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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hillary Reconsiders Presidential Bid As Bill's Sex Scandal Unfolds

Hillary Clinton is considering scrapping her 2016 presidential ambitions because of revelations she fears could become public in the coming months concerning former President Bill Clinton’s relationship with billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has exclusively learned.

The former first lady had been expected to announce her 2016 White House bid last month, but she didn’t. The spin from supporters is the lack of a strong Democratic rival gives Clinton more time, but Radar’s source says the Radar stories about her husband’s trips to Epstein’s “orgy island” gave her cold feet.

Former “sex slave” Virginia Roberts, who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew and other powerful men, talked about Clinton’s trip to Epstein’s U.S. Virgin Islands estate in an interview with her lawyers obtained exclusively by Radar last month.

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Anonymous said...

What about her and Janet Reno's sex scandal?

Anonymous said...

Who cares 10:57am. NO One want the Hildabeast, Monica Lewisky-ex boyfriends wife for president. Will someone please leak all of Bill Clinton dirty secrets, lies and scandals. Please.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton wouldn't have intimate relations with someone other than his beautiful wife, would he?

Anonymous said...

This country is in hell