stick to speed limit, it will be no problem for you at all.

Anonymous said...

No no no. Let the police do something productive. The cameras do not prove who is driving

Anonymous said...

Hell no!

Anonymous said...

In this country, you have a right o confront your accuser in a court of law. Each and every time a person is written a ticket as a result of a traffic camera, the persons defense laywer should subpoena the cameras and all related equipment into the court for examination

Jack K Richards said...

Here in Lakeland Florida they have recently installed cameras in an effort to curtail the running of red lights. Has had several problems, many stemming from right turns on red. You will receive a citation if you do not come to an almost complete stop (2 mph or less) prior to turning. It takes a certain period of time to get the citation out to the violater and in the interim, people have done it several times so that all of a sudden they are loaded with numerous violations not being aware of the first one. I question how many accidents are caused by the turning right on red as opposed to actually just running a redlight. There are law suits already in the works Jack K Richards

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not. Just another way to steal money from the working class.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no, it only shows your car was there. can't prove you were driving.

Anonymous said...

No. I heard that research showed that these cameras have NO real effect on the number of violations.

SAM said...

Yes, you would know where they are around town. Just don't speed there. Cops will be busy fighting crimes, not giving out speeding tickets. Then you can speed everywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Maryalnd wont get any of my money- I dont like to speed near schools.
Let your child get hit by a car going too fast.

Dont speed in school zones- its that easy!