Attached are the fire truck pictures that I took yesterday afternoon. As I said, I took them around 2:00-2:30 with a camera phone so they're pretty grainy-gotta love that 1.3 megapixel quality. I took a couple of the truck stuck at the bridge, which I think is a major issue. The fire department really needs to work out some kind of schedule with the operation of the bridge and/or some sort of communication to let them know when it is up (they may already have this though) so that emergency response is not hindered. I also got one snapped of it approaching a yellow light, unfortunately I did get it on red, but then again, I wasn't really trying to catch them running the light-I just happened to snap the picture at the right time when the light was yellow-I stopped in plenty of time and they should have too.
My intention here is not to be a jerk about things. I, personally, get really irritated when those who are supposed to protect us, such as Firemen and Police officers, use their status/priviledges and put us in harm's way. Running red lights is a major safety issue and I have first hand experience as a victim. I joked on the blog about the truck scooting around town and hitting a couple curbs, but in all honesty, the driver did indeed whip that thing around better than I thought it could despite its size. I still think the price tag is unreasonable though! Let's just pray that they don't drop the dime on that boat!
I would also like to thank you for all your hard work in keeping your blog up and informing us as well as you do. Moreover, thank you for giving the citizens of Salisbury a voice. I know I speak for many when I say that we appreciate you and hope that the blog continues to thrive as it has.
Thank you,
Dave C
Yeah that damn bridge was up at 2PM on Tuesday. I shot up Isabella thinking to get around the traffic, Duh it was worse! What a cluster "You know what"
dear dave C.
Get a hobby.
10:01 I concur.
It's difficult to explain to your kids why we expect them obey the law, speed limit at the same time that a police officer is passing you at 75 mph with their family in the car or a fire truck runs a red light just because they can. I have several friends in the force and the correct term is "Professional Courtesy". Not all believe in this but a majority use it to their advantage. Unless there truly is an emergency, shouldn't we all abide by the same rules? Just my thought.
Dave C complaining just to complain. Fits in around here.
i have a question for you Dave C.
the 3rd picture looks like it was taken on Rt.50 east somwhere. i can't make out the street sign, but it looks to be phillip morris drive perhaps? at any rate... the truck is about 40 yards back from the traffic signal which is clearly yellow. is THAT the intersection that the ladder truck went through the red light?
To those knocking Dave C, you obviously missed the part about his having been harmed by an emergency vehicle.
He has a legitimate concern, as do many others, including the family of the woman killed by an FD vehicle in Hebron.
10:24 Police officers speeding happens because there are no repercussions from the agency for doing so. Your point about police officers leading by example is a valid one. What's the point of a police officer/trooper having their shoes shined, brass polished, jar-head haircut, and never exiting the cruiser without their Stetson on if they drive like and set the example to the rest of the motoring public that they are above the law?
People are getting frustrated and angry that government officials, which includes police officers, feel the rules and the laws pertain to everyone but them.
It will only be when the police agencies these officers work for make it known that this type of public conduct will not be tolerated will it stop. If the agency only pays lip service to citizens calling to complain about speeding police vehicles, then the speeding will continue. Nothing brings a knot in a police officer's stomach faster than knowing he's the subject of an inquiry or a formal internal investigation. It only takes a few officers to lose some vacation days for continuous excessive speeding while on duty for the entire force to realize the department means business.
be careful what you want. I am glad when a trooper is going over hte speed limit because I want to also. Would you rather have them drive 55 all the way to OC. Not me 64 is good. So please don't make all the cops drive the speed limit because I do not want to
Larger trucks such as this and tractor trailers cannot always stop on a dime. The timing of the light by SHA is critical in the judgement of a driver. If you stop too fast the truck may jack knife or worse. To me Running a red light is when a light has been changed for better than two seconds and then a vehicle comes through.Not when it turns yellow 30 yds aways and then quickly changes. I see cars all day while driving that violate this worse than big trucks. Any good driver should look before proceeding across and intersection. Its just good common sense.
Mr Corey you clearly have too much time on your hands and have never driven larger vehicles. I sympathize with you if you were a victim, but the fire department is not reckless or careless in this training session. Always remember to drive defensively.
Weren't they in complete denial that any of this happened yesterday. It seems to me they're singing a whole new tune today.
I hope we don't have any emergencies while the Rt 50 bridge is up, because I don't see that massive truck zigzaggin through Isabella St? But I am sure the wizards who chose "the location" to build their multi million dollar fire dream house had that all figured out... in the planning phase???
Anonymous 11:49am
I have driven all vehicles allowed on Md roads. I do agree with your post for the most part. The point you make about the timing of the lights as they turn does not always allow you to stop your larger vehicle is very true. I have found out in the 38 years of having driven larger vehicles, that when the lights start cycling from green to red, if you have not reached where the turn lane begins, you have enough room to stop your vehicle. This is only true if no vehicle is between you and the traffic light. It is not practical if some impatient driver decides to cut in front of you and slam on brakes. If you observe the photo that could have been a reality. The Driver of the Fire truck should have been more aware and at least applied the brakes as a preventive measure even if they were traveling at a speed that would not have allowed them to stop. I could continue on about defensive driving but it would not register with a lot of people. Defensive driving saves lives.
Dave C= Albero. No doubt about it. Remember when he supposedly caught that kid speeding to the big fire in OC last year at 90mph, but the pictures came out clear as anything?
Actually Anon 11:56. These pictures do not prove anything to me. The tower was not in the intersections with the light red. He may have been slowing down. The others....he was in traffic. Dave C. needs to get a life. Just my opinion.
Shouldnt they prove they can drive it safely in the streets before being allowed to operate it? They will be busting out curbs like a 90 lb soccer Mom trying to drive a Denali.....
Dave C,
Thanks for the pics. They add some validity and proof to your story. However, most are of the Tower stuck in traffic, which can happen anywhere with the Salisbury Fire District for sure. The one of the Tower approaching the intersection appears to be out towards Rt. 50 and Tilghman Rd., if which the speed limit is in excess of 45mph and possibly 55mph depending on the exact location. In your picture it is very difficult to make out the color of the light green, yellow, or red. I will take your word for it and accept it as yellow. Look at the proximity of the truck to the turn lane on the left hand side as indicated by the dashed line. The Tower is even with this turn off. 82,000lbs at 45mph, 55mph , or 65 mph is difficult to stop in the length of road. I also look at the other vehicles, much smaller and lighter, that have not applied their brakes for the light. This brings much doubt to my mind in the color of the light and the possibility that the Tower even had the chance to make the stop safely. I would assume, if the light were yellow, the driver made a calculated risk and feared that an unsafe stop would cause more harm, to him, his passenger, and the truck then proceeding through the light. There are no cars in front of him stopped and there should be no cars entering the intersection yet. Ask any professional truck driver if they have ever had to make this typemaneuver and I would call them a liar if they told you 'No'. I have seen Truckers do this, they often signal by blowing their air horn.
In closing, I am a huge fan of the public being a watchdog over fire, ems, police, public works, and every other government entity. We are YOUR employees. You ARE my boss. I welcome public comment and interest into our profession, public education is a wonderful thing and I welcome every chance I get to explain my profession to them so that they may have a better understanding.
Rob Frampton BS/NREMT-P
Acting Lieutenant
Salisbury Fire Department
LoL Sounds like butt kissing going on here !!! to say all wait its ok we cant stop because the truck is to big it takes to long to slow down. wrong answer as a former driver of big rigs you have to judge your distiance and speed. we dont just blow through lights and worn with our air horn.!!give me a break.Better get some more pratice at that try the old mall parking lot.nobody there for you to hit.all bye the way i would say i do no what iam talking about over 1 million miles on the road not one issue!!!
Doesn't sound like butt kissing to me. Where do you are it? Sounds like a professional reply/comment.
If that truck weighs 82,000 lbs it is overweight for a tandem axle vehicle and it is definitely to heavy to cross the weight restricted bridge on Isabella St.
The law says commercial vehicles with a tandem axle legal GVW is 55,000. Why do you think you see all of these tri axle dump trucks around here now? They are only legal up to GVW 70,000. Don't these DOT laws apply to fire trucks?
Looking at the pictures that are on the fire in the hole website, looks to me like they were taken in the ward musuem parking lot. i went by there today, and if they were able to manuver that thing around that parking lot, then i dont thin the streets of the city will be any problem.
The third pix looks to be out at the northeast collector road on 50, most of the rest are obviously when the bridge was up or the rush hour at carrol, Mills, west main and 50 and no I'm not dave c
If that truck weighs 82,000 lbs it is overweight for a tandem axle vehicle and it is definitely to heavy to cross the weight restricted bridge on Isabella St.
The law says commercial vehicles with a tandem axle legal GVW is 55,000. Why do you think you see all of these tri axle dump trucks around here now? They are only legal up to GVW 70,000. Don't these DOT laws apply to fire trucks?
Now that’s about a stupid question if I ever saw one. Do you think for one minute Pierce would allow a fire truck to be built that’s over weight? NO! Long before the truck is ever built the engineers are on top of it.
Let me tell you, they drove this thing around almost all day on Tuesday or Wednesday. I was out and about, and everytime I looked, there was a reminder of my tax dollars being wasted- not just on the unnecessary truck, but on the fuel to drive it around for no reason. Maybe they were TRAINING on how to drive such a large piece of unnecessary equipment, or, more likely, they were being BOYS with their TOYS. That's my guess. I was disgusted to see it time and again all day long all over town, knowing that there was no emergency to merit it's huge fuel consumption. SFD WASTES MONEY!!!
Sturggling to take pictures why you're driving?? Says alot about your safety habits also Dave C.
Rob Frampton BS/NREMT-P
Acting Lieutenant
Salisbury Fire Department
You are holding a position in the fire dept???? Boy are we in trouble, THE LIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A SIGN IS YELLOW YOU IDIOT. Its a cell phone pic so clarity is not going to be there, but the fact that you are so observant suprises me because you missed the fact that the light that is lit up is in the middle of the sign. That exact color would be yellow, atleast on signs I see! Boy are we in trouble!
yellow is yellow and that light is quick to change to red so that means slow down for the red light and if you are that far doing the speed limit and see the light you should be stopping. Not done this yet but if you BOYZ don't stop this wreckless sh*t you will kill someone.
Does the size and weight of that classify it as a Class A license requirement instead of a Class B
Opy said...Now that’s about a stupid question if I ever saw one. Do you think for one minute Pierce would allow a fire truck to be built that’s over weight? NO! Long before the truck is ever built the engineers are on top of it.
Let me tell you something about truck builders OPY. You can get anything you want put on any truck you want as long as you got the bucks to pay for it. The manufacturer and it's engineers don't give a rats patoot about anything other than the bottom line. If you knew what you were talking about you would have never opened your mouth or fingers. I've spec'd out, bought and paid for more trucks than you can imagine. I'll go so far as to say I've probably been more miles backwards than you have been forward. I've got well over 1,000,000 SAFE miles under these hindparts and forgot more about trucks than you will know. So don't even try saying Pierce or any other manufacturer won't build a truck that is overweight. In some states it is legal to have a GVW of 90,000 but not on a tandem axle truck.
I'd like to know the DOT law pertaining to this truck.
Anonymous said...
Doesn't sound like butt kissing to me. Where do you are it? Sounds like a professional reply/comment.
6:14 PM
No, it sounds like damage control to me.
You know, the "good guys" of the SFD cant win, an example is the acting Lt. that tried to explain in a professional manner his position, then it's "ass kissing", "damage control" etc. I can't blame them to never answer this blog, frankly. there are a few good "guys", and for what it's worth, there are a few of us that do appreciate your response Lt., thank you. To the nay-sayers, are you ever happy? Agree to disagree, but do it with respect.
who cares if the light was yellow, like any of you have never gone threw a yellow light. be glad you have a new truck it could save your life one day. keep up good work SFD!!!!!
Thank you 11:53, and the lt. surely signed his name how about the rest of you?!!!!!!!!!!
how sick that this city once again has spent a ridiculous amount of tax payers money. But what is really ridiculous is the city never approves to pay for or contribute money toward the retired police officers health insurance. gary comegy's is a joke and should not be on the council. the city will never change i am so glad to be out of the area and looking back 18yrs was to long for my husband to have served that city. salisbury is a joke!
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