Lately, with all Black Lives Matter activities coming to the forefront, there has been many conversations here on Salisbury News about racism -- promoted by the lynch drawing at SU and the group beating of a white PHS student along with BLM invasion on OC's boardwalk.
Racism is now front and center in our minds and no topic on this blog goes unscathed without some comment that's racially based. Salisbury is only a indication of what's going on in every community throughout America. Obama's divisive rhetoric has poisoned the wells not just in urban areas but small towns as well.
David Horowitz, a former Civil Rights activist during the King era, makes many startling claims in his book, Progressive Racism, which boils down what's really doing on in America today -- the racial turmoil. And, his fact-based conclusion may surprise many.

Unfortunately, especially in this election, being called a racist merely means you don't agree with another person's point of view. No longer does it mean anyone actually holds some deep-seated hatred for another race or religion. For example, by sheer virtue, I am a racist. Why? Because I am white and not a Democrat. It doesn't matter that I have Black friends or that I hold no negative attitudes towards any minority group. It also doesn't matter that my academic background concentrations in the Civil Rights Movement history. Because I'm a non-Liberal white, I'm immediately a racist.

Sadly, they don't seem to understand, they're the only ones name calling. Amazingly, the Black Americans whom engage in race baiting, don't seem to get the fact that the Democrat Party has a long history of racism against their ancestors that goes well beyond the recent Wikileaks revelations about the DNC/Clinton Campaign referring Hispanics as "Taco Bowls" and Black people, "Boos."

Furthermore, these same politicians conveniently forget that no Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964. And once passed, it wasn't until President Richard Nixon (R) that segregation was outlawed in practice not just on paper.
It doesn't matter what has been done to help them or how many bars have been lowered to accommodate them, they will never be satisfied. Because their leaders won't allow them to move on. Instead they go from cradle to grave believing White America owes them something. And worse yet, the Democrats will never let them be satisfied either.
In short, Horowitz clearly demonstrates the racism is one-sided and Blacks along with Liberals are the now the ultimate racists - not Whites.
The Liberals' blatant abuse of Black America is shameless. Yet, most Black Americans continue to support them, despite the fact their hope for the American Dream has been all but severed under their leadership. Hence, his argument clearly proves the Democrat Party is the worst affliction on Black America since the days before Reconstruction. Even Malcolm X denounced them before he died, so Horowitz is far from alone in pointing out how Democrats viciously manipulate them for their own political gains and thirst for power. The politicians don't realize or care the wounds they create take decades - generations - to heal.
It's unfortunate Black America continues the Democrats' mythological hate against them because, in reality, we are all Americans -- and we're all in this together!
How say you?
Ignore it and see what happens.I'm sick of laboring over the nonsense of even caring what either race thinks about the other.Here it is 2016 and worse than ever,which proves racism cannot be fixed.We've been given more than enough time & a fix is no longer possible.The haters will just have to keep on hating.
This country's history did include racism, but things got all flared up when Obama took office, and I voted for him. His connection with every young black person shot and killed, regardless of what crime they were commiting, his connection with Al Sharpton, his disconnect with a life that was better until Obama himself fueled the racism. He has set this country back.
This is excellent as far as it goes, Thornton. One additional thing you might focus on is the motivation of democrats in their racism, which would be the attempt to maintain an 'inferior'(to them) class of people that are wholly dependent on the democrats, thereby keeping them in power.
Another way of putting it.. political slaves. Limit their access to education and economic opportunity, and, as Democrat President LBJ said when he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, give them just enough to keep them quiet.
If Al Sharpton achieved equality in Black's minds, how would he continue to make 💵💵💵? He would be broke! See what I mean?
LBJ was a racist. He did it because of the social unrest and Whites' reactions to violence against Blacks! Televised riots and violence caused a lot of Whites to start badgering legislators to make changes.
Many other minorities are discriminated against by blacks. Look at the way they treat Jews and Asians for starters. Many blacks are downright cruel to them but no one makes that a part of the conversation. For years now it's all about blacks. Really tired of it and like 917 said, it's old worn out bs. One of the big reasons I'm not voting for democrats anymore is because they're too dogmatic and lacking any substance. Any time a candidate calls someone a racist it means they don't have any ideas or ways to fix problems. And we need a problem solver not another race baiter in the White House.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 then they wonder why people harbor ill will towards them when they discriminate against others. Blacks are their own crown of thorns.
The Democrats have to keep blacks enslaved to benefits to achieve their support. The article states the issue perfectly. Some blacks are beginning to understand this and that's encouraging.
Very good point 9:20AM. Another spin comes from historian, Mary Dudziak in her book Cold War Civil Rights where she discusses that LBJ actually was shamed into passing Civil Rights legislation due to the Cold War. It was hypocritical to run around the world preaching against the social misjustice of communism when here in America, the black community was treated badly. Therefore, historians like Dudziak believe it was more a political maneuver for the worldview of America more so than any altruistic gesture on Johnson's part.
Like I said in the article, it wasn't until Nixon took office that any of the legislation was even implemented. Like many presidents before Johnson was afraid the populis would not willing accept desegregation. As Nixon found out, many were highly resistant to the actual implementation! i.e. Boston busing crisis.
Horowitz does touch on LBJ but for his purpose, he is referring more to contemporary uses of the race card to eviserate opponents on the Right while also prohibiting any true racial equality thought in Black Americans' mindset.
That's because they're raised to hate everything and everyone. They're taught though parents and society to hate. But you can't lump them all in together. No all blacks hate. It's a fraction of them that do. For the most part the older generations who remember the real Jim Crow are just as angry with BLM as the whites.
Another great article.
If one looks closely enough the facts are that the Liberal Agenda is sponsored largely by mega rich Jewish bankers! I know it is unbelievable, but it appears that very rich Jews actually want whites and blacks to fight with each other. Perhaps it is as a distraction to cover their banking and trading (rigging markets) crimes?
Thank you.
Presidents are never "shamed" into action.
Every single action of a POTUS is scripted and very well thought out in advance.
POTUS works for the richest people in the world. That is simply a fact.
These rich people also own the media. Therefore, they have control over what appears in the media at all levels. They have worked tirelessly to accumulate power and do not intend to give it up. They will certainly not allow the Donald to interfere with their power. If necessary, they will simply convince him to do what they want once he wins. My guess however, is that Hillary is the Chosen One. She will do what they want.
Thanks 10:24AM. I would; however, caution against putting all of this race baiting on rich Jewish bankers. While they may have a stake there are many stakeholders with desire to keep the race pot boiling! You have people like Clinton who need to stay in power in order to self enrich at voters' expense. Then, you have black leaders who actually have made a handsome living keeping racial divides alive and evident. And of course, you have government deviants that do things while people's attentions are preoccupied on a daily basis with smoke and mirrors. Then you have the young ones who get excited that CNN and other news organizations give them relevancy where last week they had none.
Lots of stakeholders are involved we have to be careful pigeonholing one group over another. Racism is like a perfect storm in many respects that could blow up drastically at any moment.
I find it stunning that you would debate Dudizak's analysis based on years of historical research and hours of reading over Johnson's papers. Historians don't just throw out hypotheses based on hunches. They formulate through labored research and critical analysis.
I am guessing your statement of 'fact' is a formation of education which we all know can be slanted based on a teacher's ideas and belief systems that inevitably come through and influence students.
Historians do not generally work on this lower level and it may be a good project for you to study historians and their processes of getting their conclusions before trying to negate their well formed conclusions.
You hold a lot of assumptions 10:29PM that are simply untrue. While the media is held by the rich, they are based largely in liberalism. Very rarely is a media Corp based in any conservative thought. And the lines between personal politics and reporting news have been seriously flawed and blurred as we saw with Wikileaks. In Horowitz's summation he clearly discusses the media's role in shaping public opinions but those lines come from somewhere. Namely the DNC is responsible for a large quantity of talking points because their left-leaning media friends consult with them when creating stories.
How you got to Donald Trump in this whole deal is beyond me, considering he's not a part of this conversation at all but I will say, with your attitude, you should take responsibility for current naysaying environment. We all have a vote. Ronald Reagan did the unthinkable in 1980 and I believe we are going to see that this year as well. However, as I said, he's not a part of this so I'm perplexed as to why you injected him.
Thanks for the comment !
😹😹😹😹 1029 Chosen One and presidents not being forced and scripted? You do have a vivid imagination about the 60s. If you ever bothered to actually read about LBJ you'd find that narcissistic bastard would never be scripted and his brashness makes Trump look like a charm school teacher. LBJ was never scripted. You're thinking about the president's since Reagan. Each one before Bush Sr had a clear personality that all could see. You crack me up! Thanks for morning laugh!
Too many people don't take responsibility for their own outcomes. They depend too on government to fix their issues instead of making their own goals and achievements. Fixing to level playing fields puts people in situations where they're set up to fail. Affirmative action and hiring people due to race instead of ability is a good example of how blacks have gone to colleges in order to fill a quota but once there they fail because they don't have good study habits and don't achieve on a higher education level.
Blacks are finding out the Democrats now favors illegals over them. They figure they've already locked up the black vote now they've got work on Latinos. Don't get me wrong. They'll haul you out at election time but look at your unemployment and home ownership numbers. Way down. Democrats are legislating against your success. You've been played. Welcome to the white exp
There is a line of thought which assumes history is always written by the winners.
The winners are usually (have been since Napoleon) the richest people in the world.
The pivotal moment was when Amschel Bauer assumed the wealth of the King of France.
After that, his sons established banking houses in several countries in Europe.
The advance knowledge of the defeat of Napoleon enabled this family to amass a fortune never before seen.
Modern history is written to cover the crimes of the rich.
Money buys power, and there is a clique of people alive now who have more of it than at any point in time.
Horowitz is from Columbia Univ and Univ. of CA Berkley - both are known intelligence hot beads.
Since his parents were admitted Communists and were accused of being in intelligence, I conclude he is most likely a part of intelligence.
The intelligence community works for the uber rich, not governments. Governments work for the uber rich. Communism was a creation of Zionist Bankers who want to control all property. Karl Marx was also intelligence, and came from a jewish banking family. In spite of his lies to the contrary, he was extremely rich. The same families who controlled Lenin and Communism are now controlling social movements such as BLM, LGBT, so on.
The intelligence community is primarily communist because that is the chosen form of control for the uber rich families. They chose communism as their vehicle for gaining power over governments and citizens. It is inextricably linked to Zionism and Talmudic Judaism.
History isn't that difficult to unwind once one understands how the world really works.
Social issues like racism, sex liberation, LGBTQ agenda, are all manufactured from whole cloth in think tanks set up by the rich powerful families. Everything written about history is a spin to conceal their power over the masses.
I suggest Horowitz is providing cover for the fact that racial tensions were engineered by rich Jewish Bankers to divide and conquer the American People.
Horowitz is a shill.
Thank you.
George Soros must be a part of these families because he secretly funds think tanks and organizations like black life matters. I think he stole from jewish families during WW2 so I doubt he is Jewish.
You see him as a shill because you don't like what he says. Why don't you read the book before you judge. You sound insane.
All well and good but stop shooting unarmed people and have good officers hold bad ones accountable and that would help immensely.kthx
Do you tealize how nuts this comment looks? It's incoherent. You're all over the board like some unfocused shill yourself. Get some semblance of a point and try reposting some legitimate commentary instead of rubbish.
Stop running when your caught committing a crime. Stop fighting when caught committing a crime. This would help immensely. kthx
Fact is, if Hillary Clinton wins the election, once again the blacks will be destitute even more than they are now. We all will because other countries will take the rest of whatever manufacturing jobs are left and we all will be without jobs. No one will be employed except for a select few and the wages will be so reduced no one will be able to afford to live on a two or three paycheck day (meaning you'll have to hold down two or three jobs to make ends meet.) People will begin being disposed of because Universal healthcare regime will decide who lives or dies and if you have a disease which prevents you from being useful, you'll be denied medicine. Ask some of the senior citizens now who are being denied medication. You can kiss your guns, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, any right to due process goodbye because it will no longer be there in the big merge with Mexico and Canada. We will be the North American UNION that has done very well for Europe, hasn't it?
If people are that GD stupid to vote for they, they deserve whatever poverty and despair they get.
If FDR can put 100K people into concentration camps in World War II with an executive order, what makes you think Hillary's administration would not do the same to you?
10:52 and and I agree, however when someone pulls that gun on you, I hope you don't wait to research anything about them before pulling your own firearm!
I believe too that Horowitz is a paid shill to make it look like LBJ was making decisions.
Keep in mind he became POTUS only after someone murdered JFK. I do not believe a lone nut job killed him. Do you? LBJ was a controlled person who was placed into power. I always thought LBJ was hooked to the assassination.
I hate to break it to you 6:51PM but Horowitz book does not talk about LBJ. It is about the Democrats long running history of race baiting in America. Maybe you should buy a copy of the book and read it yourself. I don't know where you got that he defended LBJ but wherever that started, it was false. Someone was discussing LBJ not in the discussion about Horowitz.
Reading comprehension!
For me, racism started when I was taught how to hate and who to hate. Before that, I had no racism. Usually, it was my elders who taught me. And I am sure that is true for just about everyone else.
So Yes, I have racist tendencies. But I am aware of them and try to control and suppress them. I am not always successful, but I try. Some don't try at all.
I have used racism and I have had racism used against me. It is not limited by any one race. One, if not only, way to end racism is to stop teaching it to our young. Parents, friends, classmates, co-workers, etc.
First, it must be identified and then combatted. If it's not recognized for what it is and taking an honest viewpoint of oneself, which is very hard sometimes, is absolutely necessary.
Be prepared to not like what you find and see.
9;19 and Malcolm X said it best we were not hearing all this racism until 8 yrs ago when Obama became president, and I too voted for him. his first four years were ok, but the 2nd half he fanned racism and disrespect for law enforcement, anything negative about whites he fanned and fanned held press conferences at each criminal black that was killed by police. Stop and think he has had few press conferences on Isis, the murders of police, hate crimes by radicals. He responds to the news but never tries to put the country at ease, or remind us we are all Americans and we all bleed red. He is a disgrace to this country and Hilary also.
These comments are hilarious. You claim blacks are racist in various ways here, all the while practicing the very definition of racism but somehow acting as if you know the mindset of an entire race of people
Today's Racism: Who's Really to Blame?
IMO - MSM, blogs , Politicians in general, and and people who can read words but are incapable of reading sentences.
Do not trust the MSM. It's been leading us into war and making new enemies for as long as it's existed. But the last hundred plus years have been the worst for the U.S., from the Indian Wars to the Spanish-American War to Viet Nam, Panama, Iraq and Syria. With few exceptions, especially in the last decade, the big print, radio and video media have given us the news that's dictated by the unseen forces who look to control the World.
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