DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, January 08, 2009
WCDC Officer Injured Today By Inmate
The Wicomico County Detention Center went into lock down this morning, something I'm told is routine from time to time for inspections. One Inmate refused to get into his Cell and started a scuffle with one of the Officers when they tried to handcuff the inmate. The Officer ultimately fell to the floor on his back and was taken to PRMC and released. He is home resting and we're told he should be back to work very soon.
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the officer was a lil boy who is very cockey. he def got what was comin to him
Anonymous said...
the officer was a lil boy who is very cockey. he def got what was comin to him
5:21 PM
This post must be from a criminal who has access to the internet.
OMG I hope Ray Ray didn't get hurt. His "boss" might have to fire him. Or isn't he even there now?
Why would you say the officer got what was comin to him? He is doing his job!!! Keeping the prisonors (who have be put thier for a reason) under control!And if he is cockey as you put it, it's to keep the prisoners under control.
As matter of fact, they should exterminate all of the prisoners at WCDC, they're just repeat offenders anyway
why does't wcdc staff tell the truth? that is not what happened.how quickly devenyns and his people will lie.the C.O.involved got beat down.don't buy what devenyns sells you without some skeptism.
I know I should post this below but it ties in here better I think. What do you think the student body at JMB will be like on "the big day"/ The teachers there are very concerned about this. If a corrections officer can be assulted think about a bunch of thugs and thugets attacking a teacher. Unfortunatly this is what we have become. The last day before christmas break was terrible there, I will not go into details.
Anonymous said...
why does't wcdc staff tell the truth? that is not what happened.how quickly devenyns and his people will lie.the C.O.involved got beat down.don't buy what devenyns sells you without some skeptism.
7:08 PM
Well since you seem to know what went on please tell us the whole story.
C.O. = Correctional Officer
IF you think the inmate was in the right then let that fine upstanding citizen come live with you. In our line of work..you better be atleast a little bit cocky or you will not last very long. You can't let these idiots walk on you. I hope my brother in blue recovers quickly.
Maybe they should hire officers that know how to handle themselves in this situation, not a bunch of college grads who know nothing but book work and mommy daddy bailing them out.
In other words hire men, or mature women who know how to handle themselves.
Oh come on, I did some time at your little holiday lets be jerks to the jailees inn. And as obediant and rule following as I was the gaurds were jerks. It was as if they had a bad home life and took it out on the people who had to be there.
I just thought of you alls act as part of the punishment at that time but in retrospect I feel that things would be alot smoother running if the gaurds werent such ignoramises. It is for minor law breakers to slap them on the wrist for not following the rules, not breaking laws. Real criminals go to jessop or ECI . You gaurds take advantage of your position and it isnt a wonder that evry one of you dont meet the "beat down". Bunch of faries !
Anonymous said...
Maybe they should hire officers that know how to handle themselves in this situation, not a bunch of college grads who know nothing but book work and mommy daddy bailing them out.
In other words hire men, or mature women who know how to handle themselves.
7:58 PM
Aww.... somebody is jealous and intimated by someone who went to college. Well if you were smart enough to go to college you wouldn't be a peon like you are.
I jail house terms and this is true.
The inmates run wicomico county jail not the guards and that is the truth.
In other words , the guards are scared...
Wow Joe, even the criminals and inmates read your blog. Do you think they get the internet at the WCDC?
Hey Ray Ray, how is your new butt buddy doing?
I heard that when Ray Lewis gets paroled he is not going to want to leave his cell mates behind.
I don't work at wcdc. I do agree they are hiring too young of CO's. Prior service people make the best officers
Show the video.
Don't worry about Lewis , I heard he's not even been there yet !! Not that I'm surprised.
FYI, you're not going to get quality C.O.s that are willing to risk their well being and, possibly, their lives for the pay they are giving these folks. ECI had an Ad out for an EXPERIENCED C.O. starting at a whopping $23,500. That's a pay cut for most people working retail or waiting tables. My guess is that they played the economy knowing that somebody was desparate enough for a job that they would take it...
You say they aren't big criminals that get sent to WCDC, but if you still in the court room long enough, you'll learn that they plea bargain down many hardened criminals so the sentence they are serving is far less than the crime they committed. What has to happen is tougher laws all the way around. IMHO, a prisoner refused to enter his cell, add more time per incident! If he strikes an officer, that's attempted jail break and should be charged accordingly. Real Time for Crime! That's what's needed!!!!
I hear that rays boylover is a guard.You know what they say, hang around it enough and you will smell like it.
The CO that suppossidley was
"Injured" by an inmate......
was SGT Stone, who is too friggi'n
OLD, to even be at WCDC.....
Who probabley, FELL on his own,
backwards,who couldn't get out of
his Own Way......
He needs some New COKE BOTTLE glasses so he can see his way clear
K i m b l e called him a LIAR
after he came to WCDC..........
I don't know where you got your informations. Starting pay is 35k/year if you want accurate info go the the maryland department of public safety website
Blogger Dave C said...
FYI, you're not going to get quality C.O.s that are willing to risk their well being and, possibly, their lives for the pay they are giving these folks. ECI had an Ad out for an EXPERIENCED C.O. starting at a whopping $23,500. That's a pay cut for most people working retail or waiting tables. My guess is that they played the economy knowing that somebody was desparate enough for a job that they would take it...
8:53 AM
Hey genius..try looking at the DOC website before you post. Starting pay is 35k/year, then again if you read it in the DT it is about 5years late so your info may have been accurate back then
Oh come on, I did some time at your little holiday lets be jerks to the jailees inn. And as obediant and rule following as I was the gaurds were jerks. It was as if they had a bad home life and took it out on the people who had to be there.
I just thought of you alls act as part of the punishment at that time but in retrospect I feel that things would be alot smoother running if the gaurds werent such ignoramises. It is for minor law breakers to slap them on the wrist for not following the rules, not breaking laws. Real criminals go to jessop or ECI . You gaurds take advantage of your position and it isnt a wonder that evry one of you dont meet the "beat down". Bunch of faries !
You should have gotten life without parole for all your grammar and spelling errors. Didn't you take advantage of the free education classes while you were in jail? Or did they cancel special ed for you?
The officer who was injured is Sgt. Stone. A fifteen year veteran of WCDC. This MAN will stand up for the officers and inmates. He is one of the most fair officers and supervisors who work at WCDC. These are opinions so let's get to the facts.
The inmate who assaulted Sgt. Stone is Brinton Cox, a repeat offender currently being held on attempted murder charges.
Brinton Cox has a long history of assaults on inmates as well as officers.
On thursday morning Mr. Cox was told to put on a shirt while in the dayroom(which is a rule at WCDC for the inmates). Mr. Cox became verbally abusive to the officer who told him to get his shirt on.
The officer wished to defuse the situation and called for a supervisor to respond. Sgt. Stone responded and tried to talk with Mr. Cox who refused to cooperate. Sgt. Stone went to the control pod and observed Mr. Cox remove the handle from a broom. Sgt. Stone ordered for five of his officers to suit up in protective gear and called for shift supervisor Lt. Deal to respond to the housing unit.
When Lt. Deal responded Sgt Stone advised her of the situation including Mr. Cox having a weapon and that he had officers suiting up.
Sgt. Stone had ordered for the housing units to be locked down prior to the arrival of Lt. Deal and was in the process of doing so when she arrived.
Lt. Deal approached the housing unit where Mr. Cox was and talked to him through the pod door. She told Mr. Cox to give her the broom handle which he refused. She then ordered the door to the housing unit opened and entered. This violated all policies and procedures in place to protect both officers and inmates. Lt. Deal took the handle away from Mr. Cox and ordered Sgt. Stone to hancuff Mr. Cox. Now mind you that the pod had not been locked down and all the other inmates began to approach. Mr. Cox became combative when Sgt. Stone took control of Mr. Cox's wrist to handcuff him as ordered. Mr. Cox forced Sgt. Stone backwards and both men fell with Sgt. Stone striking the metal steps with his back. Sgt. Stone had officers and Mr. Cox on top of him in this position. Mr. Cox was taken out of the housing area to receive medical attention because he had been sprayed with pepper spray. Sgt. Stone was left lying on the steps being guarded by another inmate who dared any others to come near them. Five minutes later Sgt. Stone was removed from area and sent to PRMC by ambulance.
Thankfully Sgt. Stone was released from the hospital with minor injuries and will return to work soon.
Bottom line is that most of this could have been avoided if Lt. Deal had followed established procdures for dealing with this.
Sgt. Stone could have been crippled for life and Mr. Cox was prepared to inflict as much injury as he could. Mr. Cox could have been hurt worse also due his reckless behavior.
Now what is the administration going to do to prevent this from happening again?
sounds as if Sgt. Stone should get the same lawyer that lawson did
8:58 am,
To answer your question. NOTHING. Deal is part of that "Teflon" crew. Too many of their Lt.'s and Sgt's. place their staff in harms way. What can one do with a group of people who are favor by the command staff and above? NOTHING. They still haven't dealt with Sgt. R. allege removal of a chair from underneath an officer. Now, the officer has an allege disciplinary hearing pending. What are they going to do to Sgt. R., another member of the "Teflon" crew? This crap will continue until a correctional officer is killed.
What Brinton C. did to Sgt. Stone was a PUNK move. The staff should have picked him up and slam him on the metal steps the way he did Sgt. Stone. Sgt. Stone made an attempt to place restraints on that inmate. That inmate turned around and grabbed Sgt. Stone. That inmate lift Sgt. Stone off the ground and slam him on the metal steps. That inmate began to punch Sgt. Stone in the face. Other officers attempt to pull that inmate off Sgt. Stone. Sgt. Stone bare the weight of that inmate and the other staff member that was assisting him until the staff pull that inmate off of him. You know the rest.
As for Brinton C. (The Black Gurella Family Gang Member) who assaulted Sgt. Stone, you are a COWARD. I hope you get what you deserve, life in prison or death. Your Thug friends (BGF, Bloods, Crips, MS-13, White Knights of the KKK, West, East, North or South Side Bull Shiltzers)should all get what they deserve. You have terrorized your neighborhood. You have disrrupted many peoples lives. You have kill, steal and freighten so many people. I wish and hope that what ever law enforcement agencies that manage to tag that azz will just put you guys out of your misery. I am tired of the court system allowing you to enter back and forth in and out of jail. We should have zero tolerance for any crime that is committed by you, your gang members, friends or for any one who commits a crime. Even for miscellanous crime up to murder. Just lock them all up and make their family pay for the commissary, medical, dental and all other activities they can participate in. If the courts won't do what they need to do, then "Think Vigilante". To hell with the Constitution. They are true to the core, "MENANCE TO SOCIETY". I am tired of the Brinton C.'s in our society.
What good has the members of the gangs done lately for the community? NOTHING. This Blog don't what me to tell you all the truth as to what I would do if I was confronted by one of these gang members. They are all COWARDS. They steal. They commit robbery. They rape our little girls, sisters aunts, mothers and grandmothers. They burglarize our homes. They sell drugs. They torture our pets and other animals. What are the gangs good for. Nothing. Get rid of them.
LT DEAL ........another example
of an Incompetant.........that has
no business in a uniform, let alone, a supervisor position.....
Bet NOTHING happens to her when
she SCREWS UP, like She JUST DID
How many has she sllllleeeeppped
with to get where she is at ?????
LAWSON.......is a Damn Good Officer, and he should SUUUUE
the HELLLLLLL out of WCDC for
W A R D E N ......after all they
put him through.....
Don't let them go Buddy.......
Y O U could be the next
C O U N T Y Exectutive !!!!!!
All of the Lt.'s and Sgt.'s except Sgt. Bare are incompetent.... Most are complacent.... Constantly preaching the Word.... Having panick attaches.... Acting like bullies.... Just waiting for retirement.... Just waiting to collect social security.... Going through depression.... So on.... So Forth....
The females Sgt.'s and Lt.'s treat the inmates as if they are one of their own children. The male Lt.'s and Sgt.'s treat male inmates with disdain and the female inmates like china dolls. They are either kissing the azz of some of their officer friends or undermining the officers decisions that they do not like. None are paying attention to the matters at hand. This group is just pitiful. Instead of hollering for the termination of some of the upper echleon, some of the supervisors need to be demoted or terminated. Especially the two Sgt. R's, Sgt. S. and Sgt. A.,
Lt. D., Lt. W. and Lt. J. They are placing their people in harms way. Maybe the preaching Sgt.'s are needed at this time.
lawson got an out of court settlement for 20,000. 4 to the lawyer and 16 for him. who paid???the taxpayers of wicomico. who should have paid???the wantabe head shrinker that the county made lawson go to.
8:13 pm,
Why are you talking about insignificant Lawson. He settled. Should have received alot more. He didn't have the "Balls" to really give them a fight they deserved. That Officer is a waste of good blog space. There are bigger fish to fry at WCDC.
Lt.Deale is no worse then the three idiots that run the detention center and they are NEVER held accountable.why should she be?
Today, NO O N E is above the LAW
and it Means THEM T O O
These Jail and Prison Hellholes
are so Corrupt, that the FBI should
step in.....to CLEAN them up.....
AZZZZZholes like K i m b l e
would be Off to PRISON themselves
on the next Thursday Run to Baltimore........with the rest of the T E F L O N CREW !!!!!!
Warning....you never Know WHO an
undercover AGENT Might turn out to BE >>>>Teflons Beware !!!!!
THE F I S H will still FRY
even in a T E F L O N frying
Pan..........and will Stick
DDD, and ALL the rest of His
CREW will be W E L L D O N E
when Rick Pollit gets done
with Them.............
They need to R E read his County
memo about HARRASSMENT to Staff
I have a question for Mr. Cox. Was it worth it? Is it worth to do ten years, day for day, no parole, no probation. That is the least amount when he is found guilty for assault on a Correctional Officer. Come on you bleeding heart liberals, plead the case for the poor disadvantaged inmate.
Criminal charges have been filed against Brinton Cox. Sgt Stone is back to work. Now a word for all those who think they can intimadate Sgt. Stone...NOTHING GOOD FOLLOWS A LITTLE RED DOT.
A few months back an inmate bit an officer. What happened to the inmate? Plea bargained down to a 90 day sentence. Weekends at that. Inmate last year had six different assault on officers charges against him and he plea bargained down to nine years total. Till the judges give out sentences that the law calls for, inmates will continue to assault officers. The same law for police officers apply to correctional officers.
T e f l o n wears OFF over
time........then EVERYTHING WILL
K I M B L E TEFLON is wearing THIN........He will get Rid of
Himself within the year.....wait
and SEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!
Mr Harden May just Replace him
and DDD...........
Blah, Blah, Blah
Nothing but the same ole crap. Kimble this. DDD that. DD this. Pollick that. Blah, Blah Blah, and Blah.
The only consistent thing going on @ WCDC is the high turn over rate and favoritism.
That will never change no matter who is in charge.
Harden had the Goods on both
DDD and Kimble......that is why they Conspired to get Rid of Him first......and Everyone knows it
Don't be surprised when you see
Harden get Rid of DDD and Kimble
this year.......then all will get
much Better.......
Hint, Hint,......if the FBI steps in.....Look O U T !!!!!
Those Who Live In Glass Houses
Don't let Your Heads Swell Up Toooo Big.........There are Plenty
who CAN Put YOU in Your Place.....and put YOU out of WCDC
You Should NOT even be Allowed to
so call, RUN a Shift....YOU need a LT or above to Keep YOU in Ck....
WCDC Officers are growing TIRED of
Your Daily ThREATS in Roll Call...
anon 10:53
tell lawson to his face hes a waste of space he did have the balls to call people out with his name go to him and say it i bet you wont coward
Put those Midnight Supervisor
IDIOTS on Day shift...........
They are on a POWER TRIP,.......
and Think they are in the Marines
They like to Try to Intimidate the
officers on shift at Line Up....
Threatening to WRITE UP OFFICERS
Then ....the Inspection of Uniforms
Standing infront of ea officer,
moving from one, to the other..
MARINES, then go and Sign UP....
This is nothing but a FRIKKI'n
Jail....so , COME BACK DOWN TO EARTH, before somebody brings YOU
back down to Salisbury, Md again
All these So, Called, Supervisers
Do , after they are Done Harrassing
Officers, Is to GO TO SLEEP, for
most of the night..........
Hi.... Has KIMBLE and Stevenson
been F I R E D yet ????
Well, just Wait awile longer.....
IT WILL H A P P E N !!!!!!
DDD Will go T O O ......
2009 Will be a G O O D year
TIME FOR C H A N G E ........
N E W C O V E R UUUUP !!!!!
AT WCDC..............
K I M B L E Hits Female inmate
after she had spat at him for him
having pulled her up from her seat
to Move her.....Last W eeek !!!!!
This should be K I M B L E's JOB
Put this on the main Page ALbero !!
If anyone else had done this....
they WOULD BE GONE, and he knows it.........so, Why Not H I M !!!!
If an inmate refuses a direct order to move it is not excessive force if you move them, especially if she spat on him as you stated. That is assault on an officer at the very least, at the most it is a disgusting act that is beyond gross. If she pulled that crap in a bar someone would clean her clock alot worse than getting pulled from her seat.
Extra Extra Read all about it !!
WCDC Security Chief K i m b l e
Strikes FEMALE Inmate last week
EXcessive Force, NOT Allowed....
(Topper,whoever you are)
To begin with, Security Chiefs
don't Move inmates. The lower ranking PEEE ons do. So, Why was he
even doing it to begin with?????
To Show Off ??? Because he thinks
He can do anything, and get Away with it???? YOU still are NOT justified in striking an inmate,especially a Female, just because she Spat on you, if you do
YOU will be Charged with Assault and Battery......and Kimble IS NOT
above the Law... just wait and see
when the females' Lawyer Comes after, BOTH the County and Kimble
CALL Sheriff to Investigate !!!!
This IDIOT >>>>> k i m b l e
WILL get RID OF Himself , just as
he allways Has ,Before.......
He is NOW a BIG Liability to
the County, after his ACTIONS last
week, of Striking a Female Inmate
Guess the other IDIOT buddy of his
SGT Stevenson, will have to find OTHER ASS to KISS after Kimble
is FIRED......... SOOOOOON !!!!!
wHY IS sTEVENSON still here,....after he had Fukkkkd up
last year,....harassing officer Toddman, who was supposed to SUE him.......????????????
Hey annonymous..whoever you are hiding behind that, you know nothing about corrections. You are an idiot. If an inmate spits on an officer it is assault (no matter what their reason or their sex) if the officer does what he has to do to gain control he is JUSTIFIED. Let me spit in your face and see if you don't react. For every action there is a reaction. You obviously are an inmate loving liberal.
Officer "topper"
Maryland DOC officer.
3:45 pm OH, YOU ARE one of those
DOC (Division of Corruption) officers...........
Well, that explains YOUR Dumb
Comments .........
YOU are probably (obviously) one
of those Many BAD officers there
while the Hard working GOOD officers, DO ALL the Work..........
Word is ...............
the Female inmate was Bruised by
K I M B L E , that he had struck
her many times.............
Is it on camera ???????? bet Not
Word is.........they did not even take her to the commissioner that
day............wonder why??????
Is a C O V E R U P IN PLACE ???
Call in C S I Miami, or
C S I NY , or C S I Vegas
clean up WCDC NOW, send
K i m b l e to Guantanimo before
they close it.........
We hear Sgt Stevenson was DWI
when he hit the pole last week???
I N V E S T I G A T E T H A T !!
they Won't, or do much of anything
Since Lately, they seem to CONDONE
such actions, as with other officers lately, and Keep them anyway. Example , Baily ,Blackman
See, it's ALL Who YOU are here....
Some can do anything, and STILL keep their job................
Who you know, who you o w e ????
Anywhere else, some folks at the TOP would be F I R E D .........
Security Chief KIMBLE
SGT Stevenson
SGT Rowely
to Look at the UPPER RANKS ?????
E X T R A , E X T R A
READ all ABOUT IT ..........
Returns to work Sat Feb 21
He, another C R I M I N A L
In Charge of, the Criminals, and
Officers.....What a Discrace.....
How does this make our Government
Look ????? Not very Good.....they
must Condone his actions. making
them NO BETTER, THAN HE..........
Please come back. and clean this
WCDC hellhole up for us......
You have the expertise, to get it done.......get RID OF Kimble,
DDD (3D) for us, and YOU can be the next Warden (Director) ......
Word is....You were a State Police
Captain, in charge of the Princess
Anne Barracks.......HELP us OUT !!!
Word is, Your wife is a Lawyer !!!!
Ok totally missed this one. Who was the officer?
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