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Thursday, January 03, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Interesting facts! Where's the outrage?


Anonymous said...

typical. No mention of how many of those guns were obtained illegally by known felons.

Odds are good, given it's Baltimore MD.

Anonymous said...

How about the statistics of the killers?

The handgun was simply the handy tool - they could have used a long gun, hammer, or's another thought - how many of the victims were unarmed simply because their second amendment rights had been infringed by the local government? That could have changed the 'victim' count, the fought back and survived count and maybe, the overall number!

Anonymous said...

Would like to know the stats on the number of guns were legally owned by the shooter.

Anonymous said...

Jayne Miller at last someone who tells the truth. Black Lives Matter doesn't care about these figures just racist jargon. Of those 291 how many were young thugs with no parenting, only time you see idiots like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson is when they try to put their spin on things but what are they doing for their own race to try to keep the kids on the right track do they try to set a good example. Did either of them help pay for the drug stores in the communities to be built again after they burned them to the ground, the businesses that were torn down in the riots, did they help.

Anonymous said...

Democrats: "This is exactly why we have to disarm whites!"

Anonymous said...

Baltimore is led by a black mayor and nearly all government officials are black. Why should anyone expect 309 murders to be news.

Anonymous said...

between this and the abortion lobby I'm surprised there are still black people alive! Shame they won't take responsibilities for themselves!

Anonymous said...

12:31 she is blaming it on the guns. She loves BLM and would decapitate herself in front of an audience before speaking out against them. And just for the record Jayne Miller outright lies, spins and tells half truths all the time so it fits her liberal agenda.

Anonymous said...

Little racist statement... never going to happen!!

Anonymous said...

WTH! Is someone trying to say Maryland's highly restrictive and unconstitutional gun laws are ineffective? Imagine that. Baltomore's elected leaders are political morons, voted into office by moron voters. Dumb asses in Baltimore getting their welfare benefits and killing each other. All with the help of politicians.