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Saturday, January 04, 2014

“Just Say No To Governor Christie” Campaign

Trenton, New Jersey (My9NJ) - New Jersey’s “Weedman” Edward Forchion is out of jail for his ten day grace period where a judge actually allows him to get treatment for his bone cancer which involves medical marijuana.

The ironic part about this whole case is that Forchion is in jail for marijuana possession, yet he is still granted permission to leave jail once a month to use medical marijuana.

Forchion’s latest endeavor is the “Just Say No To Governor Christie” campaign.

“Governor Christie made a political point to be opposed to the marijuana laws and cannabis laws and just taking a cue from the “Just Say No” campaign I figured I would put out the ads nationally to opposed Governor Christie’s campaign for presidency,” Forchion said.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christie got a better chance than any of the fake conservatives.