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Monday, July 07, 2014

Border Patrol Agent Defies "Gag Order" to Expose Obama

The massive exodus of illegals crossing over into Texas andother border states is becoming more than local communities can handle.

This influx of illegal immigration is causingemergency shelters, areas typically designated for use during catastrophes, to overflow, leaving local government scratching their heads as to what to do with immigrants who have no place to go and can’t be deported back to their home country.

Many in the government and in the conservative scene believe that this whole mess is not simply the result of bad policy, but an orchestrated plot by President Obama to create a crisis he can use to justify pushing immigration reform through with anexecutive order.



Anonymous said...

What happens when there is a tornado, earthquake or hurricane that hits and the American people need those facilities and resources?

Will they be available? With everything be occupied or used up? Not to sound like a curmudgeon but the taxpayers funded that and I damn well expect it to be used for our preservation not to support border jumpers.

Anonymous said...

I told you Ob' had declared martial law with his pen. Was I right??

Anonymous said...

Give them bus tickets to DC.