The Maryland State Police at the request of Montgomery County Police Department have issued a Maryland Child AMBER Alert for Drew Marie DENNY.CHILD: Drew Marie DENNY is further described as being 2 feet 5 inches and 14 pounds. The child was last seen wearing Pajamas. She has brown eyes and black curly hair
LOCATION: The child was last observed at approximately 3:17
PM in the area of Hempstone Avenue Poolesville, Md. The child is believed to have been abducted with force by the suspect.
SUSPECT: Deare Marquis DENNY is described as being 5 feet 10 inches tall and 200 pounds. The suspect has long dreadlocks and several tattoo, Scooby on right arm, Tricy with 2 roses on right neck, suitland on left arm
VEHICLE: A possible suspect vehicle is a 2014 Black Chevy 4 door vehicle / small SUV bearing New Jersey registration: D97DRW.
Anyone with information is asked to immediately call 911 or Montgomery County Police at 301-279-8000. Do not take action which could endanger your safety or further endanger the abducted child. MEDIA INQUIRIES should be directed to call 240-773-5030.
Why doesn't the Amber Alert, describe the man as being "black man, his height, etc etc". Doesn't make much sense it comes across TV and all cell phones but doesn't give a full description. Are they afraid to use the word "black". Come on!!! Pitiful description!
Maybe he's the good parent protecting his kid from Mom; ever think of that? Maybe he's just better off not getting caught so he can care for his child properly.
It happened to me and my 3 kids.
Thanks you 8:45 for clearing that up.In the photo he looks white.
baby found unharmed. suspect in custody :)
Can't do any "Racial Profiling" even though it might save a life or two.
Yes... the life of the child is more important than tip toeing around about race. Why would they NOT give a complete description???
Might hurt his feelings. Come on, we wouldnt want people to get a bad impression. Hes probably a great guy, just misunderstood.
9:38 pm. If you read correctly, when the alert came across TV and our Cell Phones. There aren't pictures there! Re-read before you think your being witty! Have a great day!
Look Denny up on case search!
Right there lies all societies problem!
Trash making more trash.
A criminal record a mile long including for attempted murder.
What kind of filth would make a baby with this useless piece of trash. The child will end up with the same mile long criminal record.
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