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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Let's Talk About High Beams

No, I'm not talking about the Queen of Salisbury. I'm talking about a large volume of people driving down the road any more with their high beams on and refusing the turn them off.

I have noticed more and more lately that even when you flash your high beams back at them, they still refuse to lower them to the regular lighting. I also have an issue with people that think they don't have to lower them until they're right up on you. High beams can be very distracting from even a mile away, yet these people don't care and I have a huge issue with this on back country roads where there are no lines painted on the sides of the road.

Is it just me, or are you experiencing the same problem lately. If you are having the same problem, shouldn't the Police Departments start ticketing these people more frequently before accidents become a new issue for our area? I mean, who knows, perhaps someone was coming the other way the other night on Memory Garden Lane with their high beams on refusing to turn them down and that distracted the driver in the pickup truck? I wouldn't put it past the drivers in that area because that's where I experience most of my problems with this issue.

Anyhow, let's see if I'm all alone on this one or if others are having the same problem.


Anonymous said...

I drive a truck that rides higher on the road and people often think I have my high beams on when I don't. They'll be flashing at me from a mile away. My only option is to quickly turn my high beams on and then back off quickly so they can see I didn't have them on. I've also had my lights checked to make sure they're pointing down and more to the right to avoid blinding drivers. Sometimes, you just get hit with oncoming lights and have to adjust.

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:52,

I have run into that before. Just know that when you respond back by flasjing and showing you don't have your high beams on, the other person respects you for displaying they're not on high beam and appreciates it.

Anonymous said...

Similar problem on Nanticoke Road, these folks get up behind you with their high beams piercing through you back glass or approach you oncoming with high beams.Especially annoying are those real bright white lights like those found on many high end imports . I think it's more a fact that drivers aren't paying attention , rather than just being discourteous.Most likely engulfed in cell phone conversations !!!!

Anonymous said...

I drive a large SUV and have the same problem as 8:52am...I used to flick my highbeams to let others know their on low-but I don't think it does any good. I still get the occasional highbeam user who won't budge.

Anonymous said...

It's probably all you old people driving at night trying to compensate for your poor eyesight...

Anonymous said...

Joe, I have a problem with these newer type of lights frequently found on Lexis, Volvo, etc. that is brighter than the old halogen headlights and it gives you the impression that they have their hi-beams on. Too bright for my older eyes.

Anonymous said...

There are several issues on this topic.
First, driving around with high beams on is often a red flag that the car is stolen. Many cars when the ignition is busted cannot run low beams. Second, with the growing gang concerns on the shore people need to keep in mind this is one of the gang plans. They wait until someone flashes their lights and then follow that person to attack them. Maybe not a HUGE concern for most but a concern none the less. Third, many people will turn the high beams on as if they are fooling the police that a low beam is blown out! (Yeah that doesn't work morons) Another issue is people plain and simple not paying attention. They get on a long dark road and forget they have their high beams on, or they are too busy running off the mouth on the cell to acknowledge the H.B. are still on!
It boils down to common curtsy that many are lacking these days.

Anonymous said...

I am friends with several law enforcement officers who have told me that one of the major signs of a drunk driver is driving with their high beams on. It quickly gets their attention and they start watching for other signs of DWI. More times than not when they pull them over, the driver is drunk.

joe albero said...


That is absolutely untrue about the Gang thing. Snopes it or whatever other way you want to confirm it, it's an old e-mail that has gone around for years and has never been confirmed. An old wives tale, you might say.

Anonymous said...

Joe I hate to call you but "snopes" isn't the most reliable source. I can tell you FIRST hand it is a method that gangs use. I know because I was associated with a gang several years ago. It isn't initiation but it is a way to find a victim for the night. It is very very rare you will find a gang member alone so typically they are not concerned with how big someone looks because it is typically numerous people in the car. You can believe snopes or you can believe someone who was on the wrong side of the law and is doing her best to inform people of what makes them a target.

joe albero said...


There is nothing wrong with being corrected but let me assure you I have spoken with numerous Police Agencies and they say it isn't true. I guess we'll never know unless it happens but I can assure you there will be no one here that will claim this has ever happened to them personally.

Anonymous said...

All good, like I said just trying to inform the general public. It probably hasn't happened here, yet. I am sure the police will be quick to inform you AFTER it has happened. I guess I was attempting a fore warning method, those who chose to hear me great, those who chose not to that's fine too. Like I said I am just giving out info that I know first hand does happen. Maybe people who have been robbed in the Walmart, Shopping Mall, etc. parking lots didn't recall flashing their high beams at someone before they were targeted. Just saying is all....
All I can say is have a great day and be safe!

Anonymous said...

I drive a car that many people belive the high beams are on, when in fact they are not. I choose not to flash back because I don't want to be responsible for an accident. Write or wrong? I don't know but thats why I don't do it. I find that more people here in Salisbury ride with the high beams on behind vehicles...ocasionally I get someone that approaches with them blazing but will go to low beams once the see my head lights heading there way. On the other hand, cars behind me have them blisteringly bright..I can't even use my side mirrors....glad I have tint on the rear windows..cuts that light down to nothing.

joe albero said...

IMHO, you should always flash back just to let the driver know you don't have them on. What's so wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

i haven't experienced the same problems as joe described, but my big pet peeve is people driving in the rain or fog without any lights on. i live on pemberton drive, and for some reason when i'm turning left out of my neighborhood, it is very hard to see in the morning with fog. i pulled out in front of someone in a gray car just the other day. and on roads such as camden avenue with all the side streets, it is very hard to see the cars with no lights on as well.

Anonymous said...

honestly with all the stress of the day I just can't understand why people can't be more courteous on the road. here we are driving around 4000 pound killing machines and some people have to drive too fast, drive too aggressively, not use turn signals, and use their high beams constantly. It forces me, for one, to drive ultra defensively which is NOT a good way to drive, but it has helped me avoid numerous accidents. My girlfriend was just in an accident that wasn't her fault when someone driving aggressively clipped her rear end.

driving with high beams on is just one symptom of selfish, self-important, lazy, inconsiderate, ignorant and stupid people.

Personally, and I mean this 100%, sometimes I just feel like driving people off the road and beating the living #$@$ out of them, because that would be better than them causing an accident for someone else. Of course I don't because I don't want to be a hypocrite, or hurt someone who made a simple mistake. But you all know it's true, sometimes you just want to beat the crap out of a bad driver, before they kill someone.

agree or disagree?

joe albero said...

I firmly agree.

Anonymous said...

If someone comes up on you with your high beams on, all you have to do is look at the right hand side of the road and follow the line. I do this all the time and it works.

Chimera said...

Those really bright headlights on new cars mentioned here are very visually distracting,is it possible to have headlights that are TOO bright?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:45 I agree! I'm a "young driver" and the crap that goes on around here is ridiculous. My father taught me from a young age to be respectful of other drivers. I was taught to shut off my H.B. as soon as I saw another car's headlights or taillights, always use my turn signal & not follow closely. I'm not going to say that there haven't been times I wished I had a big sorry sign on the top of my car for something stupid I did but I try my hardest to drive correctly & respectfully. Driving a deadly weapon is not a joke.

Anon 1:01 When there are no lines on the road it is a little more difficult. A lot of the backroads around here are narrow & don't have lines painted on them.

I think some people need to go back to driver's ed!

Anonymous said...

You are not the only one.

More of a problem are those vehicles who raised the height of their vehicles with either lift kits or bigger wheels and they did not bother to have the headlights readjusted.

Another related problem is those people who think they need their fog lights on all the time but when they installed them, they also didn't bother to do the proper adjustments.

Where I originally came from you would be ticketed for having headlights out of adjustment since it was considered an equipment violation. But there, you had to have your vehicle state inspected every year.
I think Maryland should do that instead of raising tag fees and such so much. It would help to make for safer driving.

Then there are those with the "blue" headlights. I thought those were illegal but I'm starting to see more and more of them pop up in this area lately.

You have to realize though that drivers are not considerate of other drivers anymore, whether it is headlights, foglights or just outright inconsiderate driving habits.

Anonymous said...

It's so bad at night with the high beams, I started wearing my sunglasses when I drive. It is such a relief. Somewhat difficult at time. But, it works for me because most of these people are rude. Maybe, it is all these Maryland Illegal Immigrants that are allow to apply and recieve driving license.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:52
FIXT you and your truck!

Anonymous said...

I am a driver of a Cadillac CTS, which has the new blue lights or bright white lights, and I get it all the time becasue they are so bright. I try to flash back to let them know that I am not on high but I still get some drivers that turn there high beams on me ever though I flashed and showed them. I get it constantly, people flicking me becasue they think I have my high beams on. You should see the high beams if you think the low ones are bright. I could light up a neighborhood- LOL

Anonymous said...

As a society we are generally not considerate- not just while driving, but in all areas of life. We've become focused on what is going on with us and we don't really care about others. And I'll lump myself into that category (at least I'm that way at times).

I admit I tend to drive a bit fast, and I get annoyed when people won't move out of my way on a 2-lane highway- but many times, what the person in front of me doesn't see is that I have someone on my tail pushing me along, and it's making me nervous (I was rear-ended a few years ago, so when I see someone fly up on me, my first reaction is to move- not aggravate them further).

I don't think we should assume that unaware drivers are unaware because they are yapping away on cell phones. I rarely talk and drive, but I must admit, I've arrived home some evenings after work, and I haven't remembered any part of the drive. It's because I spent my commute going over the events of the day, thinking about what I got done, what I need to get done the next day, what I need to do at home, and what needs to be done over the next week or so at home. Honestly- I'm flipping exhaused. And as more is expected of us, the harder it gets- I wasn't this exhaused 5 years ago, after all (but I suppose I was 5 years younger- maybe that was the difference???).

Anonymous said...

People around here are generally rude and inconsiderate drivers. Turn signals are rarely used and I've never seen so many ppl keep their high beams on even when there is oncoming traffic around them. Its pretty typical of the shore. Slow minded ppl are everywhere here, its always been that way and its not likely to change. If you want friendly courteous ppl, move to the midwest where after living there for 23 yrs I never had these types of conversations.