By Thornton Crowe
Over the last week here on Salisbury News, there has been a debate fuming over the black students who drew a race baiting image on a whiteboard in one of Blackwell Library's study rooms. Many comments have conflicted over Salisbury University's mishandling of this criminal incident. (And yes, any time one does something to intentionally incite violence, it is a crime.) Since January, we have seen in the national news, many incidents where black people have purposefully tried to incite racial division and violence; victimizing white people. This has even occurred on college campuses by black students and alumni. The only difference is, those perpetrators face criminal charges while the SU students go unscathed for the time being.
Two examples are:
Kayla-Simone McKelvey, a 24 year old alumni and self-proclaimed black activist for Black Lives Matters from Keane University has been charged for sending out death threat tweets to black students, posing as white students. Another at Albany University, where three students face charges for generating
Fake Hate after claiming a racial attack on a bus, which drew national attention from people like Hillary Clinton whom rushed to judgment only to find the story was completely false.
In the latter article on the
Gateway Pundit, it states the falsely accused:
"...student dropped out, likely because UAlbany isn’t a safe
environment while these racist and potentially violent students are
allowed to terrorize the campus with the support of their biased
university president."
In the racial tension environment we now live in, thanks much to DC politicizing and exploiting some of America's dark history, can we really afford to let black millennials get a way with hate crimes just because they're not white? Does this protect the communities college campuses operate in, if we let people try to incite a dangerous repeat of the Sixties? If you remember 1968, then you have a full understanding of the violence and rioting that comes along with escalated tensions.
By refusing to press charges, SU's president, Dr. Janet Dudley-Eschbach is not only enabling and fostering racial tension and race baiting, she is endangering the entire community. As seen by the two examples above, should charges be filed (which they should by all accounts,) it would not be without precedence as more universities and community leaders are holding black students accountable for this malfeasance every day. Yet, SU and State Attorney, Matt Maciarello, have both placated and enabled these students to get away with a hate crime simply because they were black.

What could this mean in the bigger picture? 1968 revisited? Many students from SU have stated they were not aware of the situation and even when sent an email after the SbyNews article, much about the incident was omitted; like the race of the perpetrators. Hence, this poses a problem because black students will wrongfully assume white students were responsible. Conversely, the white students who have learned through word of mouth that it was drawn by black students will be equally upset for being 'framed' in a hate crime. Additionally, the black students involved most likely
boasted to their friends, "Look what we got away with and you can do
it, too." Therefore, while some commenters on the earlier posts may
think it's a small thing - a crude picture on a whiteboard - this can metamorphose into many actions when left unchecked. Retaliation violence historically follows up incidents like this where administrators omit or misinform student bodies and surrounding community.
Many community leaders and prominent business people like the Perdue, Guerrieri and Fulton families, have donated millions to SU so students of all races can gain an education. Many of these donors come from the Radicals' so-called, White Privilege. They, too, should be equally outraged as their names adorn the buildings at a campus known for its race baiting tolerance. Perhaps it is time for them to stand up against SU's policy of propagating hate. Other actions for citizens is to complain to the Board of Regents with the University System of Maryland, an organization whom can hold SU's administration accountable
to rectify the situation before it becomes a more major issue for every
citizen to endure.
Unfortunately, SU's attempt at damage control to prevent perspective students, parents and those in the Salisbury community from hearing about this incendiary situation has failed miserably as other news outlets have begun reporting the story. This will no doubt be far more damaging to the school's brand than any
prosecutorial action.
Does the Salisbury University Alumni want their alma mater to be blemished by this type of complacency? Why would quality professors want to work in an academic environment that promotes hate through silence? Is this how we want Salisbury to be viewed by the rest of the world? Enablers of racial discrimination and race baiting?
I would hope my fellow citizens would understand the potential danger posed by non-action and find it unacceptable from any entity in our community - especially the university that proclaims diversity.
How say you?
I know first hand that action is happening. And, the powers that be are pissed - really pissed. I have never seen them this pissed.
Every bone in their body wants to bring the hammer down on these two. And, if they were a private company, it would be swift.
But that is the problem - as a State agency, they can't just simply pop off their mouths. There is a process, and there are even Federal laws that keep them from saying certain things - those federal laws are the things that SU is really pissed about.
Nobody likes not being able to defend themselves, and that is what SU feels at the moment.
But I can assure you, the powers that be are working through a plan and walking on a tightrope.
Double standards will always be with us,but rarely in the spotlight.Those standards typically favor whites,as is suggested by the uneven ratio in the prison population.Each of us have to come to grips with one thing;There have always been and always will be deeper thinkers than ourselves.
Oh, I don't know. Let's bring back former chief enablers Carol Williamson (who when Vice President began the process of covering up criminal actions from students in order to prevent a negative image of SU from potential applicants), and former apologist Barry King(Director of Student Services) who never saw a student do anything wrong despite drunker parties of over 200 students wrecking neighborhoods, and mix in a delusional liberal like Gains Hawkins - who is about as narccistic as you can get and VOLA - the receipe for our current double standard that not only is ethically misdirected but borders on criminal neglect. It is just symptomatic of our real world where blacks can call each other the "N" word but whites are literally prosecuted for doing so. How far we have come from the late 60's and early 70's when "love, peace, and soullllllll" brought us all together closer than we've ever been. The destruction of the traditional family unit, government entitlements, and the lack of religion has just about done us in. As Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and he is us". The Kilbirnie Kid
As I have stated before, this is nothing more than political racism hard at work. When you want the vote to swing in your favor, you manipulate the story and the outcome.Our government has been doing it for years Matt is just another player in the political racist game. (RINO)
1st 9:25-The powers that be need to focus on community crime & stay out of this one.When we think about the uproar caused by the inaction of SU,sufficient damage has already been done to their precious college.A blow to their reputation has already been dealt.
"the powers that be are working through a plan and walking on a tightrope."
The point being,there would be no 'tightrope' if the perpetrators were white. The Duke lacrosse team members, for instance, were blatantly guilty until proven innocent.
9:25 Prison population has nothing to do with color. It has to do with who committed the crime. There is a higher number of Latinos than whites in US prisons. What color are they?
The blacks need to be charged as if they were white!
The entitlist tolerance that has come from the current administration is fostering this lack of civility.
925 the college is just waiting out the clock because the semester is almost over. You're hoping that being the summer sessions has a two-three month lapse that all will be forgotten by fall. Your people aren't going to do anything to these race rebels because you're afraid of NAACP. Which is seriously screwed up. White people have rights, too, and they should be maliciously slander with this garbage. I've heard there's been many events like this one that SU covered up.
Exactly 953. The only tightrope is because the two misfits are black. If a white person was involved with this, there would probably already be a court date set for their criminal trial. Not holding my breath on the college doing anything until bigger people start weighing down on them.
Thornton don't you find it interesting that when your article mentions donors all of the sudden says the administration is pissed? Two other articles were posted over that last two weeks and no one from or related to the college had anything to say about the situation. Just find it comical that donors are called out to stand up and all of the sudden there's quasi-acknowledgement.
My friend thank you for your comment, 9:25AM. If we don't stand up to this double standard then it will never end. Prison population has everything to do with the Black Community's failure to discipline and hold their youth accountable for wrong doing. Parents whom feel entitled often teach the same vice to their children. As Bruce Lee said, the child always inherits the demons of his father. -tc
10:17PM. Indeed. Quite telling but while it portrays the donor politics universities engage, it was merely to call upon the donors to not tolerate this activity, especially because their names are directly linked to the buildings on campus. Thanks to all for the comments. Keep it in the conversation as that's the only way things change. -tc
I say you are full of it. This is free speech. No crime. Long live the First Amendment.
Drawing is not a crime!!!
Money Talks....take your objections to the contributors and ask if they want their names associated with this mess. Then and only then will SU come up with a backbone and decide that action needs to be taken. I did think of them "Running down the clock" but that fact is probably what is going on. This is what happens when good people do nothing.
10:48, Put a Swastika up on a Synagogue or anywhere else and see what you get. Your comment is complete BS. Nice try.
Drawing is not a crime? Tell that to the graffeti artists in Los Angeles, New York and oh, HERE in Salisbury! You're an idiot. This 'drawing' was designed to incite violence. A lynching of a black person with #WhitePower written next to it. Not free speech. It's inciting VIOLENCE between black and white people.
1044 So you don't mind if someone goes to your home and spray paints the N word and Power to the White people or simply KKK on your house and car. That's free speech, too.
If we keep talking about this, the clock will never run out. It's already starting to get attention from places like Florida. It's only a matter of time.
There is no "could have incited violence" charge in Maryland. Joe call Luke Rommell and ask him. Disorderly conduct is as close as it gets.
Even though I'm in Florida, I think this is disgusting. These kids are obviously trying to incite a hate crime. Here it would be prosecuted at the most but the students would be promptly expelled from the campus and school.
Spray painting a house or church could be a hate crime. It is first a crime (malicious destruction of property) and it could be argued it was done because of a person's race. Compare with a kid who draws something offensive on a chalkboard and erases it minutes later. If you don't see the difference it is because you don't want to. The First Amendment is actually a thing. That's why laws only protect so much against speech and obscenity. Even when there are laws they are often struck down by the Supreme Court.
So you have no problem with a campus riot. I've heard this is not the first event, it is one of a number of them. So you don't mind if the white people start lashing back. Okay. It's covered under the first amendment. I'll make sure Salisbury remembers this when it hits the fan.
If this is the kind of people colleges are letting graduate, no wonder those kids can't find jobs. Who'd wanna hire that crap?
If my white son who attends SU can write on the whiteboards KKK and nothing will happen to him as per some of these comments. This is a great example for kids to live by. What's going to happen when this graduates to malicious property damage because after all, no one holds them accountable. Ridiculous how some of your minds work if they do at all. Fascist liberals hung by PC noose.
I would think that any attorney will tell you it is about 'intent.' By the nature of this drawing - a 'n' being lynched with White Power and only at SU, where it was - in the public library on campus and who did it - two black students, it clearly shows intent to incite, especially since it was apparently posted to some social media.
If that's not inciting violence, then just what IS inciting violence? Seriously. You really going to go there?
If it is "inciting violence" show me a crime in Maryland that covers "has the potential to incite violence." There is no such crime. Go to Annapolis if you want such a crime on the books.
As seen in Brandenburg v. Ohio, inflammatory speech is fine even if incites violence. However, that does not mean that SU is off the hook. Is this the kind of people they are letting out of college with degrees. People who work the system to the detriment of the greater good for the communities unlucky enough to get them? I was told by a lawyer who was my cohort that even if a student does something immoral overseas, the school can discipline and kick the student out of school. They do this when one of you locals calls the law when they have a party off campus. Yet, the college thinks this is acceptable behavior. Disturb the locals and all hell breaks loose but be a black bigot against white and you're fine? smh
I'm a white student and I'm pretty pissed. Basically what you're saying if white students lash out against them, we're in the wrong. They did try to frame white students on social media. Maybe I need to find another school in a place where people aren't so pro-white discrimination.
925 are they pissed because it happened or are they pissed that Joe blew it out in the open when they were trying to cover the whole thing up? There's two types of being pissed and I would venture it's probably not because it happened but because they got found out.
Thank you, 11:50AM, for clearing that up. I looked up the case and you are correct but I also agree this doesn't exonerate SU's supposed Code of Conduct. To let these students go unscathed is disturbing. I guess its not a crime unless someone gets hurt or killed.
To let Wesboro do what they do is disturbing but we live in America. Regulating speech is a very slippery slope.
Thank you for your comment, 12:25PM, and it's very true. However, I will say the white woman, Melissa McLaughlin, in South Carolina who was skinned alive, dumped into a tub of bleach, tortured, and raped by seven black guys would probably not agree with your take on it.
What about the puppies or the attempted rape at Bennett or the fight across the street from Parkside? You people move from being up in arms about something to the next thing in a matter of days. Don't you have chicken manure to spread over the paleo channel or sewage to dump in the river that is now open to oystering? There are bigger problems for you to worry about than a drawing on a board in a university library.
You're right 12:24PM, until someone is raped, killed or maimed will it be anyone's problem. And even then will it simply be a byline in the local rag that no one reads except if it ends up being obituary. Actions without consequence.
Nice to see such apathy in the world. Truly eye-opening.
Just remember, 12:24PM, these people who do heinous acts to invoke anger and hatred walk amongst us in the mall, grocery stores and at the gas station. Who knows what will set them off to actually take out their anger on you.
12:24, REALLY? News breaks every single day. Maybe we should close our eyes and ears for a while and only publish soft news like the Independent, WBOC and the Daily Times.
The ONLY reason any of them published this story is because of the uproar delivered through comments on SBYNews. With comments in the hundreds, they couldn't cover it up. Now you are mad because people disagree with the process.
Finally, imagine IF this whole story got swept under the rug and the community and students didn't have a place to VENT, (ANONYMOUSLY). Would you have been happier is violent riots broke out instead of people blowing off steam here and getting it off their chest?
Sorry @12:24 but no I think this takes precedent. i think you fail to point out the common denominator in three of the incidents you're referring to. What's that? I'm glad you asked we're of the mentality and ignorance being displayed by the young black and the whole poor me victim mentality abd the thug wanna be ghetto gangster. No there is definitely an interest and concern for this type of behavior and won't/can't be forced to accept
Myself and a lot of others are tired of this crap , we are not going to let any of this slide or be pushed under the rug. I am white , I have come to the conclusion that blacks are taught to hate us. Having said that , the blacks have pushed me to the point of biting back very hard. Our nation is tired of it , come November you will see.
Whoever wins the election doesn't make a bit of difference , it's coming .
Doing what's right despite whatever backlash might come from the state or federal government shows character, However keeping silence shows consent by the Administration and lack of character.
10:48 If your were Jewish and I painted a swastika on your door. Never mind the M.D.O.P. for the actual painting on the door. The symbol itself stands alone as something to place one on fear due to race or religion. This was a crime and people got caught in a cover up because Joe put this out for the public to see.
Edwin and Matt screwed the pooch on this one. I have drafted a letter to the Governor asking for an independent investigation by the Special State Prosecutors Office. As a citizen I have the right to unbiased prosecution and enforcement of the law. One also has to wonder if in fact Matt is right for a judgeship right now. I think he needs some seasoning and this case proves that point.
Thanks Joe
I know they are waiting for the semester to end. That way would not have to list them as being expelled and be reported as non - returning student. This keeps their statistics on the positive side. These two should be charged ASAP, expelled ASAP, all scholarships canceled ASAP and not allowed these credits for the classes they are taking. They should not be allowed to attend another college in MD that is tax payer funded or receives tax payer loans / grants. Also those involved in the Administration and Campus Police involved in this cover-up should be fired ASAP. They should not be able to resign / Retire or receive any benefits related to their job at SU. That will be justice and let Salisbury and the Parents of the Students that SU will not tolerate any type of Discrimination, violence, intent to incite etc. The Board of Regents also has a responsibility to enact these actions ASAP. Parents beware of SU reports on crime this is only the scrapings of a major problem. The Students always states the Public is wrong when they complain. This proves the Students are wrong and act as irresponsible young adults.
Seems that this blog is the one stirring up racial unrest. What happened in the library is and was a school issue to be dealt with by the school. The closet racists in the community only want to make it a public issue to further their agenda.
No closet racist here I'll tell you straight up to your face!! If you want to threaten or trusts intimidate someone why is it you go after the most quiet meekest person you can find?? Why don't you try pushing people that don't gave a problem pushing back??
1248 the campus police's hands are tied. Nothing goes down at SU without Eschbach signing off on it. That's why punishing them is like punching teddy bears. They can't do anything if she says, nothing to see here.
If the drawing would be wrong if a "white" did it then it is just as wrong if a non-white does it. Wrong is wrong and has no colour.
To the jackass who has been attacking Matt Maciarello for days now, I just rejected your comment and I will continue to do so because you are a coward hiding behind anonymous. You want to be a real man and use your name I'll be happy to publish your comments. Until then, take your threats elsewhere.
Folks, this jackass even threatened to slit Matt's Wife's throat. Because of such a threat, I have given Matt permission to investigate who that person is.
You see, it's one thing to threaten me. It's another to threaten a Sheriff or States Attorney. There are federal laws against it and their family.
We'll know this cowards name soon enough.
12:48 we are not stirring up Racial unrest. We want a College in our Community that assist young adults in maturing, responsibility and unity with others. We don't mind College Students in our town as long as they take responsibility for their actions and make the community proud to be a college town. They are a college student no matter what their ethnicity is. Being responsible means working with others not spreading hate.
1:11 Campus Police hands are not tied. They do their job by the Law, keep copies of reports they file, and let Lashley or President "Dudley Do Little" reject their reports. Then the responsibility falls on the one who rejects their reports. It is called CYA. It also keeps them out of disciplinary proceedings and lawsuits. If disciplined it will be retaliatory and they will have reason to proceed with their lawsuit. They swore an oath. They violate that oath then they should get out of law enforcement.
@thorntoncrowe Well said.
9:45 The powers-that-be at SU need to first and foremost address criminal and overt, malevolent race-hatred actions on campus, before becoming involved in off-campus wrongdoing by anyone. The SPD can handle the off-campus misbehavior.
Free speech doesn't apply to expressions that are fully intended to deliberately incite fear, chaos or mob violence, much like you can't yell "fire!" in a movie theater.
If this truly was a matter of "free speech" then invite the perpetrators to explain and defend their "white power" association as well as their advocacy of lynching blacks.
I bet you would change your tune if it had been white people who did it.
People who threaten violence, especially against those whose directive is to actively secure justice, are truly bottom feeders.
Would you feel that way if white kids did this? NO you wouldn't!
Neither is saying a word! Oh, unless you're white!
Why would a black person do this, if they weren't trying to cause problems?
Concerned Retiree, I am not saying the campus police don't do their jobs, they do but as far as taking things further legally, their hands are tied by Eschbach ultimately. Even Lashley can't make her reprimand or hold people accountable if she doesn't want to do so. The campus police at SU are solid law people who do a good job when they're allowed to and you would be hard pressed to find another college in this area that has such a great bunch of people. I'm sure their job is an extremely frustrating one because some are retired city and state officers. There's a lot of political wrangling at the school the community is unaware of because the big effort to keep things under wraps.
Joe, would rather people vent here then go out looking for people to go off on. This would only exacerbate an already tense situation. Thanks for allowing us to post our views. Keep up the great work.
Im sorry, but since it was written/drawn by a black person, nothing will ever come of this. One day, I wish there was racial equality where the black person who drew this goes to jail, just like any white person would. Unfortunately, America, or what is left of it, will never hold the person accountable. EVER! Argue whatever you want, but there have been multiple events both in and out of the news in the past 6 months and nothing has ever come from it. Look at the Wesley paper cartoons. Look at the racist texts in some colleges in the south just so a black girl can people to come to her meeting. It just goes on and on. Believe me me, if a white person would have drawn that at SU, Salisbury would have already been burned to ashes.
Dogg you have a point. I remember when MLK was assassinated and the rioting that happened on Boothe Street and surrounding areas. It was ugly. The social unrest was so bad it left an indelible image in my mind for many years to come. But all that being said, I can say that up until Obama became president, I didn't really see people as being black or white. I just looked at them as people. Now, I am uncomfortable around everyone and it doesn't make me happy to feel trepidation around others like I have over the last seven years. This is a scary time.
The black community is equally unhappy about this kind of behavior and black lives matter. They don't like the way it makes them look when they've worked hard to tear down the divisions. Unfortunately, no one knew Obama's terms would produce such a divided nation. If anything, it should've brought everyone together. It's ashame he didn't do his duty.
Why not arrest every black person that uses the n word in public?
While your quip was meant to be sarcastic, it is offensive to everyone when they do that to each other. I absolutely hate the word and when they call each other it, it is tasteless and demeaning. No, you can't arrest people for calling each other names. This takes it to an extreme degree too silly to entertain.
ABSOLUTE TRAVESTY AND TOTALLY UNJUST!!! When did it become more important to be politically correct rather than doing what is right? It's time those in charge do what they know they should do. Are they not supposed to be teaching basic principals and values to the students?
3:49 must not be familiar with higher education and universities. It is the job of parents to teach basic principals and values. For the most part these students are over 18 and legally are adults. There is nothing that you can do about this matter except frustrate yourselves. You are not going to get anyone fired, arrested, expelled (or as one person said ex spelled). Go back to watching Fox news or complaining about how bad the economy is. BTW, the economy is great if you are anywhere other than the lower eastern shore.
3:34, Amen.
3:41, that's just stupid. That is their 1st amendment right.
Gee, maybe if "the whites" in this area of the country would stop referring to people as "the blacks" we could all move on.
Is it not possible that the two students who are suspected of placing the writing on the whiteboard were doing nothing more than using the whiteboard as a tool in developing ideas for a term paper on racism? Is it not possible that they forgot to erase it when they left? This is why there are no charges. Any attorney could easily create reasonable doubt and the State would end up looking foolish. The University faces the same dilemma even though the threshold is much lower in disciplinary actions.
720 if that's the case then why did they post it on social media. If you look at the bottom of the picture the word "chat" is listed, indicating it was on social media. If you think this was working out some idea for a paper, you must not be aware that classes discussing slavery to an extent where papers would be required are generally grad level classes and they a) don't do these papers in a group and b) don't go around making lynched stick figures on whiteboards. Forgot to erase it? Sorry but that gave me a laugh. Okay. Go ahead and find some weak argument in your mind to brush away the whole ordeal.
720 Any lawyer who would use that argument should be required to give back his or her law degree and be disbarred. What people think up after hitting the nightly cocktails is definitely comical.
I agree that not addressing the issue is in fact promoting it.
This should be against a law, which should be duly prosecuted against the University itself. After all, the University has taken ownership, and by doing nothing is guilty of promotion by ignorance. Ignoring the issue, the University becomes a partner in the racial issue, thereby promoting its agenda.
The University has to make a stand in this community or declare that the university does not care to be a part of the law. Lawlessness has consequences!
The image was never "found" on the whiteboard as reported by, you guessed it, the Daily Times. It was up, photographed, then was erased. You have all been played.
Amen 741.
Thank you 7:41PM this was the indictment here. While what the students did was clearly wrong, this is more towards the school's complicity to PC politics and not taking this matter seriously. Trying to bury it under subterfuge of legalese and other excuses, they demonstrated willingness to ignore the problem rather than address because of the ethnicity of the perpetrators.
Justice is supposed to be blind...and color blind.
Expel them already, SU. At the very least.
Said it before. 6 cases coming up in Wicomico where black people accused white people of a crime. One in a week or so. Costing these people thousands in bonds and attorney fees. Cops didn't arrest so they run to a commissioner. They'll lock up anyone if you swear they did it. Pray these fine people are found innocent and their lives and their families lives aren't effected more then they have already
7:00 maybe if the Blacks would quit referring to themselves as "African-Americans", and just "Americans", things would improve and we could move on!!!!
It is always a "Them against Us" whenever they are whining and bitching.
THAT is the dumbest comment yet.
9:25 Bull shit it would have happened by now this is just more Black entitlement. Ed Lashley and Matt Marshmellow got caught cover this b.s. up. End of story. If Joe had not put this out there it would have went away quietly. Too late even if they charge now the damage is done. They both should step down. I have zero faith in those two from now on. They got caught period.
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