MARYLAND Ranks # 5 Electricity Costs Increases Per Household
Barbara Boxer hopes to use the distractions of health care to force a vote in her committee on the Boxer-Kerry Cap and Trade bill without having the EPA cost estimates of the bill. Analysis shows the Boxer-Kerry Bill is even more stringent than the Waxman proposal.
The Waxman-Markey “Cap and Trade” bill that passed the U.S. House on June 26 may see Senate action soon. The economic impacts of this new energy tax legislation are not only devastating to the national economy, but they represent an uneven burden for states.
The burden of paying for this legislation will fall to all Americans, but it will burden some states more than others. Some states will pay higher gas prices than others while some will suffer greater job losses. What accounts for the disparities? Certainly the makeup of local economies plays a role, but the language of the Waxman-Markey bill itself picks winners and losers as the details of permit allocation and other provisions reflect compromise deals with lawmakers and industries. The result is a high cost distributed unevenly and unfairly.
Using state-level data published recently by the Heritage Foundation, we have ranked the states based on four measures of average annual economic loss as a result of Waxman-Markey: job loss, gross state product loss per capita*, electricity cost increases, and gas price increases. Remember, even if your state is not in the top 10, you’re still a loser!
Top Ten “Biggest Losers” Overall
Top Ten “Biggest Losers” in Job Loss
Top Ten “Biggest Losers” in GSP Loss Per Capita
Top Ten “Biggest Losers” in Electricity Cost Increases Per Household
Top Ten “Biggest Losers” in Gas Price Increases Per Gallon
1. Connecticut
2. California
3. Hawaii
4. Ohio
4. Penn.
6. Texas
7. Mass.
8. N. Carolina
9. New Jersey
10. Maryland
10. New York
1. California
2. Texas
3. Florida
4. New York
5. Illinois
6. Penn.
7. Ohio
8. Michigan
9. North Carolina
10. Georgia 1. Delaware
2. Connecticut
3. Wyoming
4. Alaska
5. New York
6. Massachusetts
7. New Jersey
8. Louisiana
9. Illinois
10. Hawaii
1. Hawaii
2. Connecticut
3. Texas
4. Florida
5. Maryland
6. Alaska
7. Louisiana
8. Missouri
9. N. Carolina
10. S. Carolina 1. Alabama
2. Hawaii
3. California
4. Michigan
5. Indiana
5. Washington
5. West Virginia
8. North Dakota
9. Connecticut
9. Ohio
9. Wisconsin
9. Iowa
To view a quick glance summary of your state’s results click on your state below. Be sure to visit the Heritage Foundation’s website for more data and information on your state and Waxman-Markey in general. We hope this information will prove helpful to you as you consider Waxman-Markey’s impact on your state.

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