The post yesterday – “Barrie Seeking To Squander Bail-out Bucks” -- that exposed the City’s scheme to restore a decrepit building for rental apartments in a dangerous disaster area of Salisbury -- at a cost per unit that will very likely exceed the cost of a moderately sized new home on a standard lot -- has yielded some information of interest. The City is trying to get federal funding (that’s our taxes, folks) from a program that considers the community views about the project in awarding funds.
If enough persons speak out against this absurd waste of money, the funding won’t happen and the money can be applied to an appropriate purpose, rather than being used to induce persons, including kids, to live in an area where nobody in their right mind would want to be.
Here’s who to contact:
Cindy Stone, Director
Office of Community Programs
Maryland Dept. of Housing
and Community Development
100 Community Place
Crownsville MD 21032
Ms. Stone of the MDHCD can be reached at 410/514-7256 or via e-mail at stonec@mdhousing.org
If you want to see “The Bricks” it is at the intersection of East Church and Isabella streets (just east of the railroad tracks) – the building with different color bricks. It was given to the City in 2007 by its former owner after numerous citations (and, I believe, had been condemned by the City and vacated).
BUT BE WARNED: don’t go there at night, and be sure that your car windows are closed and all doors locked. Also suggested - go with at least one other person and a cell phone set to 911 just in case your vehicle breaks down or is hit and don’t stop unless you must.
I hope this beautiful turn of the century building is not demolished. It has alot of potential and history with it. Restoring the old girl and filling it with tenants who care for it is a wonderful idea. I'm not sure if the economy dictates such a project right now, but its a workable project for someone.
I have never felt the City should be in the housing business. This would be better suited for a private contractor/investor or Salisbury Neighborhood Housing. The bottom line is to not throw away any more of this Cities historic treasures. They dont build them like this anymore.
For those that know the area, it used to be Zorro's bar.
I keep hearing about the "historical" factor of this building. If there IS history there it's bad history. I've lived in this area for more than 50 years, and my mother for almost 80. The only "history" that WE can come up with is that it was the site of a rough bar/tavern for many years, a brothel for more years, and a man was murdered on the front porch less than 5 years ago.
Tear it down and cut OUR losses.
Dear Bryan Records:
So, why don't you buy it and do that yourself, or do you know about that old adage regarding a fool and his money?
I'll bet good money Gillis Gilkerson gets the renovation job.
Why do we have to save all of the old buildings. I think the thing looks like crap. That whole neighborhood is just nasty. I would have rather saved the old barn on Rt. 50 before I would save that rat hole.
why dont they build another apartment project down by the river , they really sell good. ha haa
Since the property was given to the city and the city is alway complaining about running out of room at the government office building then make this more office space for the city. Quit wasting my hard earned tax dollars. Barrie Parsons Tilghman I am sick and tired of you and your minions stealing from us.
There is a lot more worth saving on the Downtown Plaza than the old Zorro's Tavern building in a neighborhood that not many people would willingly live in. Bryan--I still think you would make a great Fire Chief and hope the next mayor considers you for that position--but as a city planner/architect you are out of your element. I agree that restoring old buildings is better than tearing them down to make more parking lots but this building is not high on the list for the cost involved.
"BUT BE WARNED: don’t go there at night, and be sure that your car windows are closed and all doors locked. Also suggested - go with at least one other person and a cell phone set to 911 just in case your vehicle breaks down or is hit and don’t stop unless you must."
The intersection itself is not the problem. Even most of Church Street is not the problem. The problem is all of the slumlord housing on the side streets. Go take a look at some of those houses when you get a few minutes and see what the houses are like. (sidestreets off of Church, from Isabella to Naylor - after that they seem to get better)
I've been saying for years now, if the landlords would fix up the properties and be even a little bit careful who they rent to, most of the problems would go away.
It is posts and comments like those here that actually STOP people from even considering this neighborhood as a home. Personally, I love where I live, my neighbors are mostly awesome and we don't have a lot of strangers causing problems. (granted, I am on the good side of Naylor)
I do agree that the renovation project should be handled by a private enterprise. **With protections for the city and neighbors regarding type of dwelling and tenants.**
We really don't need another half-way house, but maybe partnering with Habitat would work - house their up-and-coming homebuyers at the Bricks while the houses are being built...
Having lived on the East Side of Salisbury and knowing how things work when it comes to the whole "community policing" thing,I would not live over there.Alot of the side streets have very nice homes but trouble is still literally just around the corner.Better if "The Bricks" remains a commercial property.
Anon 101 - I really like that idea! How would they go about funding it, though? They can't take the money they are currently requesting because those funds are for certain projects...and I would be kinda ticked if they raised our taxes to fund it.
If we're on a crusade to save stuff, let's start with our money.
The city or whoever uses tax dollars has absolutely NO business being involved in such a project as this.
This is just one more of the mayors pipe dreams, hoping to improve the impression left by her reign. Too little, too late. This building should be sold at auction to whoever wants to take it on, and in the absence of such a person or company, razed. Period.
Barrie says, 5 dollar, 5 dollar foot longs from subway.
As a member of Grace United Methodist Church, located on church street, I'm in favor of anything that will change the reputation of the Church Street neighborhood. Our church has barely managed to hang on in a community that changed around us. The last thing we need is the media or anyone else telling people to never go in that neighborhood. I go to the church at night once a week and have done so for the last 13 years. I have NEVER once had a problem with anyone from the neighborhood. Yes, I am cautious, but I don't fear for my life. We have a wonderful church but unfortunately the future of our congregation depends on people being willing to come down church street to get to us. As for what should be done with "The Bricks"....I don't care as long as it is an improvement to the neighborhood.
Crownsville? Isn't that where the State Mental Hospital is? Maybe Barrie can go there and we can get rid of her sooner than later!.
To those commenting on Zorros Pub, it is now the SPD substation and Neighborhood Services building. The actual house is across the street from there. There use to be a bunch of dealers there who were all kicked out. The property was also "renovated" a few years back with new windows and some other shotty work which doesn't look like it's worth a damn. I ride through the area almost every day since it's the easier route to my house. Most of your problems exist on BAKER st. There is a house with a bunch of hoodlums hanging out on the street ALL times of night. Some of the side streets between Baker and E Church are infested with these so called people. More police action from SPD is needed in that area instead of sitting up at the old hotel in their cars.
To those commenting on Zorros Pub, it is now the SPD substation and Neighborhood Services building. The actual house is across the street from there. There use to be a bunch of dealers there who were all kicked out. The property was also "renovated" a few years back with new windows and some other shotty work which doesn't look like it's worth a darn. I ride through the area almost every day since it's the easier route to my house. Most of your problems exist on BAKER st. There is a house with a bunch of hoodlums hanging out on the street ALL times of night. Some of the side streets between Baker and E Church are infested with these so called people. More police action from SPD is needed in that area instead of sitting up at the old hotel in their cars.
dinosaur said...
Bryan--I still think you would make a great Fire Chief and hope the next mayor considers you for that position--
1:02 PM
Zorro's used to be in the front of "The Brick's" years before they moved across the street to where code and compliance is and the police sub station is rarely ever manned. You must be too young to remember the original Zorro's, fact check before you speak. Bricks = old old Zorro's dang come here's LoL J/K
You sound like someone affiliated with the fire department. Can you give us a hint who you are?
5:36PM Keep rolling on the floor--Bryan Records is probably TWICE the firefighter you'll ever be.
The building is question IS historically significant. According to Paul Touart in his recently-published book At the Crossroads: The Architectural History of Wicomico County, Maryland, the Richardson Apartment House, as it was known, was constructed in 1912 . Touart writes that is is "one of the most architecturally creative buildings on the east side of Salisbury." It is a "Flemish bond brick structure of unconventional design and structure."
As a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, I am interested in saving buildings of significance such as the Richardson Apartment House (aka Zorro's Bar). Restoring this fine building to its original glamour would enhance all of the Church St. area and serve as a catalyst to continued renovations.
You go Bryan, a least you have the cajones to use your name. Means you have nothing to hide. I'd get fired if I used my name. I'm not a flying monkey yet, but maybe, someday ; )
That is a dangerous area after dark. The first street east of code and compliance looks like Baltimore Street in downtown Baltimore after dark. I cut through there one night when the overhead bridge was backed up from construction. More hookers and drug dealers on that little street than the whole RT 13 area. I wouldn't walk down that street after dark without my assault rifle!
dinosaur said...
5:36PM Keep rolling on the floor--Bryan Records is probably TWICE the firefighter you'll ever be.
6:58 PM
Well I heard you never were a firefighter.
Id be caught dead if I walked down that street at night. Years and years ago I rented a apartment in one or those houses from Joe Callis. And I want you to know it was one of the scariest times of my life.
And that was when zorros' was where the sub-station is now.I never went to zorros because I wouldnt cross the street at night. And that church there, I used to go there for aa meetings right before aa moved, due to the unsafe inviorment. Get it ! AA room of real drunks were to afraid to continue meeting there ! I witnessed a few druggies running across the road carrying a front porch post and crashing it threw a window of a house across the road from zorros. Several AA members wre robbed going into the church for a meeting. The best thing to do with this entire 3 block radious would be to bulldoze them crack heads right out of the state.
Mrs. mayor why dont you just slowly fade away and stop waisting tax payers dollars on your way out.
I cant think of anyplace with in the city limits that I would care to walk at night at. The crime has risen so much it is almost un-beleivable. I heard tell of a person driving down this road around 6:00 pm and they heard a woman screem and stopped their car and rolled their window down to listen...all of a sudden 4 youthes on bicycles surrounded his car and on , he said they were ages 12-14 yrs old, ask him..."what you want white boy" and the guy told me he rolled his window up and drove away.
Now I thought he was a coward but he said they were ready to take what ever they could. The point being made is ..."Dont you try to find out if the area is really that bad yourself", cause it is.
There isn't one place in this city that is safe or desireable for a decent person to raise a family. I have been living here for over 25 years now and it has gotten much worse. The last 12 years were by far the worse. Then came the dream team and even worse. The best thing this city can do is to stop the annexations and put a moratorium on developements until the city is brought under control. Quit allowing annexations for developers to build the small rental houses and the so called appartments, condo's and "affordable housing" for 55 and older. This has been a scam for years and allowing the developers to become millionares at the expense of the lower middle class and the retirees.
I have one question that I challenge anyone to answer. Within the last 12 years has there been one annexation in the city of Salisbury that the developer/builder actually lived in the city limits?
Are there any slumlords or members of SAPOA that live in the city limits?
You must be a real hillbilly or a true farmin if you think you have a great idea for a city department head!
Thats funny RB-I used to actually collect Marlboro Miles(always gave them away thought).
Seriously though, T think one of those big brick buildings on Church & Isabella was an American Stores grocery store a long time ago..George Chevalier might know, I am not positive about it. My grandfather mentioned it once or twice.
Why not turn it into something to benefit the community?
Police on the first floor.
Maybe a computer center for the children in the area to assist them in their education.
After school programs so the kids would have something to do besides becoming involved in gangs and learning to sell/use drugs.
A heath department satellite for addictions/mental health services for the neighborhood.
A Job training and placement services center.
Poverty and addiction can be learned behaviors that are passed from generation to generation.
People that have known no other way of life can't teach their children something they don't know themselves.
Help people help themselves.
Inform encourage and educate.
One break in the cycle can change things for future generations.
Ideas that boost people up would likely be rejected as they don't line anyone's pockets.
For this project to work, people will need jobs---something this city is coming up short on.
The mayor and her administration are running off businesses like the micro brewery with excessive fees, without recognizing the employment opportunity. We have seen business decline over the years in the city and this is because we have not have had the leadership needed to understand business----I would vote people like the Perdues, Hannas or Knorrs to run the town as a business before ever voting for the current city officials----maybe then we would have a chance!
Anon 7:49 said:"aa moved, due to the unsafe inviorment."
Actually the AA group that met there, the Keep It Simple Group, moved because some of its members were very tight with the people who started the SSACC and they moved to support their venture. They did NOT move because of an unsafe environment.
I have to agree with Anon 10:02 PM. Just because you are a "good firefighter" doesn't mean you are qualified or have the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities to be a city department head and run a department with a multimillion dollar budget. That is what is wrong with the city now.
So, how much of your money will you contribute to your cause?
PS- are you referring to that funny brick color pattern - "Flemish bond"?
Barrie Mengela
8:01: It is Paul Touart rather than I who referred to the brickwork as "Flemish bond." He is the expert architect, not I. It may very well be that some funding for restoration could come from the National and/or Maryland Historic Trust, since these groups are all about protecting historic treasures from demolition. Obviously, the Richardson Apartment Building ("Zorro's") doesn't look like much now, but when it was constructed nearly 100 years ago it was quite a sight. We need to do all we can to retain our historical structures.
"The old gray mare she ain't what she used to be;
that's why we're sending her to the glue factory."
Get over it. We don't have the funds to preserve every building that some so-called "expert architect" likes. And even if we did, it doesn't justify wasting money.
tear down that cockroach factory
She's so stupid she's probably thinking. Mengela, Mengela, I know that name, I think I went to school with a Mengela.
The Old Train Station would have been a much better project historically thinking and brought jobs and tax revenue. The Bricks? I'd insist on a hepa filter mask and sanitizer stray at 300 PPM before I even entered that building. If it ever caught fire just let it burn, the arsnec from rat poison won't hurt anyone.
Cockroach- I agree with your ideas. You are right, though, giving those in need a boost is never popular, for whatever reason.
I don't understand why we wouldn't preserve something historic and unique. Seems to me people around here always complain about how the new houses/developments all look the same- but now that's what they want. I certainly don't think that it should be demolished because of its sordid past.
If I had the money, I'd buy it and turn it into temporary housing for the homeless. Our homeless population is steadily increasing, and as the economy continues to decline, I imagine we will see lots of families in dire straits and in desperate need of housing. The 2-week stay at the Christian Shelter isn't going to cut it for most people.
Restoring a property, if done by the right individuals, can be more fiscally responsible (and it's more environmentally responsible) than a complete tear down and rebuild. I'm not saying that the city should finance it. But don't tear it down- I shudder to think of all the complaints that will suddenly be lodged about the pile of rubble left after demolition- you know- comments like the ones about the old mall...
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