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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Democrats push Voting Rights Act in honor of John Lewis

Democratic lawmakers want to honor civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis’ legacy by advancing the Voting Rights Act in the Senate.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) was the first to publicly pitch the idea of renaming the bill and pushing it through the Senate during a CNN appearance Sunday.

“It should be the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of 2020,” the No. 3 House Democrat told the network of how best to honor the 80-year-old Georgia congressman.

“That’s the way to do it. Words may be powerful, but deeds are lasting.”

Shortly after the interview, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who authored the Senate’s counterpart legislation to the House’s Voting Rights Act championed by Lewis, pledged to reintroduce it under a new name.



Anonymous said...

Why is he being honored for being employed by the people and operating on his own beliefs (black). I’ve seen this dude in operation at hearings. Mind blocked, loud, one way. Didn’t he get paid while doing this? That’s right, today everyone get a star, trophy, or ribbon. There are no losers. I didn’t care for the dude and surely didn’t hope for him to leave here, but will he now hold up in some building for a couple weeks and roll him out in a horse driven white buggy. I think we just went through that with The Honorable Floyd or Lloyd, whatever. Sorry to go off, just wish congress would get some work done that the people pay for and waste on them. Both parties, I’m racist but not prejudice. Lol let me elaborate on the last line. I wasn’t racist all of my many years until recent events. I was forced to be. Thank you

Anonymous said...

John Lewis was a POS RACIST. WTF did he ever do for anyone but himself?? In Congress forever and didn't do a Damn thing. But the blacks act like he's a savior. LMAO. The only thing he has ever done was Stoke the fires of RACE BAITING.

Anonymous said...

That's not an honor. Don't besmirch the man's name with this foolishness.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.This is one of them

Anonymous said...

If it mandates Voter ID, in-person voting on Election Day, absentee only by prior written request, no mail-in except troops overseas, purging/updating voter rolls with penalties for deficient officials as the starting points there might be some merit, whatever name they place on the bill.

The Right to Vote is one of the most important features of our Republic. Everyone should be on guard against abuse because those who are not entitled to vote are stealing from the rest. Let the power of your ideas draw voters to your proposals rather than cheating and theft.

Anonymous said...

How is ensuring everyone has the right to vote a bad thing? Don't pretend the VRA is bad. Just admit you don't like the guy because you're a racist and move on.

Anonymous said...

Read the trash, how best to “honor” the 80 year old whatever. Who is besmirching the man’s name? The man did that all by himself with his loud mouth and arrogant actions.

Anonymous said...

Right, another myth, speak nice about the dead. Truth, tell it like it is or was. Not all are good guys while here, so I guess when they leave they are the best thing since canned beer.

Anonymous said...

bet they build a statue

Anonymous said...

He and Cummings were one in the same. RACIST'S.

Anonymous said...

When you see one you look at the other. When you see the other you look at the one. You are right, not a bit of different in their arrogant bad self or loud nasty voice. That’s why Little Marco got them mixed up. There’s no difference.

Anonymous said...

John Lewis and Elijah Cummings should have been brothers! Of course the left would say they were brothers from another mother or another mother or another or another..........

Anonymous said...

Everyone shouldn't have the right to vote. If criminals weren't allowed to vote our country wouldn't be in the shape it is today. We truly need to return America to it's glory days

Anonymous said...

Northwest Woodsman: I also observed him participating in some hearings where he claimed he just “axed for the troof “. Another negro moron who benefited from affirmative action. I’d be willing to bet his IQ was room temperature. How anyone could take a fool like him seriously is totally beyond me. Mad Max Waters is endowed with similar intellect and personality. Funny how these fools do actually have some entertainment value because watching them preform their act is like a Saturday Night Live skit.