Only in Salisbury does the Mayor of the city find out he is being sued in the local newspaper. No need to wonder how every document pertaining to this issue made it's way to the newspaper. Mayor your chief of police has some serious issues. After being on the job for 40 years it is time for him to seriously consider retirement.
If this man (Webster) spent half as much time doing real police work as he does filing lawsuits against the city that employs him and private citizens, we would not be the 2nd most dangerous city, per capita, in the U.S..
An investigation ordered by Barrie Tilghman, based on incidents from 1998, just before Election Day in April 2009. Barrie did not think Debbie would win the first time she ran for office, running scared when Debbie ran for reelection she pulls this stunt just before the recent election in April, hoping it would work against Debbie Campbell. Like most underhanded things Barrie Tilghman has pulled in the past, it backfired in her face. Debbie Campbell garnered more votes than anyone, EVER.
Barrie Tilghman pulls something out of her hat that occurred before Webster worked for the city. Davis Ruark has already stated there was NO CRIME and even if there was a crime the statute of limitations has run out. Assuming Ireton based his decision to order Webster to halt the investigation based on the States Attorneys input; he was well within his rights to do so. Instead of following a direct order from his superior, Webster would rather waste time and resources retaliating against Campbell than to put these taxpayer funded resources to work fighting very real crime problems in the city.
Well of course he would want Moe, Larry and Curly aka Smith, Comegys and Shields, to be the determining body, he knows they will side with him on anything he wants. Ray Charles could see through this scheme. As for Lore Chambers holding a lower rank, Chief needs to back up and regroup. Miss Chambers is better educated and more qualified to sit on a grievance board than Moe, Larry or Curly.
Mr. Cockey wants to talk about what’s fair. Is it fair to Debbie Campbell that the chief launch an investigation into something of which he has no first hand knowledge? Is it fair to defame the character of Debbie Campbell? Is it fair for the chief of police to continue to collect a tax payer funded salary while the city burns?
Mind you, like Terry Cohen, I don’t have a certificate on the wall but… Mr. Cockey whining about what is fair and what the handbook does or does not say is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a law degree to click on the city website and search for the ordinance passed by Mike Dunn, Michael Day, Lynn Cathcart, and Gary Comegys.
Mr. Comegys moved and Mr. Day seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1926 for second reading. City Solicitor Paul Wilber provided a brief overview of Ordinance No. 1926 amending Chapter 2.24, Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Salisbury Municipal Code. The Ordinance removes the City Council as the City Personnel Board, but the Council would still adopt the rules and regulations in the Employee Handbook.
Ordinance No. 1926 for second reading passed on a 4-1 vote with Ms. Siggers voting nay.
Webster’s claims of retaliation are as bogus as he. Campbell and Cohen are sworn, duly elected representatives of the people. It is their job to do exactly as they have done. Webster thinks he is above reproach, above the law. Webster is above the law, he is 3 floors above the law enforcement officers on the ground level, and that is it. Need we remind him of how he perjured himself in court during the Rachel Polk trial? A veteran police officer having obtained the rank of chief doesn’t see an assault happening 20 feet away from him, doesn’t hear screaming and yelling from 20 feet away? Just because Barrie Tilghman let him be a figurehead chief doesn’t mean Ireton was going to continue in the same way. Ireton issued a direct order. Webster disobeyed a direct order. INSUBORDINATION.
Webster accuses Campbell and Cohen of violating the city’s whistleblower policy. Where does Webster get this whistleblower crap? There has to be a crime to blow a whistle. What part of NO CRIME does he not understand? Again, Davis Ruark has stated there was NO CRIME.
The only person retaliating here is Webster. Debbie Campbell has every right to ask for all materials from the bogus investigation. She is being defamed by the Chief of Police, publicly, in the newspaper. She has every right to know the basis of the investigation. The best they could do was come up with a letter recently written by Mark Tyler? How is that evidence? Just because he’s a cop doesn’t make it true. Cops do lie. Remember Mark Furmann? How about Chief Webster? They lied. Did Mark Tyler lie? Only he knows the answer to that.
Robin Cockey is an attorney, thereby being a man of higher education; yet, he doesn’t know the definition of INSUBORDINATION. He claims Webster did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have a disciplinary record. Hey Robin, when your mother told you not to do something and you did it, was that wrong? Was that insubordinate? Did you get put in time out? What part of DIRECT ORDER do you not understand?
Jim Ireton is right in directing Wilber to ask the courts to dismiss this frivolous lawsuit. He is right, to stop the waste of any more of the taxpayers money on Webster or to waste the courts time. Good job, Mayor Ireton.
Read the Court documents here Webster v City.pdf
Robin is just a turkey vulture making a buck off this case. I say fire the chief!!!
I still can't believe Cockey said on WBOC that the Chief had no other choice after being repeatidly "spanked" by the Mayor.
Cockey, you know if you were representing anyone else except someone tied to BT that you'd tell that person that he was given a Direct Order so there's no case.
As for the "spanking", he needs more than that!
Mayor Ireton, We support you in this issue. It is good to see someone in control that understands the damage of this kind of behavior and is willing to attempt to do something about it. Good job.
I just read the above letters to Webster. He expects his officiers to follow commands, yet he can't do the same? Maybe he can't read. If I had received the first one, I never would of received the other three. I understood exactly what the first one said.
Mind you, she (Campbell), doesn't have the right to Supoena'd information if the DA says no crime exists.
Why can't Debbie Campbell file suit against Webster for defamation of character?
I'm not all for filing lawsuits but it seems to me that she is being damaged by this guy (started to say man) and this may be the only way to shut him up.
"Why can't Debbie Campbell file suit against Webster for defamation of character?"
She can. She should. She might.
What goes around comes around Webster! You pooed all over the officers at spd and now your getting pooed on. I hope this tarnishes you pathetic career after spd. You and your goons have tarnished the city and officers lives.
How about a large group of concerned citizens picket outside of the SPD for Websters resignation? Anyone willing?
why doesn't Ireton launch an investigation into the Polk perjury incident, and while doing so suspend Webster? Get MPTC (Maryland Police Training Commission) to suspend his credentials based on the incident as well. They (MPTC) have no statute of limitations.
I decided to waste some time but entertain my curiosity and read the court documents attached to this article.
At the conclusion, I had to read them again, not believing what I just read. Throughout the entire document, Webster continually complained about Campbell. Past and present. Also included Cohen. Both are City Council members.
Here is my question:
If Webster’s complaint is that the mayor failed to provide him a grievance hearing in front of an impartial decision maker, and thus constitutes a breech of contract. Why would Webster request a declaratory judgment and request relief by requesting the City Council be the proper body to hear his grievance when 2 of the members of the Council are the very people involved in his complaint?
To me it is CLEAR from reading the documents, Webster is requesting the City Council as the impartial body to hear his grievance because he feels confident the majority will be favorable for him! WOW
Are we looking for an impartial body or a "guarantee"?
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