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Monday, October 12, 2020

Neighbors with opposing political views share message of unity on Facebook

Neighbors in Hinesville are taking to social media to spread a message of unity, despite their opposing political beliefs.

Patrick Underwood and Frank Scozzafva have lived in the same town and have known each other for over 30 years.

While Patrick supports Biden and Frank supports Trump, there is one thing they can both agree to vote on — respect.

When the pair caught up in town, Patrick decided to take a picture with Frank as they both sported signs of the presidential candidates they are voting for in the upcoming election.

Since the picture was posted, people from all political spectrums have chimed in to encourage more Americans to have this outlook and to treat others with respect, no matter their opinion or who they’re voting for.

Patrick says with everything going on in the world, the last thing we need is a divided country.

“I just thought about it and I said, ‘Man, we need to come together as a country cause there is a lot of stuff going on right now.'”

“You have this problem of Trump’s not gonna get in, Biden is gonna get in. But essentially, whoever wins, wins, and then we move on,” Frank added.

According to Frank, it all comes down to one message: “We’re gonna be friends no matter who wins.”


Paladin said...



Anonymous said...

I say, "Good for them." but only because the idiots of the world deserve to live just as much as anybody. This idea of coming together is just plain stupid because anyone who would even consider having Joe Biden as President is mentally diminished already.

Anonymous said...

And for much of America this is accurate. But far left democrats do not believe in this and will scorch the earth to get there way. Don't believe me listen to Keith Oberlands recent rant. Unfortunately I personally know too many people with Oberland mindset to play nice anymore. The republican politicians are going to have to start playing really dirty if we are going to save this republic.

Anonymous said...

If you have Netflix, go watch "The Social Dilemma". If you are looking for a reason to get rid of ALL of your social media accounts, this is this only thing you need to watch. Former developers and tech insiders explain how the social media giants build and tailor programs to manipulate users and obtain their desired outcomes. Everybody knows this is going on but the information in this documentary is truly scary!

Anonymous said...

Some sanity for once.

Anonymous said...

Together we always win. Apart, well we all see how things are going especially in CONgress.


Anonymous said...

Karl marx or Thomas jefferson?

Thats your choice this year!

Anonymous said...

Per cnn blm clashed with a white supremacist

Anonymous said...

Not interested. The lines are drawn.