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Sunday, March 15, 2015

JUST IN: Police Say Man Jumps From Chesapeake Bay Bridge


Anonymous said...

And it ain't summer yet!

Anonymous said...

If he doesn't drown or die of hypothermia he might bust his bones on the ice. I guess he (or she) really wanted to die.

Anonymous said...

2:57 PM Nobody gets anything by you! FYI If he didn't hit one of the icebergs the surface tension of the water definitely got him!

Anonymous said...

For a person to feel this overwhelmed and helpless is sad. My prayers go to his family.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even spend the resources on searching for him/her.

Anonymous said...

Surface tension. Really. Pay attention in physics class next time.

Anonymous said...

Why....No shovel ready jobs?

Anonymous said...

Seriously? What a total lack of compassion. I hope that all of the people who are being so snarky, never find themselves as someone left behind to grieve.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is routine occurrence on the 2 bay spans. The bridge authority has a policy of not reporting them, and not disclosing the frequency that it happens. Only eyewitness accounts get reported. Often all that anybody sees is a tow truck removing the vehicle from the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully someone isn't as ignorant when it's your loved one. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

With the traffic, I would think the majority would be eye wutnessed

Anonymous said...

My daughter just came across the bridge, traffic was backed up from it. She said the person stopped their car on the middle of the bridge, right in traffic, got out of the vehicle, and jumped over the side.


afriendindeed said...

This happens to be a Friend, just found out about this, as for the idiot with the negotive comment, may you find JESUS!! my heart is soo heavy!! Lord help his Family..

Anonymous said...

This person was also a friend of mine, and this saddens me that you are heartless, this could have been a relative of yours, you never know. Find Jesus, and regroup.

Anonymous said...

Imma miss you I saw you a few months ago at my graduation smh I'll be at your service

Anonymous said...

R.I.p Mr hogan.u will be missed.

Anonymous said...

So sad no one knew what MR.Hogan was going through my The LOrd bless his soul

Anonymous said...

Just wonder was he an assistant principal

Anonymous said...

That was awfully selfish of him to do that! I hope God will forgive him.

SGT Nick said...

I witnessed him on the wall and was dialed #77 to report it. Unfortunately he leaned out as I was waiting to connect with police. I wasn't optimistic that my call would save his life. But the sooner DNR could get on-scene the better. I still can't get this out of my head. Had no idea who he was but humanity works that way. If someone who knew him could just email me I would like to know who he was, where from, etc. Call it closure. May peace be with his family and friends.

Diamond Nicholas said...

He was an administrator of Friendly High School in Maryland and his class graduated 2014. His name is Mr. Hogans, he was the coolest out of the whole school and he is truly missed

Anonymous said...

Nobody know what Mr Hogan was going through May he rest in peace I send my deepest condolences to the family my heart is heavy

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hogans was my daughter's administrator at Friendly. So sad to learn this news. Depression is real. You never know what someone is going through. Remember to be kind to one another and let folks know that you care while they are here! It could make all of the difference in the world.