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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Obama Weapons To Al Qaeda

TEL AVIV – The U.S. in recent weeks aided in the transfer of shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles, or man-portable air-defense systems, to the Syrian rebels, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials.

The arming of Syrian rebels is considered highly controversial. A major issue is the inclusion of jihadists, including al-Qaida, among the ranks of the Free Syrian Army and other Syrian opposition groups.



Anonymous said...

I'm surprised mossad has not outted this fool for what he is...

Anonymous said...

Obama has done everything possible to destabilize the middle east,
all while saying he's doing everything he can to stabilize the middle east,
and stupid people believe him as if he were Christ.
He has armed the Muslim Brotherhood who used to be classed as terrorists by our Government, he is fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan ordering troops not to return fire, while arming and training Al Qaeda and Jihadists in Jordan and Turkey to destroy Syria, an Ambassador and other Americans were killed in the process of doing so in Benghazi and all is well in the world of progressive Democrats! (socialists that should be condemned)
Where is the voice of reason and truth in the press?