I shared this information with the Humane Society and they immediately got in their vehicles and went to go look for it. We had heard the horse was not far from the R&B Ranch but the original road we had been informed about wasn't the right road so the Humane Society came up with nothing. They then contacted DNR and no one seemed to know anything about it.
Well, time had passed and all of a sudden I got another call on the same horse but this time there was a little more detail and it included one of the Agents names from DNR. I once again contacted Linda Lugo and this time I gave her a name and the radar went up immediately. Not knowing what to expect, Linda called me back and informed me that although she hadn't heard of this Agents name before, when she called them back and asked for this particular Agent, all of a sudden they knew exactly what she was talking about.
The Agent went into detail about the location and the fact that on the first day of hunting season a hunter from Baltimore called DNR and informed them a horse was dead on the side of the road. They went to inspect it and the horse was allegedly too decomposed to determine how it had died. I asked Linda if it had been shot in the head, (like I had been told) and she said the Agent said he hadn't seen any sign of such.
OK, here's my problem Folks. A horse just doesn't go missing. A few months ago two of our horses got out of their pasture and we did everything possible to locate them and return them to our property. If they were missing for 10 hours, we would have been on the phone with every Agency out there looking for help. There has been no such call in that area for a missing horse. My guess is, the first tip I received was accurate. The Eastern Shore never ceases to amaze me. People will do things like this, take a horse to the end of a road or a dog or a cat and simply shoot it and leave it for the County to discard the remains. It's not an easy task burying an animal the size of a horse and some sick SOB more than likely did exactly that and killed it.
So here's what I'd like to know. Have you ever heard of anyone pulling something like this before? Do you know more details about this particular story? I ask because I have two sources who seem to be in the know but are afraid to say anything more in fear of retaliation. Let's see where the comments go on this one.
It's not hard to bury a horse; I have a horse burried in my parents back yard and 3 men dug the hole with shovels (not access to a back hoe). It is a matter of what type or morals you have.
R&B Ranch- that's all that needs to be said.
By the way, Joe, speaking of "incidents" such as this, did anything ever come about the incident last fall where someone dumped the deer remains near you? I don't remember reading if anyone ever got caught with that act or not. That kind of stuff is just as bad in my opinion.
Where and what is R&B ranch?
R&B Ranch....I wouldn't put it past Randy Davis to do something like this. Ask him what he needs the mares he brings over from oklahoma for....
"The Eastern Shore never ceases to amaze me."
Same here. The overrating of the shore is just one of the many farces. Nasty attitudes are everyone these days but in all the places I've been I have yet to see a place like this.
I know, I know, if you dont like it I should do the shore a favor and leave.......
My favorite local comeback. Sorry. As you were.
If you do not want to shell out money to properly put down and dispose of a horse,you have no business having one.I am not a "horse" person but my sister has 2 and they are like members of the family,albeit outdoors in a stall.
A couple of quick questions. Was this horse insured. Was it shot in the head that tells a lot about who shot the horse.
It is not legal to sell horses to the meat man any longer and I and glad of it.
It appears this horse may have been lame or just bad. If this R&B Ranch had something to do with this it should not be hard to find out. Investigator goe to local vets they do not fall under HIPA. Big animal vets may recognize the horse through pictures.
What happend to the carcus. This is an odd story first i have heard of it. Why DNR this is not a DNR case this is a MSP or WCSO case. Hmmm
Something stinks here and it aint the dead horse. If you know something please call a local law enforcement agency.. NOT DNR.
I bet someone knows exactly what happend here and it may not be as sinister as it looks,but someone needs to be charged.
That horse is within 3 sq miles of home. How hard can it be.
I bet this case breaks sooner that later. Get the WBI boys on it
In the middle of winter horses get very expensive to feed. Guess "some farm down the road" didn't value this animal enough to see it though the tough times. Must be the resale value on this animal wasn't even worth the gas money for the owner to fire up his tractor and dig a hole. Was it so sick it couldn't be buried on that farm? Anyone that is a part of the local horse world would probably agree that there is only one so-called horse dealer that is immoral enough to pull a stunt like that.
Pardon the pun,but it is a horse of a different color so to speak if this particular horse was insured.It leans toward insurance fraud. Do people insure "pet" horses or only valuable breeding/racing stock?Seriously I am no equestian and do not know...
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