Quite frankly, once I contacted the States Attorney's Office last week and shared what had just happened with the 2nd Judge on this case telling Mrs. Pusey she had to turn over witnesses, they started contacting the Attorney Generals Office right then and there. In fact, I learned yesterday that the Wicomico County States Attorney's Office AND the Somerset County States Attorney's Office had NOT received a call back in almost a week. They got their answer today though and things will now start working the way it's supposed to.
More to come...............
This case will never go to trial. It will be ruled by the judge or district attorney as not having enough evidence. Wait and see. You don't win when you go against the establishment. Look at the history. Plain and simple. Just a waste of time by bloggers and everyone else. Bobby Jones knows too much on the corrupt behaviors of the powers-to-be.
I would hope that the AG's office does an honest job in this investigation. However I do recall their involvement in the Somerset County Detention Center case which was another high profile case involving several county employees including this same sheriff, warden Henderson and chief Pecoraro, and no charges were ever brought. If any of these men had been a repbulican, I strongly suspect that they would have been charged with many crimes. The Dem's are notorious for protecting each other and this case may be no different. If it wasn't for Joe, this case would have probably been wrapped up by now by our local prosecutor. Guilt as He!!, free as a bird.
Time for the Eastern Shore Militia
to step in? Paladin!
What a shame to live in this day and time and this stuff keeps happening day in and day out. When is it ever going to stop? What has to happen in cases like this? Does someone have to die and then they would stand there and lie over that too? Pitiful!! Just the regular citizen doesn't have a chance.
Bobby Jones is a great sheriff. end of story....
You know it's reading all of the information that has surfaced about Bobby Jones that makes me appreciate Sheriff Mike Lewis even more. Thank you Mike Lewis for being on the up and up, for cleaning up the filthy lawbreakers in our county and not being corrupt. I hope the Attorney General's office gets this loser out of office. Time for a change in Somerset County. It will be interesting to see if the 911 mysteriously disappear. Nothing would surprise me.
There is no account of anything in 911 records. That is another one of this woman's lies. She really baited and reeled in some big ones. I can hardly wait to see some of your faces when the truth comes out. Of couse I don't expect to see any apologies from you judges and juries.I have access to 911 calls in our county.So be it.
No Booby was a great Sheriff. The drink has ruined him.
There are some other law enforcement heads that smell of booze all the time just a little further south. Must be a Somerset thing. Anyone knowingly employing a drunk that carries a gun and a badge is libel.
Not intended for Bobby you guys elected him. If this is what Somerset wants let them keep it. David M you are good but you can rub on this all day long and it aint going to shine.
Chief Tabor and the city of Crisfield need to wake up make some changes down there are they are going to get some of this negative press.
It is a sad fact that these old time law dogs get to the point hey are today. They wade around in other peoples crap for so long they turn to the bottle to kill the pain. I cant count the old school guys that have a problem with alcohol. I am in no way defending the actions of these men who abuse it. i can say i totally understand it.
There is no system to help officers who need it. they are exspected to go out day in and day out with all the baggage this job contains. The harsh politics that cause one to question who they can trust. The public that doubts all the good they do. The few bad apples that rot the whole basket.
If an officer needs help they appear weak and become the brunt of jokes and inuendo. The support system in law enforcement stinks. The options are few. The older guys had it much worse than the new guys. The institution is starting to see the ill effects of long term Post Traumatic Disorder. Many Officers today have had double duty over seas and then come back to the daily grind of policing our streets.
The agecies check hearing each year, some have physical agility test and vision test. I dont know of one that checks the mental stability until something smacks them in the face. It becomes a liability to keep the person out there. It is sad in modern times the paradighms of old still rule the way we handle the daily stress of the job.
If we continue down the path we currently follow we will see many more officers that need help and find it elsewhere. In a fraternity that appears so strong to public we are so lacking in taking care of our own. The self destruction of officers is common knowledge among the staffs. It seems to be the status quo to let these men and women burn out. They will eventually do themselves in through their acts and the agencies no longer have it to deal with. I find this totally inhumane. The peole that go out and protect and serve thrown to the wayside because we as a profession dont know what to do or how to set up a system that works.
If you watch t.v. there must be a dozen shows that depict what the job is really like. I rarely see any that deal with the dark side of this profession. How many have fallen to the wayside because no one cared enough to step in and fix the problem.
There are many officers that will read this and think what a bunch of crap. They are the very people that will turn a blind eye to the real problem that exist today. The acting out of irrational behavior by those suffering speaks to the very fact it is here.
I have read of many mteropoltin departments that have units in place. The shore is lacking in this area. I hope one day the adiministrations see the need for this type of assistance.
ai have seen many good people fail at this profession because no one wanted to acknowledge the issues at hand. this in no way sates they would not have gone on to do great things. I think it brings to light one of the many issues the public and the profession do not want to see.
I dont know I just think this is food for thought when we see officers not doing what they are capable of and the public frowns upon. The system usually crowns these people as lazy or complacent. It is an issue that needs to be addressed on a professional level.
I also feel that is why departments need good disability because there are some that do become damaged goods and should not continue in this profession. If the job caused this downfall then there should be an avenue for those in need to get the help needed.
Why would we as a society allow those to carry guns and uphold the laws of the land if they are mentally unsuitable to do so.
The old phrase it is cheaper to keep her definitally does not aplly here.
Donna Pusey is a druggy and her memory is like a sieve.Ask her neighbors about the character of this woman.This was a drug deal under the surveillance of Bobby between the young female with Bobby and Donna Pusey. When she recognized the sheriff, Donna knew she had been caught.Thus, her fake story unwound.
Bobby Jones wasn't even near Mrs. Pusey's place of residence that night. He had supper with us and stayed until after 10:30 PM. Some drugged and drunk women really have an imagination. I have already given testimony to the police.
make sure you tell the truth you would not want his car on video at one of the local stores when he was to be with you. That would be hindering and obstructing. Its call perjury before a Grand Jury. Just food for thought.
Thats if the locals pulled the tapes from local stores. I know one detective that would have to eat his sub first. Then when he was rested and full he would kindly respond. OOOOppps there I go again I am sure glad I dont work for MSP I would be suspended, drug through the mud and labeled a racist. KARMA MY FRIEND. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.
Isnt there two troopers at P/A Barrack that are accused of doing exactly what a Salisbury Trooper did. They are working he is not. That good old MSP justice just cant beat it with a stick. Keep your heads up Barrack E you just dont get the Somerset thing unless you are part of the crew. Whoooops there I go again. Sorry Guys it just slips out. Where is the justice and equality. Dont answer to me answer to your own troops. They are the ones talking about it. They are the ones sick of the good ole boy treatment. maybe somebody has political aspirations. Hmmmmm I wouldnt go down that road. I think the shit house door is open and all are watching.
Question: What is going on with the Attorney General's investigation and why is Bobby Jones still riding around in the county vehicle with the drug head female that he had with him on the night of the accusations by Donna Pusey. The female is his son's estranged girlfriend. Looks rather suspicious.
Joe, you broke this story about Bobby Jones back in February. You did a great job of getting an investigation by the AG's office started. However according to the DT, the investigation is over and no charges are going to be brought. It seems that the DT just took Jones's word for that and haven't verified what he said at all. This matter seems very suspiciouse to me. If it is another cover up like the Somerset County detention center investigation, I would think it should be a newsworthy story. Just my opinion of coarse. Maybe you could verify if the sheriff's statement is truthful or misleading. The report could have said that he was probably guilty but they couldn't prove it in court. That is how they handled the SCDC case as you may recall.
anonymous 3:26, it's my understanding the victim will be filing a civil lawsuit against Bobby Jones. We'll wait till that happens to go further with a story.
Hey Joe - When are you going to provide an update that the Attorney General's Office for the State of Maryland has reviewed this matter and determined that the Sheriff did nothing wrong?
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