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Sunday, November 08, 2015

New Salisbury Mayor Jake Day: “We don’t know our own brand, and we haven’t identified it, nor embraced it’

OCEAN CITY – Jake Day burst onto Salisbury’s political landscape in 2012 as the fresh-faced, local golden boy and almost immediately injected a positive energy into a political arena that had been somewhat poisoned by years of divisiveness and stalemates.

He was quickly named Council President after winning his seat on the council, and set his sights on the mayor’s position, he says, within months of being elected to the council.

Salisbury elected Jake Day as its next mayor on Tuesday night, and even though he was unopposed, Day was vigilant in his campaigning throughout the race.

We sat down with Day in a crowded coffee shop in the city’s revitalized downtown area to talk about his future plans, and his vision for the Eastern Shore’s largest city.



Anonymous said...

I'm willing to give him a chance. He seems sincere. Hopefully with his leadership, they might be a change for the better.

Anonymous said...

Golden boy? Really?

Anonymous said...

I grew up with Jake, and know him quite well. I didn't vote for him. Until he does something of substance, he's just a silver spoon'd kid looking to move up in the world without ever having worked a real job in his life. Nobody goes to Carnegie Mellon and Oxford and ends up working at Perdue.

Anonymous said...

Likened him to JFK, not hardly. He has accomplished nothing to compare.

Anonymous said...

"Is crime one of them? Absolutely not, and that will never be the message. So let’s eliminate that, and not talk about that, and talk about the good things."

Let's not talk about crime Day says. This is the most irresponsible ignorant comment to ever come out of anyone's mouth much less a mayor. Let's hide the crime problem. Let's let parents think Salisbury is all butterflies and roses and completely safe for their child to attend college. I'm from a neighboring county and Salisbury residents you have nothing to be proud of with this dishonest smuck some call mayor.

Anonymous said...

"Is crime one of them? Absolutely not, and that will never be the message. So let’s eliminate that, and not talk about that, and talk about the good things. Hopefully, through proactive policing we’ll simultaneously continue to reduce the association of this place with crime."

Well there you have it. CRIME is not even on their radar. And now you know. As long as they continue to deny there is a problem it will never be solved.
Riddle me this - How can you have a heroine epidemic and not have a crime problem?

Anonymous said...

For real 12:24 working at the local slaughter house that is responsible for the city's blight. A company who pays a large number of it's employees such low wages that they get entitlements from the tax payers. Tax payers paying for their employees so they can make ends meet. Most working there can't afford houses which drives the prices lower for everyone.
And BTW Oxford (home of the Rhode Scholarship) is nothing more than an extreme left propaganda institution. If admissions sees you are left leaning and can be easily brainwashed with leftest liberal propaganda you are accepted. Nothing to do with your academic ability. This is widely know all over the UK and Europe. This is why he's not able to get a job with like a large international corp. They see Oxford and they know exactly what they are dealing with-a liberal propagandizes robot, all obeying without question and without fail to the liberal policies.

Anonymous said...

This guy is the "new mold" of today's politicians. No experience, arrogant, ego maniac, narcissitic, with no real answers. A 100% pure liberal democrat who believes the government has ALL the answers. He will be controlled by ALL the special interest groups in this area. He will be the puppet of the Perdue's, Gilkerson's, Rinnier's, etc. He will be instructed on how to run the city.

Anonymous said...

I am from Worcester county and I have real concerns about him not wanting to talk about crime in Salisbury. This is code for the place is overrun with crime. A mayor in a city with very little crime always wants to talk about crime and brings it up constantly. This new mayor of Salisbury is already showing his propensity to behave in an untrustworthy fraudulent way and that is not good.

Anonymous said...

"He will be the puppet of the Perdue's, Gilkerson's, Rinnier's, etc. He will be instructed on how to run the city."

Exactly 12:48 and that is why they back him. He is nothing more than a mere slave to special interest. An all obeying slave boy who they know will do what's told of him, when they instruct him. he will do their biding without both question and fail.
It has gotten to the point anymore where only weak minded followers become politicians and that is why they deserve no respect and only attack. There is nothing honorable about being in the pocket of anyone ever.
This interview was beyond stupid. He said nothing. He sounded like a rambling fool void of anything of intelligence or substance. If he paid for that supposed education he got hosed big time.

Anonymous said...

"Is crime one of them? Absolutely not, and that will never be the message. So let’s eliminate that, and not talk about that, and talk about the good things. Hopefully, through proactive policing we’ll simultaneously continue to reduce the association of this place with crime."

Oh my Salisbury residents, from what rock did you all pull this one out from under. Always the #1 concern of residents and voters everywhere is safety and he doesn't want to talk about crime.
Oh..... so he only wants to talk about the "good things"! Well don't we all...... but that is NOT reality.
I don't know whether to be amused or disgusted at his statement.

Anonymous said...

He's to busy opening new bars downtown to worry about the overwhelming criminal element in our city. When you ride past my house this week you'll see the FOR SALE sign in the yard. I've had all I can take of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

I read that comment attributed to Day over and over thinking I may be 'taking it out of context.' It screams that Sby has a major crime problem that Day does not want mentioned and discussed.
If crime were not rampant, he would have said, yes we do have some crime issues, but not unexpected given the large unemployment rates and poverty levels. But he didn't. He swept the crime problem under the rug.

Anonymous said...

Tighten your belts, Salisbury. It's going to be an expensive ride.

Anonymous said...

Day is your typical democrat; Useful Idiot for special interest and Big Business. This is why he can't address in an intelligent and coherent way, that yes Salisbury very much indeed, has a problem with crime. Useful Idiots like himself are seen in every major US city.
They ignore and pretend problems like crime and poverty do not exist even though they are oozing and festering all around them. When the problems manifest themselves into full blown infections like we are seeing in Baltimore City for example, the Useful Idiot blames everyone but themselves i.e. police chief, not enough money and resources.
The Useful Idiot takes political correctness to new heights which really means honesty and integrity are foreign concepts to them.
They tend to be Legends in Their Own Minds and in the minds of other like low caliber individuals. Proof is in the low voter turnout. Even OC's Rick Meehan running unopposed got plenty more votes with so many less people and he is no prize himself.

Anonymous said...

Have to agree. Knew the family. Middle kid walked away from all the BS and became a farmer. Rest of them believe they're Royalty courtesy of Perdue.

Anonymous said...

Ditto 2:42. This blog is so entertaining concerning the dismal state of salisbury politics. I laugh at the lackeys libturds you all elect. Glad i dont live in smallsbury. In fact house up for sale so i can leave this nanny state of Md

Anonymous said...

Sold mine this year, poor sucker didn't do his homework on sali.

Anonymous said...

He's trying to sell Salisbury. The problem is he's stuck somewhere back 20-30 years ago before the internet and social media. Now everybody knows immediately when a crime occurs and that yes, Salisbury does indeed have more than it's fair share of crime no matter how he or anyone else tries to spin it.
This is why Salisbury hasn't progressed like other places have in the past 15 years. The so called leaders are regressive instead of being progressive. Now the tide has turned and in order to progress you have to buckle down and get serious and address the crime problem head on. Not talking about it isn't going to make it go away and everyone knows Salisbury has a crime problem. This article was ridiculous. Salisbury has serious crime, serious blight, poverty, unemployment, vacant building both residential and commercial and a high foreclosure rate and this clown is talking nonsense. Reminds me during the GOP debate when the candidates were asked about fantasy football and Chris Christie stuck it right back to the moderators.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked about this statement:

"He was quickly named Council President after winning his seat on the council, and set his sights on the mayor’s position, he says, within months of being elected to the council."

When I talked to Jake "within months" of his being elected to the council, I asked him about whether he had eyes on being mayor and he said he didn't know.

Guess he did know. Guess he lied to me. Guess I'm glad I moved to Delaware.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Day, for letting people like my parents know that they are not "young or hip" enough to matter to you. They gave years and years of their lives to make Salisbury a better place, but now, they don't count. Their safety doesn't count. Their opinion doesn't count.

My brother, sister and I are encouraging them to move out, even if they have to sell at a loss to a slumlord. We live in great areas, they have 3 to choose from. We are young and hip and know how to treat our elders, not "brand" them out of their homes.

bye bye jimbo. said...

Better than the pos thats there now.

Anonymous said...

I don't get this guy. What financial hit is he taking? He's living in a home on the river owned by his parents while renting out the house he had when he was crowned on the council.

Man, I'd like a financial hit like that.

Anonymous said...

What good things?

Anonymous said...

You obviously don't know a lot about Perdue. There are many highly educated people in the company. You don't get to be a multi billion dollar company without highly educated people.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me that so many people can condemn Jake Day. He is passionate about making positive change and you condemn him!?!?
97 percent of voters voted for him for Petes sake. Nobody opposed him.
Just shut up with your non stop complaining and offer something positive to salisbury. Otherwise you are the problem.

Anonymous said...

And where have you been? Is Salisbury a better place for something you've personally done? And no, voting doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

I truly wish him the best - but from what I have observed with Salisbury Politics - his strategy will bare little fruit. Salisbury would have to expand the present Harbor, Dredge all the way up to the Rt13 bridge, and then some.

Salisbury's Harbor looked to be much more prosperous back in the early 1900s verses present day. One look at the old photographs tells a compelling story.

It ain't going to happen.

Anonymous said...

10:42 it is not rocket science. Anyone I repeat anyone can build a company like Perdue and Walmart and all these other so called success stories when they pay most of their employees slave wages.
The worst part is that these employees are being supplemented by the tax payers because they all receive at least one if not most of all the welfare entitlement available like medicaid, food help, renters assistance.
I am extremely intelligent and highly successful and they couldn't pay me enough to work there because I would be embarrassed because of all the people who are doing a good honest day's work who are being paid next to nothing.

Anonymous said...

Yes actually. And things I will continue to do.
I hope the same applies to you.
It's never too late to start.