DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 27, 2016
The 'Bury Is #1 Again! These Are The 10 Worst Places In Maryland To Get A Job
We’re on a mission at Zippia to criss-cross the country looking for the best and worst places for jobs.
Today, we set our sites on the worst cities to find a job in Maryland after looking at the best places in Maryland a short while ago.
These cities did not have the grit needed to make it to the big leagues and get that big promotion we all hope to get.
After looking at the data for the 100 biggest cities in Maryland, the ten worst cities to find a job in the Old Line State are:
College Park
Langley Park
Read on to see how we did it.
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Jake day how will you manipulate this statistic?? I'm sure with all of Tom Stevenson's extensive training he will be able to come up with a brilliant plan, NOT A SHOT IN H•••
The results are in, kids. You are hereby encouraged to leave Salisbury if you want to find a job that pays anything. That goes double for you SU graduates. The school's motto, "Learn, Live, Lead", is now "Learn, Live, Leave".
Yea lets spend 1.5 million on a river walk renovation we wouldn't want all the homeless that call that area home to feel jilted
We have bent over for the last time , we are tired of getting screwed from the Obama administration. This is happening all over the country , no work or jobs. Obama has played his fiddle while America has burned and he has entertained most of the communist countries while we suffer. It's almost over folks , this satanic SOB should be hung for treason.
I would be interested to see the rank of the best towns in Maryland for seeking employment.
so I guess that whole marketing campaign didn't do the trick
It's "set our sights", not "sites". When will the Press hire at least 8th grade grads to writs news articles?
Let's not forget the x mayor idiot ireton for the destruction of the bury Jake you need to WAKE UP and fire the SPD POLICE CHIEF DUNCAN.
OBAMA'S pan is to have everyone on welfare and a democratic controlled vote.
OBAMA'S plan is to have everyone on welfare and a democratic controlled vote.
Did you all ever think that it's hard to get a job and/or promotion here because there are not enough jobs for everyone that lives here and now that the retirement age has risen, people are working longer so positions are not opening up. Not that I'm defending Salisbury, this City is the Pitts!!
WOW Baltimore is better than the bury and Baltimore is still BURNING FROM RIOTS.
And yet another reason I moved away from this horrible place
plenty of jobs in da bury if you are a drug dealer!
Dear 7:24
It's so obvious that you have nothing better to do than to be critical of what you consider improper spelling. I'll even bet you will be voting for Hillary . The Post isn't about proper spelling!
By the way , you are wrong , site is a "foundation" and can be used in many ways you idiot. You teach in P.G. County !
What do you folks expect. Salisbury, MD is an old gang ridden, run down, Ghetto town. Where there is high unemployment, low pay, a struggling middle class and a very large populous of poor people; any city can reach these statistics. One of the writers blamed the President. The problem was created by your state and local government. The very people you guys voted for. Blame them. Your past government officials stole so much money from your town, they are all in Florida reaping the benefits of their GREED. Your own representative care nothing about you or the city of Salisbury. Blame yourself. Salisbury is an 'ole, rundown, criminalized, poor, drug infested, gang banging, ghetto town. The only people you should blame is yourselves. Salisbury, Maryland is a Dead Zone.
I blame the CITY COUNCIL.
Thanks felchie-boy and your liberal cronies too!
Can Fake-Jake turn it around - or do we need to bring in somebody like Governor Hogan to help us like he helped the rest of the state?!
I'm no fan or supporter of Obama, but you can't blame him for the problems of Salisbury. This has been a work in progress for a couple decades. Local hatred of outsiders, lack of emphasis on getting an education and inability to accept or adapt to change has made Salisbury what it is today. There are many places that are thriving and growing. Salisbury is dead and won't ever be revived.
This was once a very vibrant city in the 70's to the 90's. Salisbury used to be a destination for shopping and entertainment.
I moved here in 1989 because of this. Unfortunately this is no longer the case. The city is becoming a slum like a lot of inner cities such as Detroit and Baltimore. I think the only city that is holding it's own is Easton and that is because of rich retirees and Washington DC officials who have their vacation home there.
I have friends who have put up their home for sale here in Salisbury and it has been on the market for over two years.
I myself have talked to a realtor and was advised to try to update my home to make it easier to sell. I have remodeled my Kitchen, Bathroom, carpeting, and have put in new central air as well as new new windows. My plan is to retire withing ten years and move to North Carolina where the taxes are lower and the real estate is cheaper and the economy is better!
This is no longer the land of pleasant living!
An area with a high minority population and high taxes will never prosper.
Salisbury, Baltimore, and Cambridge are good examples of this.
9:41 if it has been for sale for over 2 years it is either overpriced or a piece of crap that has not been updated in 50 years.
Give me the address and I will tell you whats wrong with it, I have probably looked at it recently.
Its a joke what sellers think their house is worth. If they did any research and compared their house to others in their price range they may realize why their house is not selling.
We're # 1!
We're # 1!
We're # 1!
Vote Ireton so he can continue to bring this kind of progress to MD.
Part of reason is there are foreclosures in the neighborhood. His home is in very good condition, but because of the homes that are under foreclosure, he cannot get the market value of his home to at least break even. Because of the depressed economy in Salisbury, It is difficult to get the fair market value of your home.
6:45am - If you were to actually read the article your question would be answered.
From reading the article, Maryland as a whole really isn't doing very well. Even the more prosperous cities have a very low growth rate of jobs. Very sad! I don't blame the governor. I think he is trying to make thinks better. Too much damage has already be done from the O'Malley administration! Doesn't help that the majority of government officials are Democrats!
As long as the area provides more free/low-cost ghetto housing and free food, etc., the leeches will continue to come. That is why we have so many "homeless" persons and beggars. If we continue down this path there will not be any "taxpayers" to support the program.
I agree it's hard to sell a home in Salisbury or the whole county for that matter. Homes that go for 100,000 here would be worth 3 or more times that in a less depressed area. I have heard of some people who would like to live in Sby but don't want the double taxes. I have heard of some who want to live out in the county but are afraid of chicken houses being built. I know of 2 couples who recently bought in Talbot because of concerns about this area. One of them works in OC and doesn't mind the drive to work because of the bucolic nature of Talbot county.
It's time for jake day to manup start doing something insread of posing for pictures
There is no accountability in Salisbury city government no leadership whatsoever and very inexperienced peopke trying to run government with NO experience or CREDENTIALS to justify their jobs
Give the City some credit, things are changing. It just doesnt happen overnight
Aka Laura MitcHELL welfare queen.
Have you noticed all the NY and DE license plates in the Bury? It's because welfare is easy to get in the Bury which brings Trash.
Or because many of the SU students are from northern states (HY/NJ) and have vehicles or that DE shares the majority of its border with MD and people work/shop/eat in both states? Is every person from another state on or seeking welfare? Sounds like a bornhere that hates anyone that isn't a bornhere.
PLEASE the city is changing WHERE I would love to see. Instead of 'da 'bury we are 'lil Baltimore
Fake Day is a lot of talk and no action.
I enjoy reading the comments and actually get a kick out of some. Unfortunately, I pass on the long winded intellects that ramble on and on. I only breeze through the short and sweet ones. Although I would be interested in the others if shortened.
I blame the crybaby who complain about Everything. There is nothing in Salisbury because of the people. Look at all the foreclosures because people rather not pay their mortgage than to stay in this hole!!!! Nothing but backstabbing, cut throat, two face rednecks!!!
It's also the worst place to get workers. Bunch of lazy people here. No wonder the economy is so bad.
March 23, 2016 at 10:19 AM - yea you and your friend keep believing that. If the house was worth what he was asking it would sell. Frankly it is that simple.
People know what their house is worth in this town. NOT MUCH!!! I can't sell mine either so I rent it out. One guy in Salisbury said he can sell my house NO PROBLEM! !! He came by walked thru gave me a price 50,000 less than what I owe. Hell I can do that!!! This area SUCKS because there isn't ANYTHING here. No jobs, no recreation,and the people are the most lowlife backwods,and backwards. So I will continue to rent until enough is paid down to sell it for what I owe. The wife says the hell with it. Sell it for a loss just to get out of Salisbury! !!!!
I know Salisbury is like a slum town, but you people calling your hometown, "the Bury", degrades it even more than what it already is. Might as well just go ahead and call it "the Slum".
Yeah blame the out of state tags. BRILLIANT!!! Keep out of state tags out and Salisbury will prosper!!! WOW!!! Did someone mention the people in Salisbury is the problem? ??
He was voted on! Get a Republican or anyone to run against him next time!
No it's not!
Blame the current idiot mayor Ireton for NOT changing it.
Welfare welfare welfare
Bury. Bury. Bury
Ireton. Ireton. Ireton
Get a job with the local government. Some come to work drunk and some leave work drunk. Problem is, There are plenty of CLEAN hard working people that would die to have these jobs.
Business as always in wico country.
What do you people expect? You continually vote in liberals who do and know absolutely zero about creating jobs or attracting people to the area and then sit here and moan and groan about how people like students leave the area after their educations are done. You guys are so hypocritical, you have all these students come in and you treat them like crap then wonder why they don't feel welcome here. You wonder why they won't stay. You people want your cake and eat it, too. Unbelievable because you all are complicit in the stark division between 'born here' vs. 'come here' and then you wonder why people peel rubber on 50 or 13 to get out of here.
When you stop being so ignorant, perhaps your little city will change but as long as you continue the cliquish snobbery and unions striking every major company, your town will continue to be a cesspool of nonsense. Take some personal responsibility for a change and quit blaming everyone but the guy/gal in the mirror.
9:41 makes some good points but loses me with the political rhetoric. Dem or Rep can't fix what is wrong with salisbury and the lower shore. I will concede that dem leadership is less than desirable but the "stark division between 'born here' vs. 'come here'" is what has killed salisbury. The reality is that as much as the majority of the shore votes and claims to be republicans, there are very few people on the shore that have enough wealth/net worth to even be on the radar screen of the republican party. Even worse is that your vote doesn't even count.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I enjoy reading the comments and actually get a kick out of some. Unfortunately, I pass on the long winded intellects that ramble on and on. I only breeze through the short and sweet ones. Although I would be interested in the others if shortened.
March 23, 2016 at 4:01 PM
yeah we know most of you people have short attention spans, that's why we keep comments short. don't want your eyes to glaze over.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's also the worst place to get workers. Bunch of lazy people here. No wonder the economy is so bad.
March 23, 2016 at 5:05 PM
some perhaps but the majority know they are worth more than most employers are willing to pay around here. you pay cheap wages, expect cheap workers.
They don't worry about jobs just chickens,
Jobs and residents come second.
8:33, what "woman" are you talking about?
When you folks comment about something specific, could you reference who said it or what it is? By the time your post goes up, 20 others have gone up and it's impossible to follow.
Born here, Come here fight isn't the problem. The problems are many, from that bypass that went up and killed downtown to the crime not kept in check, to slumlords killing neighborhoods and the politicians who let them (Barrie and Dream Team Mike Dunn and Company) - you name it. Lots of blame to go around.
Salisbury always was good at going for the short-term gain in exchange for long-term pain. You had some folks who tried to warn you or stop it (Campbell and Company), but you let them get stomped into the ground. None of them got rich off serving.
Salisbury is seriously lacking in many important fundamentals. Can you guess what they are? None will be fixed by Jake Day's PR farce, but this is just his stepping stone to bigger and better things. Always was for Jim Ireton, as you can now see.
It's time to get rid of Dave Ryan at swed. Seems we are wasting money with that group.
The PAC channel needs a forum where local leaders and business people can come together to voice ideas how to make Salisbury better.
941 what was here for shopping in the 90s? Walmart, super Walmart,Gander,dicks, Best Buy. All these stores are new and this place still sucks.
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