DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Cost At United Propane?
"Who would we contact about the costs of propane? The entire country is trying to conserve energy If you are under contract with United Propane you pay whatever they want to charge you. Because we only get 100 gallons at a time they were going to charge us $8.15 gal, I got the manager down to 4.80. This time because I questioned him we paid $3.30. Which is still over what it should be. Isn't there a regulation on this like gas prices?"
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Propane is not governed by the public service commision.
Quit complaining. This is the "free market" that you all love so much.
They are the worst company around and I am trying everything I can to get rid of them come spring...Just because we only use a small amount of propane for the fireplace we are on the bottom of the list to be filled up during the winter...When I called and questioned them about it they told me it was not my primary heat source. What business is it of theirs weather or not I use the heat pump or the fireplace to heat my home. During the summer they try to come once a month when we don't even use propane!!! I have had several disputes with them about the rates they are charging....My first bill in the fall was 5.87 per gallon. The same month my husband's business account was charged 2.87 per gallon by the same company. Tell me that isn't higway robbery! I did call them and complain and they adjusted it but what gives them the right to charge different people different rates? Please pay attention to your bill everyone. Call and talk to them if you don't think the rates are fair or correct.
i just recent paid $2.13 a gall for 200 gallons
Change to Cato
why dont you contact the management at United Propane instead of posting to a blog. If you have a problem, talk to them. If you still dont like them, change providers.
go to aero. they got a sexy girl working in there :)
I'm a happy Aero customer
They were charging me upwards of $5 a gallon (back when everyone else was around $2.50) before I made the switch to another company.
I struck me odd that they were not giving me the amount per gallon on their bills, and it threw up a red flag. Thank God I had the sense to whip out the calculator and see what they were really charging me.
Avoid this company like the plague. Too many other Propane companies in Salisbury to let yourself get ripped off by these folks.
You always pay more for less than a fill up on 200 gallons because they assume that if you only want 100 gallons that you are not heating with it, only cooking which is always a higher per gallon rate.
While I agree the amount is outrageous, I found this out the hard way myself with another company.
Not quite as high as you stated though but significantly higher than a fill up for sure.
Being on auto deliver vs. will call also makes a big difference in your rate per gallon apparently.
I would buy that excuse that United charges more for smaller fuel drops, except that I was paying $5+ for filling up my full-sized tank used for heating and cooking.
Free trade..switch companies if youre not happy. I can tell you this though: when you use more, they can deliver more at one time, you will get better rates. It is not cheap to operate a business like that and it cost those companies money EVERY time they stop the truck. If they are delivering your 100 gallons or your neighbors 500 gallons they still have to pay the expense of the delivery. Common sense tells you that they can stretch the cost over larger deliveries easier than small ones. If you're not happy with any of their pricing then buy your own tank and regulators and haul that back and forth to a filling station somewhere to have it filled. You will only be paying 3-4 per gallon that way. One last thing...that girl at AERO is VERY HOT! Never gave me the time of day so I switched! LOL
Businesses do have the right to set their prices, but they do NOT have the right to discriminate. Your price with United Propane very much depends on WHO you are. We also had a business and personal account. Even though we used LESS at our business, we had a much better rate per gallon on that account. Also, they randomly show up to fill our tank (as in, not all winter but definitely in the middle of the summer) and put whatever price they want on it. It's never the same price twice, and increases more than two dollars each time. You shouldn't have to call a company to complain to get fair rates. That should be AUTOMATIC. It doesn't cost any more to make several small deliveries than it does to make one big one. Especially since they charge a fuel surcharge on each and every delivery!
Re "Businesses do have the right to set their prices, but they do NOT have the right to discriminate'
Unless they have some legally enforced oversight as to what they charge (and I don't believe they do) they can "discriminate" all day long between what they charge commercial and residential customers, just like millions of other businesses that have residential and commercial rate structures.
Do you think you pay the same price for materials at Home Depot or Lowes that a contractor does? Is the store "discriminating" against you if they charge you more?
Using your example, it is discrimation if you go to Lowes and they charge you $2.00 more for a hammer than they charge the guy in line behind you because he happened to call the manager and complain. Lowes and the like have published prices, and contractors can get a discount if they buy in volume. It's a totally different situation there - you are comparing apples to oranges. This post is talking about business practices where a company decides what your price is in a RANDOM fashion depending on who you are and/or how much you complain about it. If I get a 100 gallon delivery, I pay $3.99 a gallon... my neighbor pays $5.99 a gallon for the same size delivery. That is poor business practice. No wonder customers get upset! It would be like Delmarva Power charging you more per kwh for your electric than they charge anyone else on your street. My guess is you'd be upset about that, so let people vent.
Interesting topic. When shopping for propane companies for our home, I learned that Chesapeake Utilities services our neighborhood and has a line going right through our front yard. I called to request service but was told that they wouldn't connect to our house because we only had propane fireplaces (which we happen to use as a primary heating source). They flat out told me they wouldn't run a line 40 feet to our house because they wouldn't make enough money off of us. I offered to pay to trench and run the line (kind of like you have to do with new electric service), but was still deined. My question is, aren't they a public utility? And, can they refuse to service a residence based on their assumption of what your future propane use might be?
I too am a customer of United Propane and we plan to switch in the spring because they charge us a outrageous price also. We use our propane for heat,cooking,and hot water. I agree, they charge whatever they feel. All the propane companies know they got u over a barrell they know u need the product. I understand they have to protect themselves by asking a high deposit, but hey remember the perosn your ripping off is out here paying bills just like u mr. business man, he or she is providing for a family just like u. Your greed is costing someone grief. This is what we as americans need to work on taking care of each other.
Hello. My name is Earl Peterson of Gillette in the great state of Wyoming. I just wanted to take a moment to give my account of how a company called EarthWise Technologies in Yelm, Washington saved me a bundle on my propane costs this winter season. Up here in Gillette we get your standard winter of 1 - 2 ft. of snow fall & temperatures in the teens. However, this season was especially cold with the average being -5 below. The locals at our feed store last fall were all a hummin’ of rumors of a 70% increase in our home propane costs before the onset & our home heating town hall meetings were a thing of character and futility as most of us old timers didn’t even know how we were going to survive the brutal Wyoming winter. Social Security simply doesn’t stretch as far as we figured it would when we were young & workin’ our share of the world. Anyhow, my best friend Jed and I were a gabbin’ one fall day about how we were gonna live when he mentioned getting some space heaters, those high tech infrared types. Now I didn’t really know much about those things and told him my grandson, the internet whiz, could help me look all that up. Boy I tell you what, there are so many confounded choices it just makes your head spin. There are ones with all sorts of interestin’ claims & even some that those Amish make (yeah, like I believe that hog wash). But my grandson showed me how to search all those opinion sites that tell me how it is from real folks like you & I. From all the hoopla I found that the CZ Infrared models have the longest warranty, best return policy, and if something does happen after you purchase it…they have the best customer service of any of those other yahoo’s out there. I could tell you how when I bought 4 CZ 1500P heaters for my 2 – story 1500 sq. ft. home to survive the winter months that I saved an average of $250.00 per month in propane by turning my thermostat down to 60 degrees and using my heaters, 2 per floor, to heat my home up to a comfortable 75 degrees F. I could tell you how stylish and quiet these units are even when used constantly or how the technology allows each unit to regularly power off to simply maintain the room temperature set. I could even tell you how safe these units are that my little grandchildren can play right next to the one in our den without getting hurt or burned in the slightest. I could honestly tell you many things; however, I only became a true believer when I searched those opinion sites and finally bought some to see for myself. So I encourage you to check out all them reviews & finally buy one to see for yer self how much you can safe over the length of a grueling winter, like ours here in Gillette. I so far have saved ‘bout $780.00 this season over what I would’ve paid without ‘em. Stay warm and god bless.
This message is in response to Mr. Peterson’s posting. With all due respect, sir…how can a constant electrical option of 1500 watts (I looked into the specs) be a cheaper option than standard, all-American propane? Please explain how paying per Kilowatt hour for your home heat is actually a better option…because I just can’t see it.
Hank Gibson
Mt. Olive, NC
Good Morning, my name is Garrison Roberts. My wife and I just bought our first home 5 months ago…moving’ up and finally realizing the American Dream. So shortly thereafter we found that it could be very costly during the impending winter to pay the higher propane costs that heating a 1800 sq ft home is…we needed a better solution. So we looked around and found some friends using 2 CZ Infrared 1500P heaters to supplement their home heat. It seemed to do an excellent job in the main areas of their home. So I took the leap of faith and invested in 3 units...they do not disappoint whatsoever. We run our thermostat at a constant 55 F and supplement up to 75 degrees F in our living room, one in our kitchen/dining area, and one in our finished basement that is converted into an office/study. The units perform perfectly and we set them to delay start about 45 minutes prior to coming home for an even, comfortable heat. I run our 3 units for about 12 hours per day for the cost of $1.58 per day or less than $50.00 per month in electrical cost per unit. It has saved us hundreds in potential propane costs this heating season already. I am so glad that I took the leap of faith and decided to choose Infrared heat to keep my new home comfy and warm. Thank you, CZ Infrared.
In response to Mr. Roberts, the only issue I can see with your assertions is that I fail to see how a space heater can effectively heat an area of this magnitude comfortably or efficiently. Please explain to me how this unit can be as efficient as a standard central heat system. Thank you for your time.
Good Morning, I purchased my CZInfrared 1500WT last winter to keep my townhome warm and toasty because I found that using clean and efficient electricity was a better environmental option versus our propane heat in Medford, Oregon. Being an active participant in the security of this planet’s future, I abhor the use of fossil fuels in any fashion. The burning of fossil fuels creates unnecessary amounts of greenhouse gas in our volatile environment which threaten the stability of our ozone layer causing unnatural climate change and limiting the amount of oxygen that we breathe. Due to my concerns, I needed a better option to heat my home that is powered by solar panel technology that produces the electricity I use. While I do save inherently on my power from our local utility, it still makes sense to find an efficient option to heat my home during the height of winter. My CZInfrared heater allows me to do just that. I kept it on constantly this winter heating my living room, study, and bedroom depending upon where I was. It did a fantastic job of maintaining an even 72 F in all of these areas mentioned while being unassuming and blending into my wood-toned décor seamlessly. In fact, my only regret was that I had only purchased one between all rooms in my home. Next year, before the big winter hits my local area, I plan to buy 2 more CZ1500 models for my study and bedroom to continuously keep all my rooms at a consistent and comfortable temperature.
I keep seeing a question not really being answered, which is how can an electric Infrared heater save money over the traditional heating system.
Before answering this, I would like to say that CZ heater is not the only choice out there. They have only been around since 2007. Yes they will heat, but not better than the other same wattage INFRARED HEATERS.
In my opinion, I do not see them lasting long term as they are plastic, have digital electronics to run them and the Quartz bulbs have shown to get to hot when looking into other Infrared heaters that have been around longer using Quartz.
I prefer my Solar Comfort by a long shot as it is safer! Simpler, No plastic, no digitals to fail and uses a quality Infrared lamp which is also used in the food, farming and sauna industry. You can find out lamps outside of us. I can leave it unattended and go on a vacation worry free! I can not do that with others. I have a CZ heater which use to be called Comfort Zone and Edenpure which is near identical to SunHeat as well as the mentioned Solar Comfort. I can speak with knowledge on the subject.
Solar Comfort has also been around longer, since 1980's.
With that said, here is why Infrared works if you have realistic expectations. Unlike Natural gas, electric baseboards, Propane, etc. It does not reduce humidity. It warms the water molecules in the air maintaining a heavier more dense air. It does not fly to the ceiling.
Also keep in mind that these are supplemental heaters. Dealers should be expressing that you will use this in conjunction with your other heating. Turn down your other thermostat and let the Infrared heaters maintain the room.
Hope this helps,
This company sucks as far as I am concerned. We had United Propane install 2 tank's. The company tried to charge me $4.85 because I "hadn't ordered for a year". Other companies were charging $2.25. I told them to come get their tank's. They stated there would be a pickup fee of $250. I said they had not told me that when I had them installed. Then was told there would be a $100 removal fee, a $58.50 administrative fee, a pump-out fee along with shop fee's, etc. Complained to Attorney General whom they refused to even respond to. Called to ask if mgr. was in. Was told yes. Asked what it was in ref. to. Gave name and was connected directly to his voice mail. Left msg. but have not heard back. Will file in small claims court.
United Propane is a completely unethical and dishonest company. I would recommend that you use another supplier. I was being charged at least $1.00 higher than other companies. I complained and after a half an hour of hearing how "it's their business model" I got them to agree to begin charging me a more realistic price from now on. That lasted two deliveries. You have to pay attention when you deal with an outfit like this. They are looking for opportunities to screw their customers. I have seen so many negative reviews about United Propane. It boggles your mind.
A few years ago I was paying near $5 per gallon with united, while they were only charging me $2.5 at work. After I asked why the big difference in price for the same product, they gladly made the prices the same. My rate stayed the same, and my boss was charged $5 per gallon!
Poor way of doing business
I will never deal with United again. Even thier employees tell me they are ripping people off. They miss adjust regulator valves, loosen fittings, change tickets. I'm about to sue them myself over trying to take a tank I own. Just lucky I was home
After 15 years with United Propane I am leaving them. When I signed on with them I was told: 1)I should not bother buying the tank because I would pay the same price for gas regaurdless of who owned the tank, 2)I could buy the tank from them at a later date if I wanted. Both statements turned out to be false. When I realized I was paying about $3 per gallon more than everyone else I called and asked to buy the tank. They would not sell it to me. I got angry and bought an outdoor wood furnace. Now, 4 years later I called to get my tank filled so I would not be completely dependant on wood next winter. I was quoted a price of $6.50 per gallon. I called another local competitor and got a quote of $2.39! Now I do understand the concept of a volume discount, but seriously? Does anyone really believe they need to charge an additional $4 per gallon to cover the cost of driving the truck to my house? If so, I would like to start some kind of delivery business. And I don't want to hear that they need to charge me that much because they have to cover the cost of the tank. I think after 15 years of ripping me off the tank rental is probably covered. It's sad that in a time when so many families are struggling financially a company like this would charge such outrageous rates for a necesity like heat. I heard the company was bought out 2 years ago. I guess in a way it's a smart business model? Buy a company, drive it into the ground, and make a ton of profit before all of the customers are gone. I feel like an idiot for staying with them as long as I did. I currently have a work order in for them to remove my tank.
To those who say it's reasonable pay a higher price when you use less volume, I agree. Nothing wrong with a volume discount.And after all they do need to maintain those trucks. I think $1,000 extra each time they have to drive 13 miles to my house is quite reasonable don't you? I should pay out more annually than a guy who uses twice as much gas right? Go Green and all that? I don't know why I didn't think to use twice as much gas to get my bill lowered? Maybe the government will give me a tax credit too for installing a super inefficient furnace? I also agree with it being a free economy and you should be able to charge whatever you want for your product. I especially think offering the customer a great rate to get them in the door, then slowly increase the rate to an outrageously high ammount while they are not paying attention is a fair business practice. I think the people who agree with this would be more than happy to discover they unkowingly spent an extra $10,000 over the past 5 years on propane while they couldn't afford to buy their kids something decent for Christmas, or worse, watched their propane sucking home get forclosed on by the bank. I might be getting a bit sarchastic.
I was a United Propane customer for about 15 years. I clearly remember the sales person telling me there was no reason to buy my own propane tank because I would still pay the same rate per gallon, and if I decided later that I wanted to own the tank I could buy it from them for whatever it was worth. Some years later I realized I was paying way too much for propane. I tried to buy the tank and they wouldn't sell it to me. I was told they would have to remove that one, then sell me a new one and charge me to install it. I got anrgy and purchased an outdoor wood furnace.For the past 4 years I have only purchased about 100 gallons :) I decided to refill the propane tank a few days ago so I wouldn't be dependant on wood for my hot water all summer. I was told it would be $6.49 per gallon. I called Amerigas and the price with them, for my low usage level with amerigas owning the tank was $3.09! If you feel trapped into paying high prices to United Propane don't be. Someone else will gladly sell you propane and rent you a tank for about 1/2 of UP's rates. I called yesterday and told them to come get my tank. They never even questioned why. I"m pretty sure they know. I heard the company has a new owner as of a few years ago. It's a pretty smart business model actually. Buy a company, run it into the ground by driving all of the customers away, make a whopping proffit for a few years and move on to the next one.
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