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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Jake Day Writes: Join me July 8th

(Salisbury, MD) On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Jake Day will be making a special public statement in front of Headquarters Live in Downtown Salisbury; a project which embodies the renaissance of Salisbury's spirit and one Jake is most proud of.

"I am excited to announce the beginning of a new journey for our city. I invite all of Salisbury to join me Wednesday evening as we take this next step together," says Day.

Please plan to attend this special announcement at Headquarters Live, 115 S. Division Street, Salisbury, MD 21801 at 6:00pm on Wednesday, July 8, 2015.

For further information, contact (443) 235-6233 or


Anonymous said...

Here we go again , revitalize the BURY , it ain't gonna happen .
Just another broken ecord , sounds a little like "save the bay".
Been saving the bay for the last 50 years with billions of dollars , it ain't saved yet.
Salisbury is about the same as the Baltimore Hood.
You guys will never see it , all cities have fallen to the hood , it was the plan from the NAACP. Shhh , don't tell a soul .

Anonymous said...

Why do good and productive people move from a city?
Reasons: The crime is so bad , the property has devalued , the gangs have taken over , no work available , no businesses or private enterprise , not enough unemployment offices , racial problems ! ,
$$$$$$$$> You figure it out < dreamers of the council>

Anonymous said...

p.s. Jake - no one lives in the city anymore. Renters of all ethnicities make up Salisbury. Everyone else moved to the county or to Delaware.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like this announcement didn't come from the city... and it has Day's own personal logo... and Day's own personal email address. Seems like this is the day he officially announces his candidacy for mayor.

Or bicycles. It could always be about bicycles.

Anonymous said...

Fake Day you are no better than the last 2 that have been mayor.

Anonymous said...

Everything has an appropriate place to start.Maybe revitalizing won't be the first thing he mentions,but a start is a start.I still think the old mall property has potential,but for one HUGE retailer vs housing.A Sam's Club competitor or a Burlington maybe? The potential of the property between Civic Avenue and Beaglin is off the chart if the city will allow it to happen.Proximity to 50 is not quite as good as proximity to 13,but close when one considers beach traffic.

Anonymous said...

He wants to dump more public (taxpayer) bucks into the downtown disaster area, where the property owners there won't do it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Refreshments by Pie In The Sky faux bakery!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. If it's not downtown, the current administration has no use for it. It's a lot easier to focus efforts on two blocks of the city, then mount a behemoth PR campaign to get everyone else to focus on those two blocks, as well, than to actually try to create positive and sustainable change citywide. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and the current mayor and council are major "pushers," for lack of a better word.

Maybe the big announcement is that the city is going to throw a party next month to celebrate the 47th anniversary of downtown revitalization efforts, which began with the construction of the Plaza in August 1968.

Anonymous said...

Actually there I still people that are homeowners in Salisbury... And plus all of Salisbury is not in city limits... Plus white population still makes the majority. Plus most of the people who live in city limits dont sit on the computer and complain about things.

Anonymous said...

Who didnt know that he was in bed with Gillis? No wonder the noise ordinance has been drug out....

Anonymous said...

It's to the point where anyone with any sense would be embarrassed to be a Sby official. There is really nothing to be proud of. It's like Baltimore City in miniature.
The unemployment rate is what like 8%.
The crime rate is higher than the national average.
One of the city's biggest employer pays slave wages not too mention operates a slaughter house which stinks right at the entrance to the city.
Driving around on some of the back steets does make you think you might be in Baltimore and might witness a drive by at any moment.
Sure there are a few pockets of niceness here and there but a huge portion of the city is blighted and if not blighted then vacant.

Anonymous said...

So thankful I sold my home in the city years ago.!!

Anonymous said...

the old mall property cannot be redeveloped because a few fossil women who live nearby say so

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he is going to clean up city employee abuse. I witnessed a guy at 11:50 AM driving a city SUV behind me at a light, then roared past me and pulled into Hamill's Barber Shop. There was a Bury sticker on the back of the vehicle.

Why is he using a city vehicle, on city gas that I pay for with my taxes to get a haircut?? Why isn't he using his personal vehicle?
City vehicles are not to be used for personal use regardless of time.

Why can't the city abide by the rules they set? They have no problem enforcing their stupid ideas on taxpayers.