Mayor Tilghman and Chief See have blocked Salisbury News from the Salisbury Fire Department AGAIN! ROTFLMAO! Haven't these two fools learned anything yet? This will in fact increase the volume of hits Salisbury News already gets.
I'm told the Mayor ORDERED this and I'm confident I'll be hearing more about her cutting us off at the GOB and every other location throughout the City. It seems our Post this morning proving the new BIG RED was in fact cruising through red lights AND getting stuck at the Draw Bridge was just too much evidence for them to handle.
And who's totally connected with the Fire Department, Gary Comegys! Here we go again Folks. Last Monday night just before the City Council Meeting started I was standing out in the hallway and out of nowhere Louise Smith came up to me and said, Joe, I need you to come into the room and sit down in a chair. I can't have you leaning up against the table and moving around. Sound familiar Folks? I said, Louise, you're starting to sound just like Mike Dunn. Are you telling me I can't take pictures? She said, no, I just need you to sit down.
I respected her wishes, as I always do. However, you taxpayers better realize what you'll be up against for the next 4 years should you vote Comegys in for Mayor. Cover it up and don't communicate with anyone. Like I said, when will they learn.
In the words of Barrie Tilghman, "The Blogs are of no consequence to me." Oooooooh Really now?
Just a quick note to let you know that I started my day off this morning with a cup of coffee and decided to read the local news. Low and behold to my surprise I went to the website and up popped this alert stating the site was blocked. I thought it might have been a mistake so I went to 2 of my coworkers computers and it also said Access Denied, Website blocked. I then went to the Daily Rags website and it was not blocked at all. After all this time they decided to block your news site. I guess they didn't want to upset the upcoming election for Bubba Comagees.
A Disappointed City Employee
MMMM too many employees giving you the inside scoop? Look at the firestorm you set off with the firetruck. Gotta shut that Joe up. He finds out too much and then has the nerve to actually tell people the truth.
As long as our goverment is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of persons and of property, liberty of conscience and of the PRESS, it will be worth defending.
Andrew Jackson.
I bet a dollar to a donut that Chief See and Hoppes have access to Sbynews.com. How else will they be able to keep tabs on Joe and what is being said about them.
Can you say PARANOID!!!
That's ok. The employees can read Joes blog as much as they want when they get home.
anon 12:52, We do!!
and we make comments too!!
53 days mayor gone. June cee retiring.The new mayor will appoint the new chief??
Joe heres my point. I am on you blog a lot. I also am interested in other blogs. The problem with the city and fire dept blocking the salisbury news, is that these employees shouldn't be on any blogs at work. While I am at work I can't stand around and blog or email. There is some strange reason that my company want's me to be productive. So stop complaining and go back to work.
Joe shut down agggggggggain
Joe this is so funny that our tax money pays for a city employee to sit around and check on blogs, and dont forget drinkin coffee. Sounds like a good job i wonder are they hiring???
I have to agree with a few on here. People should not being viewing blogs while at work. They also shouldn't be viewing other things that are not work related. If they are going to block blogs they should also block the DT and the news stations. Viewing blogs or sites that are not work related on company time is the same as stealing.
See if you can get on another wireless network.
I'm firing my comcast cable co.
\ I just checked for free wireless on my street & I found one with 2 bars.
Lady "der Fuhrer" never learns, does she, Joe? Just as you said, this is only gonna increase the traffic to this blog.
There are reasons that old saying "A fool never learns" has been around as long as it has. Der Barrie is one of those reasons.
Goosestep on, Mayor. You're the best enemy Salisbury News ever had!
you dummys when firefighter are at work what do u think they have masive work to do that whole 8 hours no they do sum trainning threw out certain days but hell other days there there to do what they should be and thats to answer to calls that come in there jobs arnt like office people man they help people and if there are any calls they train sum and rest of time watch tv and sit at compture what eles is there to do they dont run calls every min of the day
What makes you ppl think they arent on at break and lunch times? And why allow any internet access if there is any misuse? Why block just sbynews?
This only makes me more determined to bring to light the things that go on in this city. Shut down whatever you want Barrie, because the information will still get out. Hitler acted this way and you know what happened to him. If you did things right there wouldn't be anything to talk about here.
I think The firemen should be able to nominate their own chief! Damnit. Wow else would know who would make a great leader than the people that serve the Department. Kudo Firemen request a change to be able to nominate your own chief approved by the council! Let's get back to business Jack~!
Hey Mayor! I am currently on City time and posting real time. There are so many ways to beat your rules and systems it isn't funny. My cell phone takes and sends photos and text messages to Joe whenever I want. When you stir S##t it stinks. Catch a whif of that Barrie. I'm on a mission.
What a rediculous move. Does this woman think the employees will stop looking or posting. No way. This will only fuel the fire and make them more determined than ever. Its a good things shes leaving, because she sure doesn't know how to manage people.
ANON 2:32 PM,
If we let firemen nominate their own cheif, then nothing will change. They would nominate the people currently ranked in fear of losing their jobs or status if they didn't
This will affect both sides. Now the little Troll wont be able to constantly check SBYNEWS to see what people think about him. If firemen cant have it he cant either. That goes for the Mayor too. Yeah Right! You can bet Machichi has agot it fixed for them to still access SBYNEWS. And you can bet the workers will still get their opinions on here. What an futile attempt to stop free speech.
2:42, Provide photo of screen.
Dave C,
I don't necessarily think that would be the case. Many members are very outspoken and do not fear retaliation. Fortunately those with Paramedic cards have a good ticket to getting a job anywhere. And lets face it, Salisbury isn't the most employee friendly city to work for...
you know joe i belive all of city comptures are blocked from you
After April 7 this will be history. Ireton wont let this communistic ploy stand. Information both good and bad are what makes the world what it is. If you dont like what you read then dont read it. Take your lumps and move on. The City cant do that because everyday is damage control day. They have to coverup or defend because tehy are in charge. The employees are in charge and they haven't figured it out yet.
after this her and david see will prolbley decide to unblock it so that there is no problems
Of course employees shouldn't use computers for anything other than city business.
So blocking just one outside source isn't appropriate. In fact, it may cross a line.
Anonymous said...
you dummys when firefighter are at work what do u think they have masive work to do that whole 8 hours no they do sum trainning threw out certain days but hell other days there there to do what they should be and thats to answer to calls that come in there jobs arnt like office people man they help people and if there are any calls they train sum and rest of time watch tv and sit at compture what eles is there to do they dont run calls every min of the day
2:04 PM
Thanks Bubba. Did Donnie Drewer give you permission to post on State time?
Anonymous said...
after this her and david see will prolbley decide to unblock it so that there is no problems
4:01 PM
He has a city owned laptop that he uses.
That's the same hand that made Howdy Doody's mouth move, wonder what oriface she shoved it up? ewwwwwww ICK
2:04 Please tell me you're in a psych ward somewhere and the hospital gives its patients 20 minutes of Internet access and you decided to spend yours posting a comment here. Either that, or you're the fire department's dalmation mascot and you've figured out how to access the Internet and have learned how to crudely type out the English language.
Many jobs don't require work 24/7. My last job was to sit at the phone and answer calls and input issues into the computer. When there were no calls I could surf the net, check email, etc. Many jobs are like this.
Also there are people who get to work early and get settled in and drink coffe and read the news before a shift starts.
There are people who surf the net on their lunch breaks.
The list goes on and on and nothing should be blocked unless it's porn or illegal. This blog is a perfect representation of the FREEDOM OF SPEECH
Talk to the hand, the face don't want to hear it anymore
Folks, doesn't anyone recognize that Comegys, speaking or voting on items involving the Fire Department are illegal. Its called conflict of interest. He is a retired member of Salisbury fire department, who will receive compensation for his years as a volunteer. He has no business talking about fire boats or fire apparatus. Maybe the new Mayor will have the B""LLS to tell him that when there is someone else sitting in that seat at council meetings and work sessions.
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