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Thursday, August 06, 2020

Democratic Socialists Of America Teams Up With Teachers Unions To Reform Schools

What happened:

The Democratic Socialists of America has endorsed the demands of some of the largest teachers’ unions in the US.

These are conditions that the unions say must be met before teachers are willing to return to teach public school during a pandemic.

For example, the unions say school should be cancelled this fall to allow more time for the pandemic to die down.

They could also use that time to retrofit schools with safety measures, using “a massive influx of federal funds” that the unions and Democratic Socialists are also demanding.

The unions also want to ban charter schools and school voucher programs… to combat Covid-19?



Anonymous said...

Defund education now!!!tear the system down its broke and offends me
Dont get me started on the corrupt unions

Anonymous said...

Working wages were highest when union membership was highest. Then the cold war happened and not only did USSR lose but the working class American lost as well. Any sort of unionization was decried as socialism. If you told someone from the 1950s that college would cost half (now more) of your wages, housing would skyrocket and wages would collapse they'd think we lost the cold war.

Anonymous said...

12:02 unions are the reason our workers aren't worked to death like in China.

Anonymous said...

Risking the life of one child is too many. I thought Republicans were supposed to be the "voice of the voiceless" and democrats were the baby killers. We never missed a year of school and my peers still fell for pyramid schemes, it won't make a difference. Especially with DeVos' war on public schools.

Anonymous said...

Why send our children to school to become doctors and scientists if you idiots won't listen to them anyway?

Anonymous said...

The Democrats want the schools to fail. The fight being cause is also being designed. Just like the fight of the color of your skin. They want online schooling and no building. And guess what all of you treating teachers bad are pawns and allowing their plan to take place. Just look up Gates ideas about what the school should be. They are causing the hatred on purpose. Wake up people. Socialism is coming. And then it will be the fall of America. Trump 20/20.

Anonymous said...

CEO's that underhire and underpay Americans have brainwashed you into thinking the current system benefits you when it reality it overwhelmingly benefits them. But I expect nothing less than an easy brainwash from Trump supporters.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like unions want to control non union facilities
sounds like a shakedown form the past

Anonymous said...

F the teachers union I want the ck CK to home school as Trump said.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Socialist Teachers are in our schools right now. Perhaps Wicomico Teachers Union President Joan Smith could give the citizens a rundown of what she presented to the school system. I know there was an article in the Independent but ask her what she is being told by the head of all the teachers unions in Maryland. I'm sure she would not explain them. She will only say what they are. They have not provided one positive suggestion as to how they can help schools re-open. It's all about them, them, them and they use the students to advance their wants.

Anonymous said...

12:02 It is too late!!! Your freedom is gone never to return, it is on;y a matter of months before you become a slave to the tune of being tracked 100%, 100% of the time, 100% of your life!!!! But you people don't care, you think it will never happen... Example, Enter Hitler!!!

Anonymous said...

It's not "reform", it's ruin.

Anonymous said...

I have been saying on this blog for years just how bad the unions are. But oh no, every time a local group wants union formation (WCSO) or others need concessions you idiots jump. How's it working out for ya. Unions care about ONE thing, THEMSELVES!

Anonymous said...

Time for your meds.

Anonymous said...

I do believe you are the pawns. Support you now until the time comes they have what they want, and you are cast off to the side wondering what the hell happened. Oh, I can tell you what happened. Good luck and take the blinders off.

Anonymous said...

That WAS the original purpose of unions. They had their time and place. Today, they are nothing more than money grubbing snakes selling you snake oil. Very slippery.....

Anonymous said...

Can't keep your kids tied to your apron strings forever.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember when President Regean told the Federal Air Traffic Controllers Union workers on strike to go back to work or be fired. Well guess what - he fired those who didn't. Never to be rehired. I suggest we tell the Teachers Union - the same. About time they are told that they are there to teach our children or get the hell out.

Anonymous said...

Why go to school to be a doctor or scientist when you will be censored and have your career ruined for not supporting the Democrat agenda. You see this works both ways.

Anonymous said...

Yes we must have been brainwashed into liking Trump more than Killery, or creepy Uncle Joe by organizations like the public school system, the college system, CBS, NBC, Politico, Huffington Post, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the heaps of secret money being funneled into super PACs such as Move on, Swing Left, Justice Democrats and lets not forget BLM which was quickly taken over by "agents" and is now used to funnel more money to people like Joe Biden.