Next week the
Tri-County Council will hold its regular meeting. Where? The safe assumption would be that the meeting would be held at the organization’s new
$10 MILLION facility at the corner of US 50 and Walston Switch Road.
You would be wrong. The Tri-County Council is holding its meeting at … a brew pub.

Why are YOUR tax dollars – and that’s what funds the Tri-County Council – being used to hold meetings at a brew pub when you have already paid for perfectly good meeting space?
Wicomico County councilwoman
Sheree Sample-Hughes is the chairman of the Tri-County Council.
Maybe you should ask her.
G. A. Harrison is a former editor of SBYNews and a regular contributor. He also writes at the DelMarVa Observer. This article was originally posted at the DelMarVa Observer.
WTF easy accesses to booze up.
This is par for course anymore.
It's a mindset that reeks of not only stupidity in light of the economic turmoil facing this country but also utter irresponsibility and should not be tolerated
This is the same council person that wanted Wicomico County to institute a law stating that a person had to graduate high school in order to run for office aka a black woman wanted to reinstitute post Civil War Jim Crow laws. How ignorant!
Ok Sheree-Sample Hughes, in your own words, tell us why?
Are critics being intentionally stupid? Everyone knows you can't drink beer on Government property.
I went to EVA and paid over 16.00 for a grilled cheese sandwich and a Pepsi. And even though they belong to LORA, they wouldn't accept the LORA card! I don't plan to go back and don't recommend it. I hope the taxpayers aren't footing the bill for their eating/drinking there!
Where is there Management/supervision???
I am hoping that, as it is for me, free for all of you to sit inside the building in order to have your meeting. And please reassure me that as I have to pay for my food and beverages that I consume there, THAT YOU ALL AS WELL WILL BE PAYING FOR THE FOOD AND BEVERAGES THAT YOU CONSUME THERE OUT OF YOUR OWN POCKETS, NOT MINE.
Sent to her just now!
9:07 said-"I hope the taxpayers aren't footing the bill for their eating/drinking there!"
Tax payers are certainly footing this bill. This organization would cease to exist if it weren't for goverment "grants" which is nothing more than sponging off the tax payers.
Governement waste at it's finest-a soiree attempted to be disguised as a "meeting."
I got a beer at EVO and it cost $6.50. There is no way the tax payers should be paying for a meeting there. If the folks that attend are paying for their own food and beverage, I don't have as much of a problem with it.
I'm from Somerset county and hadn't even heard about this before. What on earth is the building supposed to be used for and how is Somerset and the other counties paying for it. Is it more borrowed money?
G A, I note on your site, you posted this on 3/21. It is now 3/25. Have you contacted the Tri County Council to ask them? For sure, readers of this site or your site, don't give a Rat's A$$ about it. Is it possible the Council is taking a tour of the business? - or that each person is paying their own expenses? Where did you glean this info, because it is not on their web-site. In fact I would say their web site needs a lot of updating.
This reminds me of something Mrs Cynthia Polk was quoted as saying in yesterday's DT. Something along the lines of watching the money come in but not watching it go out. So true a statement by Mrs Polk and this has endeared me to her more than ever.
Seems now we have another group here who thinks money grows on trees and it is made all the more reprehensible by the fact that it's not their money they are spending but the tax payers.
Anon 0948 -
It is my understanding that the Tri-County Council pays for dinners like this. This is just one example. They meet in OC and other places as well.
These are YOUR tax dollars. If you don't give a "Rat's A$$", shame on you. Why are our tax dollars paying for that nice building with plenty of meeting space?
Yes, I know that we're not talking about a lot of money. It's just these "little things" seem to add up.
"Where did you glean this info"... In fact, the Council may be including prostitutes at their meeting as they do little documentation about the meetings or a budget itself. In particular, I see reports on spending the money they received but nothing about what or how they spent their money. It's just another 'Secret Organization" overseen by the Annapolis Crime Family.
I thought i was current on local events IS THAT HUGE BUILDING only the tri co council? If so
Who approved building it and what does this council do other than eat out? Thank you I feel like I really missed out on this one.
EVO Public House is NOT a member of
LORA (Local Owner Restaurant Association).
The beer probably cost more than a Bud Lite because it is a special beer made there?? Special..
Sheree is just following the example of her beloved Michelle Obama. The White House is closed for tours but little Malia and Sasha and friends are Spring breaking at The Atlantis Bahamas this week--all on the taxpayer dime! Ain't it great being Queen?
"Queens"-I don't think so. Real queens are benignant and gracious and would never dream of being so ill bred as to slop like a swine from the public coffers for useless purposes and activities.
More power to them, let them all get drunk. It is a mess here and nationwide, WTF sign me up !
Laura mitchell is a member of thqt thing too. She likes to network with food.
Just a few months ago Tri County Council dined at the Blue Dog in Snow Hill Md and before that at Reflection's in OC.
Your tax dollars do pay for the food. This council is a waste of time. It's purpose is to expand government along with social services into the public's pocketbook. There is too much dupliation of services every where. A handful of people who only show up to eat and meet monthly..Just for show, so they can say they serve on the board. Taxpayers need to wake-up to this type of waste.
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