GA, Michael and I hung out with the Harris Campaign showing our support for a very rare and spectacular Candidate for Congress. Funny, you don't see ANY pictures like this with Bloggers supporting Kratovill? Oh, that's right, Duvall doesn't leave the house, I forgot.
the dude on the right looks like high pitch eric (howard stern listeners will understand)
We were not invited...
Hey Boss Hogg, Sorry you missed it. It was not invitation only, everyone was invited. The invitation went out the general public, and no one in specific got an invitation. It was for anyone interested in Harris. It was broadcast on Andy's site as well as multiple other ones. It also went out through any e-mail chains. If you would like to get info on events like this and other ones, sign up at www.andyharris.com. That way you can guarantee you don't miss another one!
Dustin Mills
Lower Shore Coordinator
Harris for Congress
Dude on the right looks plain CRAZY! Go Team Harris! LOL!
Dustin, you need to get around and see your Aunt Jenny. How long has it been since you and your sister have seen her? Shame on you, young man.
Um...you must have me confused with another Dustin Mills...I do not have an Aunt Jenny. lol.
He might look crazy but he is very intelligent. That is Michael Swartz of monoblogue.
Actually I sometimes do get a little crazy at Shorebird games, particularly when the umpiring is as bad as last night's farce.
< /rant>
But it was good to see the show of support for Harris, even without Billy. And believe it not, I didn't write the comment above. Thanks for the complement.
I know somebody had to be the photog but the real TOP DOGGER, I mean BLOGGER isn't shown.
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