Some months ago, the Library Board issued a slick multi-colored brochure to kickoff the drive for an expensive new library building. It may have been used to get the funding for the consultant’s study that has been used to support the plan to build on the City parking lot "10" at the intersection of Route 50 and Route 13. But the cover of the brochure shows the glitzy new building at a different location – the current site of the library on Division Street.
Folks, it looks like we’ve been scammed!
The library director has a letter to the editor in today's DT defending the Lot 10 location.
Mr. Heyman is sadly mistaken in his support for that location.
SHOCKING! Us? The Taxpayers? Being scammed? How could this happen?
Seriously folks, lets get mad and keep these people in check.
Library? Now? What kind of stupidity is this? Is money free where they come from?
ANY new construction will cost the local taxpayers. Grant money is not going to pay for additional Staff. You're right, this money will not be free. Our Government is out of control and right now they need to take a breather, relax, work on financial issues right now because O'Malley is getting ready to announce another $240,000,000.00 cut from the budget. Wicomico County has no clue what they're going to do with more cuts. Funny thing is, they've been so spoiled with spending over the past 25 years, they have forgotten where they came from. Council meetings should last no more than 30 minutes these days and in these times. In fact, cut back the Council from 7 to 5 Members. & Members are no longer necessary with a County Executive.
As a society our big problem is that we're living on credit. If we had the money we're paying in interest, both personally and as a country, we'd be able to buy fancy libraries and other non-necessities.
I don't claim to be an economist, but money spent paying interest is money NOT spent on serving our needs and perhaps after those are met, giving us some of our WANTS.
We need to stop spending, let the dust settle, pay off debt, and THEN consider upgrading those things which we already have.
Like a library.
It would make me happy to just have free parking while I was in the library that's already there.
If we can't manage to make the libraries which already exist user friendly, then why start a whole new project?
How about adding a branch to the other, currently unserved areas of our county? Why should the largely non residential area need something which only serves residents? How about those areas where there are people living and yet those people must drive to the library we already have?
You can have up to two hours of free parking. What's that complaint about?
Sometimes two hours is just a start...there's lots to look at there, and it's air conditioned. There shouldn't be a limit to how long you can stay. Especially after driving from Delmar to get there.
Well, call the Mayor and tell him to stop mirroring tight wad Barrie Tilghman and open up parking across the street at the EMPTY Fire Station and side street. There's FREE parking there, if they'll allow it.
I saw this brochure a few months ago. I think the building looks beautiful in that location but that would require a shut down of our library while they recreate a new building. However, with the obsolete fire hall removed it could be an even bigger landmark downtown.
The library director sounds very much like Gary Mackes, head of Parks and Recreation. Each has grandiose ideas designed to enlarge his fiefdom. Each wants to spend exorbitant amounts of money that the county doesn't have. We build a new library and then have another empty building downtown unless, as has been suggested on this site, the city take over the building for its government offices. It's not too hard to think "outside the box" when it involves taxpayers' money, particularly money that the county doesn't have!
Thanks for keeping this issue front and center. It might just make a difference in how the county approaches this project, or, hopefully make the powers that be reconsider. Unlike the Fire Palace, which somehow didn't raise enough ire to stop the foolishness.
There is NO way we need to do this, especially now.
Lot 10 does not need a library there. It now provides parking for the court and some visibility to what we have to offer in downtown. It is a waste of money to move the library and have yet another vacant building...in this economy lets be practical and renovate what we have. Sounds to me like the library director just wants a building named after him...arrogant jerk. Think about the high cost...its ridiculous.
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