Does Ireton REALLY Speak for City?
Sunday's front page Daily Times article is, admittedly, a less than flattering profile of incumbent Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton. Like its companion piece about candidate (and SBYNews publisher) Joe Albero, we will concur that the piece is accurate. However, informed observers of Salisbury politics and government will note that what was omitted from this piece makes it a borderline puff piece.

Jim Ireton - Control Freak
Yes Ireton does appear to be a bit of a control freak, but his motivations (not his actions) are the real story here. Reporter Jeremy Cox portrays an Ireton that may need therapy for his OCD, but (by and large) his heart is in the right place. Really? Dig beneath some statements and a totally different picture appears:
But the part-time schoolteacher, who is seeking re-election this spring to a second term, goes farther than any of his predecessors in recent memory, according to those familiar with behind-the-scenes workings at the city of Salisbury and Ireton himself.
Under a policy imposed by Ireton, no media inquiries posed to city employees, including department heads, can be answered unless the mayor is first consulted. If he’s the first Salisbury mayor to do that, he said, it’s because “no previous mayor has had to deal with the 24-hour news cycle.”
...Ireton also helps craft virtually all news releases, including those warning of traffic lane closures and approaching severe weather.
First of all, the 24 hour news cycle began with CNN in 1980 (Ireton was in grade school). Politically, it became a major factor in 1992 (Ireton was in college). Salisbury has NEVER really had a 24 hour news cycle. While SBYNews may come close, Ireton won't return its phone calls. Because of changes in printing, the Daily Times has actually seen its deadline window shrink while Ireton has been mayor. So why did Cox included it? Because it sounded good?
Politics, NOT Policy
The facts are that Ireton exercises a stranglehold over city media access because he views the role of mayor as strictly political. Ireton uses press conferences and press releases to attack his political opponents rather than a means to inform the public. Taxpayer dollars are spent to construct little theater sets around the city so that Ireton can have the right visual backdrop for his screeds against council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies. Does anyone remember his budget veto rant accussing the council majority of being against everything short of mom, apple pie, and puppies or Ireton standing on a street corner and implying that they were racists because they didn't want to see taxpayer dollars spent on quarter million dollar apartments at "The Bricks" or seeing the city go deeper into the property management business?
While we had numerous policy disagreements with Ireton's predecessor, Barrie Parsons Tilghman, she was a piker when it came to manipulating the media.
Government Gridlock
In addition to forbidding city department heads from commenting to the media, Ireton has continued the policy of refusing council members from having access to department heads as well. Council can't get answers to questions so they can't vote on legislation. What is Ireton's response? He has the chutzpah to then call a press conference and attack the council for "not doing the people's business". If you have ever read Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22, you would realize that Salisbury government under Jim Ireton exemplifies the term more than almost anything else today.
Yes Cox glosses over the fact that Ireton refuses access to department heads, but where is the research into why?
I know that I'm not the only reader to ask the question: Given that Ireton is a part time mayor, and given that his chooses to micromanage media access to city government, and given that Ireton seems to put far more effort into politics rather than governance, is it any wonder that Salisbury's economy isn't getting better?
If you bothered to read the complete article, you would find the most telling portion right at the end:
Some employees grumble privately about the policy, but they declined to discuss it on the record for fear of jeopardizing their jobs. One department head contacted begged off discussing the policy even anonymously, then contacted Ireton immediately about the conversation.
A text message from Ireton to The Daily Times came a short time later: “I would have given you somebody to use as a source. now you gotta submit questions to any dept 24 hours in advance.
In a subsequent phone conversation, Ireton said the incident illustrated why the mayor-first policy exists. Asked how the reporter could trust that an employee selected by Ireton would be able to speak freely, the mayor said he would never threaten an employee with their job over their comments.
Vindictive is really too kind (and certainly too mature) a term to describe Ireton's behavior. It looks like Ireton is taking behavior lessons from his 10 year old students rather than the other way around.
This Isn't Dragnet
I could be wrong to claim Cox's piece was factually inaccurate. Unlike the Albero piece, I also don't claim that Cox even misrepresents facts. Unfortunately, this isn't an episode of Dragnet. "Just the facts" doesn't cut it when you are doing any type of investigative piece. You have to dig a little deeper. You have to look at motive. Sure you need to disclose what you're doing, but you need to do it!
Tune in tomorrow for the third and final instalment.
Tune in tomorrow for the third and final instalment.
G. A. Harrison is a former editor of Salisbury News and a guest contributor. He also writes at the DelMarVa Observer.
Well put Mr. Harrison. You have put into words my exact thoughts upon reading the Sunday article (from a paper given to me second hand, BTW)
This is one of the most true articles I have ever read. I watch the meetings on PAC14 and note that after Ireton was called out on his awful behavior, he stopped coming except for political feel-good presentations. His partner in political everything, Laura Mitchell, last night was awful! Anyone who wants to know where the "bickering" comes from only had to watch her making accusations and yelling NAY! into the mikes.
Ireton needs to go and he should take that rude woman Mitchell with him. I thought the others took her nastiness with dignity and calm.
I am over 60 (won't say how much). I have lived through many a mayor in Salisbury. I can say without a doubt that I have never seen a more undignified mayor in my town.
That picture is a perfect example. I remember what you speak of and that picture. It is when Ireton vetoed the budget. I do not recall Dallas Truitt, Elmer Ruark, Paul Martin, not even Barrie Tilghman ever vetoing a budget, ever!
The constant high school drama Ireton has brought to Salisbury is ridiculous, and I thought Tilghman was bad with her groin-kicking daughter.
It is more than time for a change. I know Jake Day to be a nice young man, but I will not support him against Debbie Campbell. For the future I cannot support him now that I know he plans to support this childish mayor on everything.
To the previous person, I too saw Laura Mitchell last night and was disgusted. When she is not at the meetings, they are very peaceful, even when they debate. I think that shows where all the problem lies.
"If you bothered to read the complete article, you would find the most telling portion right at the end:"
My thoughts exactly.
The same thing in reverse can be said about the Albero article, the bulk of which focused on negative things people had to say about Joe. He buried the positive things he had to say at the very end of the article.
I thought that after Louise Smith was out, Cirque Duh Salisbury would be over. Thanks to Ireton and his progressive pal Laura Mitchell, not so much.
So why did Cox included it?
Typo - erase the d in included.
" gotta submit questions to any dept 24 hours in advance."
You "gotta." Please don't tell me a school teacher wrote that.
Anonymous said...
Ireton needs to go and he should take that rude woman Mitchell with him. I thought the others took her nastiness with dignity and calm.
February 12, 2013 at 8:43 AM
Don't forget that Mitchell is one of those "Progressives" that slops at the government troughs for hand outs. She is on welfare, medical assistance, housing vouchers and food stamps. I wonder if she tells the government about her salary as a city council member.
She gets her yelling in the mike/mic honestly as she is a modern day progressive who is loud and demanding of their entitlements. She is a typical radical Democrat who tries to bully her way into getting what she wants. That's why she worked for the O'Malley and Obama campaign with her boys Ireton and Cookie!
Ireton and Mitchell - immature, angry, foot-stomping when they don't get their way. Really an embarrassment to the city.
They both make a lot of accusations, nasty ones. Mitchell was especially bad about that last night. I thought both Campbell and Cohen were very good about that last night and kept their cool. Mitchell filing a complaint was the worst. It's a wonder the council can get anything done with all the trouble she stirs up.
Andy Berges says...
Why should employees fear losing their jobs for telling the truth and why does Ireton demand that "you gotta submit questions to any dept 24 hours in advance."!? What's with the 24 hour advance notice requirement!?
This not only proves that Ireton is a bully, but it also appears that he has something to hide from the public and that he withholds important info from the public as well. Mayors who are worthy of respect should not bully their staff nor threaten to fire them for telling the truth.
I can tell you first hand that city employees are absolutely in fear for their jobs.
I can tell you MOST city employees have been instructed by their department heads that if they are seen speaking to Joe Albero they will be fired.
I can tell you the incident at MoJo's, (I'll not get into details) those employees are in fear of losing their jobs, this I know.
Once I am elected and those employees are no longer in fear, Ireton could be facing incredible charges. I believe the statute is 2 years on something like that.
Anyhow, there's no question city employees are in fear of their jobs.
Anonymous said...
Ireton needs to go and he should take that rude woman Mitchell with him. I thought the others took her nastiness with dignity and calm.
February 12, 2013 at 8:43 AM
Ireton needs to go and he needs to take John Pick, Lore Chambers, Teresa Gardner and Richard Hoppess with him as well.
If the readers on here really want the city to advance then they need to rally behind Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero. If Ireton gets re-elected and his hand picked minion Jake Day gets elected then this city is screwed. Ireton will have a council majority that he can get to rubber stamp everything he does. Ireton will be giving away city property like there is no tomorrow. Most of that city property will get in the hands of the slum lords and we will have more rentals and low income housing. This affects everyone that lives in the county, but has to drive into the city to work or shop. Crime will skyrocket and innocent lives will be lost to crime. Our schools will continue to decline and businesses will continue to bypass Salisbury or move out. No more jobs.
The best thing we can do is to rally behind Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero to walk the streets and get the message out We need people to make phone calls and encourage people to vote. We may even need people to drive voters to the polls. Please call Debbie and Joe and let them no you are on their side.
Right now Debbie needs a lot of help to get through the primary because she has 2 opponents. Please call her now and offer her your assistance.
Joe is correct that employees are in fear of their jobs. Joe is correct that employees were told not to talk to him. I am one of them.
Perhaps Mr. Cox should just run every draft by you personally before he writes it G.A., since apparently your version of events is the only one that counts in this city. You realize that everything you are equating to fact is based solely on your opinion right? I mean, you wanna talk about vindictive- for years you have used this blog as a pulpit to personally trash every young journalist to work for the Daily Times (not to mention business people, private citizens, local politicians, our police dept. and firemen). Basically, if the Daily Times doesn't run their articles through "The World According to G.A. Harrison" before publication, than you (with the blessing of Joe of course) have carte blanche to ruin the life of whoever you like in retaliation. The funniest part is that you don't think people see that. I mean, are you getting paid to act as PR Rep/ Editorial Hitman for Joe, Debbie, Terry, and Tim? Or do you just do it out of the goodness of your heart? You think that just because they fill you in on their version of events that means you have credibility? All you have are the archaic, backdoor conspiracy theories of a bunch of mean spirited bullies- and everybody knows it. And while we're on the subject of feigned professionalism, can we just take a minute here to talk about your ego? Anybody who disagrees with you is a) too stupid to understand the English language b) too uneducated in the "real" history of Salisbury politics to be worthy of your time or c) a secret worker for the people you have openly hated for years. Why don't you wake up and look at this disgrace of a URL for what it is: an excuse to trash people when your friends don't get their way. This blog is like high school, except its even more childish because you never actually have to interact with the people you slander- you get to do it from the comfort of Joe's office. How very mature of you.
So what happens on February 28? That is when the city council extended the acting status of the acting fire chief? Has Ireton submitted another name yet or is he going to continue to bully the women who were once his friends.
Well if that is in fact the case Joe, regarding your statement that “city employees are absolutely in fear for their jobs”, then they need to build up the courage to stand up for themselves against the bullying and fear tactics. Perhaps some of them can discuss the idea amongst themselves of assembling a large group to collectively express themselves and defend their rights. What’s Ireton going to do, fire every city employee for telling the truth and/or if they defend themselves against his abuse???
Being bullied and living in fear is toxic to one’s mental, as well as physical, health. Employees who perpetually live in misery for 5 days out of every week of their lives need to enforce their freedom of speech rights before it’s too late and they lie on their deathbeds in a “pool of regret” as many Americans do. As I stated in an article I wrote…”This especially applies to workers who are parents, because it would be hypocritical of them to not tolerate their children to be bullied at their schools if they themselves tolerate being bullied at their workplaces.”
"Asked how the reporter could trust that an employee selected by Ireton would be able to speak freely, the mayor said he would never threaten an employee with their job over their comments."
It's a known fact told over and over again to city employees anyone caught posting on this blog will be fired without question!
You are so wrong 10:50. Let's start w/your statement---
"You realize that everything you are equating to fact is based solely on your opinion right?"
Is it not a FACT that the so called "24 hour news cycle" has been around long before Ireton was mayor, 10:50?
Isn't it true therefore another FACT that Ireton uses the media to attack council members?
If in fact city employees are denied their right to free speech, can't they file a class action lawsuit?
11:07am you are absolutely correct. Collectively, he can't touch a single employee or he can face serious legal problems.
10:50 Oh please. The so called "young journalists" that you refer to have made their own beds. When you crawl up the rear ends of those you think will benefit you and publish only positive things and trash their opponents then you lose credibility. It's that simple. You are either a journalist or a slobbering pathetic lapdog.
But that's right 10:50-Blame someone else.
What an angry, nasty rant, 10:50. You sound absolutely over the edge. I have known many of these people for years. I am so disappointed in Jim Ireton, I don't know what to say. "Feigned professionalism?" Neither Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen feigns anything, and they don't have to. Tim Spies has always been a gentleman when I have seen him.
You are obviously an intelligent person, but your comment just screams. The writer of this post has just as much right to question the writings of Daily Times reporters as the reporters have to claim they are superior investigators. Personally, I give the young reporters a little more benefit of the doubt. But let's face it, when you have a reporter who is party to a phone spoof, to making the news, and a mayor who himself puts up a stolen identity website on his opponent (that is just one of the worst things I've see in politics here), I think your accusations about high school are a little misplaced, no, a lot misplaced.
Jim is doing all the things he ranted against Barrie Tilghman about. In fact, he was very supportive of Debbie and Terry when they were doing then what they are still doing now, but now, he tries to blame them for everything even though he is the one who changed.
11:07 that is easy to say, but when you consider the economy, mortgage payments, kids, spouses, etc... It makes much more sense to stay quiet in public and support Albero.
Joe, have you read about the new illegal, unwritten attendance policy that Ireton instructed Gardner to implement and enforce? If a public works employee goes on federally approved leave and comes back to work with less than two weeks sick leave they will be written up and ineligible for any pay raises for a year - if he puts one in the budget. If they use all of their sick time they will be fired!
Imagine going out sick for cancer, a heart attack or other illness and then getting fired! At a time when the City should be there most for you, they turn their backs. This is life as a public works employee under Teresa Gardner. I'd love it if you made this a stand alone comment. It is absolutely true. This unwritten policy will draw a lawsuit and cost the City a lot of money.
10:50 AM...No idea who you are but, one thing for sure, you are a full blown a$$
I went on the federal family leave act close to two years ago, before I could get temporary disabilty I had to first use all of my paid time off.
That is what the federal family leave act is all about, protecting you from being dismissed for being sick. Ireton wants to play games with our taxpayer dollars and get the city sued, I think the employees should sue him personally and take everything he owns! Spare the taxpayers and bend him over good!
12:25 - What the ?
Why isn't the greatest investigative reporter on the Shore, Jeremy Cox, investigating that??????
12:25, as the saying goes - "There's STRENGTH In Numbers" and it seems to me as though too many people overestimate Ireton and that they mistakenly believe that he is more powerful than he actually is. In fact, there is a good chance that he will be powerLESS in the very near future.
Is anyone else sick of the constant drama? We elected this man to work, not to do press conferences, blame everyone else, throw tantrums, etc.
Everyone talks about the bickering on council, but from out here, it seems like that is more drama manufactured by the Iretonites.
Is it true Ireton won't meet with the council leaders? What mayor wouldn't meet with the head of the law body? That's just stupid, especially when he meets with everyone else.
"All you have are the archaic, backdoor conspiracy theories of a bunch of mean spirited bullies- and everybody knows it."
Mean spirited? Where have we heard this before? Is it Barrie Parsons? Mike Dunn? Lynn Cathcart? If it isn't one of these clowns it must be someone close to their camps.
Any time you speak/write of someone's motivations, you cannot possibly call it fact. Only God knows what is in the hearts of men. You may think you know, but it's still just your opinion.
There is nothing mean-spirited or bullying about Cohen or Campbell. They have hung in there for the people, kept them from getting burned worse. Imagine what they could have done if they had not been holding off the blackhearts.
Ireton was all about being on this blog for support when he was running in 2009 and it benefited Ireton.
Ireton was a blow hard, getting up and demanding things from Tighlman and Louweasal to cease the BS, Ireton now wears Barrie Tighlman's old pumps throwing drunken tantrums and pulling the same stunts.
If Ireton would grow a mustashe like Barrie Tighlman's, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen haven't changed one iota, Ireton has made the transformation to the dark side, not the council.
Ireton has Mitchell and Shields, and all he needs is Day to round out his rubber stamp minions. What fools they are, it's time Salisbury takes out the trash for good!
In congress, lawmakers have the power to question department heads/Secretary of State, etc. I can understand cutting off questions to department heads from the media, but the lawmakers of our city? No way!
We as citizens have to end the rule of tyranny and show up at the polls and vote Debbie back in, Shanie and Ireton out. The people of the west side deserve a better representitive, not a rubber stamp.
The way it is now, Tighlman may as well still be mayor because Ireton is using her playbook as a guide to over bearing actions and controling personality.
Jimmy it's time to take off the tutu and hang up the ballet shoes, your goose is cooked.
12:25pm Fear is the antithesis of courage. The weight and binding power of fear can drag a person down like a prisoner's shackles. The Lord's admonition to Joshua was "Be strong and courageous" is meant for modern day believers as well.Do not give in to fear but break its hold through the powerful words of scripture and live your life in confidence. There is strength in numbers. I encourage you and your co-workers to pray and work together to overcome a workplace bully it can be done.
What is the story with Jake Day? I am afraid he has convinced a large number of younger not so informed city voters that Debbie is an obtructionist regarding some downtown development deal--saying she axed it. That doesn't sound accurate-does anyone know the particulars of this? All that needs to be found out about Jake Day, does he stand in lockstep with Ireton? Does he have the support of SAPOA? Those are enough to know what is up with him. Please, we can't afford another Louise Smith or Laura Mitchell. Debbie is a known quantity, one that doggedly stands up for the city taxpayer--don't screw this up voters!!!!
It is no different than the County policy that ALL media correspondence go throught the PIO first. Big deal. Get over it. I think it is becoming painfully obvious to you that you will not win this election because you haven't been able to keep your foot out of where your mouth is supposed to be and you haven't been able to show that you can do all the things that your foot (mout) has claimed. You complained that WBOC wouldn't print comments in favor of you....lets see if you post this. I am screen capturing this and violates no comment policy. "fair and balanced"....not. You are getting a taste of your own medicine.
Debbie probably voted against something that would cost the city a great deal of money while enriching slumlords.
Great point Annon 5:30 PM.
Adding on to your thoughts…rather than living in fear, everyone should perpetually keep in mind that – “I can do all things through Christ who STRENGTHENS me.”
(Philippians 4:13)
It isn't just in city government where women and men who have been illegally intimidated and bullied need to speak up. Bullies count on silence from victims and witnesses. They are empowered by it. Time to file charges.
5:47 - great point, except there are many of us who think the PIO is a waste of money, too.
You are one of those who think playing "big city" makes us big city. We're big city, all right. We've got Baltimore style crime, but none of the cultural benefits.
Wow, having a PIO sure has moved our county forward. I feel so informed - not.
Think about this. We keep getting this award for being such a great community for children. We get these awards for all the programs we have for children. Yet people complain constantly that we don't have enough programs for children.
The real reason we get these awards is because we have tons of children in poverty, "at risk" for a life of crime, etc. We have programs trying to address those problems.
Imagine what more we could do for those children if we put that money toward helping them instead of a salary to pat ourselves on the back for having so many kids in poverty.
GA - Great Article! It looks as though we have an Adolph Hitler presently manning the office of Mayor.
Joe, is this leave thing true? He has an unwritten policy that causes people to be disciplined and fired? Talk about illegal!!!
Hey Ireton why don't you try that sick leave policy on the police or fire departments?
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal program that protects all employees for medical leave. This leave can be for the individual employee, their spouse or child with a qualified illness. The illness can be care of spouse, child, adoption, or birth of employee's child. To receive the leave, the employee needs to complete the required forms from the employer and submit medical documentation for required leave. The employer can not fire you or remove you from your job while on FMLA. When you return from leave, the employer must return you to your existing job/pay or place you in the same paying position. Should your employer try to remove you, you have rights and can take legal action.
Any Human Resource Director worth anything would advise you that any unwritten policy can't be trusted or enforced. All company policies are placed in the company handbook and are covered with new employees and periodically updated with staff to ensure proper understanding of the policy. Anything done in secret or underhanded is not proper or lawful. The employee evaluation is a good time to ask the employee if they understand or need added information to any company policy. After all, the business wants the best for the company and the employee don't they????
February 12, 2013 at 5:47 PM
Here is a little info on your buddy Jake Day.
Jacob Day's treasurer is Jordan A. Gilmore, Treasurer. Ironically Jordan Gilmore is an attorney on the downtown plaza with the address of:
100 E. Main St., Suite 503
Salisbury, MD 21801
I did a little back ground check and Jacob Day just used Jordan Gilmore as his divorce attorney.
Circuit Court of Maryland
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C12000516
Title: Day vs Day
Case Type: Divorce-AbsoluteFiling Date:03/30/2012
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: Decree or OrderDisposition Date:10/18/2012
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Day, Jacob R
Address: 502 Druid Hill Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Gilmore, Esq, Jordan A
Appearance Date: 09/28/2012
Practice Name:
Address: 100 E. Main St,Ste 503
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Day, Alison F
Address: 4530 Avondale Street
City: BethesdaState:MDZip Code:20814
Aliases Defendant/Respondent
Name: Flanders, Alison S
Not only is he recently divorced he proudly mentions "his lovely fiance, Liz" on his campaign website. He just got divorced and now he already has a fiance??? This guy can't even manage his marital affairs and he wants us to believe he can handle the day to day business of the city!!
What other skeletons does this guy have in his closet?
He also has numerous traffic infractions including having his drivers license suspended. I hope he doesn't have to drive any city vehicle because he would be a major liability. He has one speeding case that is currently active.
0000000260A8V Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Talbot County District Court Traffic Closed 03/10/2011
0000000G10AFD Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Dorchester County District Court Traffic Closed 12/10/2009
0000000HS0B4H Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Wicomico County District Court Traffic Closed 03/04/2010
00000015Z0AF2 Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Talbot County District Court Traffic Closed 09/15/2010
0000002520CRH Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Talbot County District Court Traffic Closed 02/18/2012
000000EU67575 Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Hyattsville District Court Traffic Closed 01/09/2008
000000HH36208 Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Dorchester County District Court Traffic ACTIVE CASE 05/16/2012
20K03007730 Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Talbot County Circuit Court Motor Vehicle Appeal Closed/Inactive 06/10/2003 State of Maryland vs Jacob Randall Day
5Z33553357 Day, Jacob Randall 07/1982 Defendant Hyattsville District Court MI Closed 02/02/2002
This guy will be spending more time in court than attending city council meetings. This is definitely not the candidate I will be voting for!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal program that protects all employees for medical leave. This leave can be for the individual employee, their spouse or child with a qualified illness. The illness can be care of spouse, child, adoption, or birth of employee's child. To receive the leave, the employee needs to complete the required forms from the employer and submit medical documentation for required leave. The employer can not fire you or remove you from your job while on FMLA. When you return from leave, the employer must return you to your existing job/pay or place you in the same paying position. Should your employer try to remove you, you have rights and can take legal action.
February 12, 2013 at 8:38 PM
Can your employer fill out the FMLA papers for you and then force you out on FMLA?
That explains the Gilmore letter to the editor today raving about Jake Day.
On another note, for all the Campbell haters on here, you forget that Jim Ireton was Debbie Campbell's friend for 20 years and now treats her like you-know-what. Campbell did not stand out on a street corner calling him a racist. Campbell did not meet in secret at the Chamber of Commerce with the slumlord reps, Mike Dunn, Laura Mitchell, Shanie Shields etc. and conspire against Ireton.
Ireton did all those things to Campbell and she has held her head up and continued to do the people's work. Even without knowing anything else about these people and their positions, it tells you a lot about how easily Jim Ireton will sell his soul to advance himself politically. Anyone who would be as vicious as he has to a friend of 20 years doesn't deserve to be in office because he can't be trusted.
The writer of this post pegged it when he talked about vindictive. Ireton didn't get his way on something and immediately threw his friends to the wolves.
To answer this question, I would need more information. Understandingly, I would not want you to release private information via any website. Since I don't have all the facts, I can tell you this much; usually the employee must complete the forms, sign and date them and return the completed forms to their medical provider to finish the required medical information, or return them to their employer and the employer will send them to the provider. I suggest you check to see how your HR Department handles their forms. From experience, I prefer the employee take to their medical provider to complete and return to the HR office. The medical provider needs to complete your forms timely and you should let them know your HR dept. needs these forms in a timely fashion.
The only time, the employer should complete the FMLA paperwork for the employee is with the employee's written permission and I would encourage you to make a copy of this document for your records. If you feel the person you are working with is trustworthy, and you have a disability or perhaps you are in a hospital out of the area and the HR person completes the form for you I would still advise you that you or your personal representative should be the only one to sign and date the form. Again, certainly make a completed copy for your records. Generally, it is not a good idea to let anyone but yourself or your designated representative sign any paperwork for you.
Forcing you out on FMLA-again this requires much more information than is available. Generally, if you are going to be out of work for five days or longer depending upon you circumstances you are eligible for FMLA. There are time limits for the use of FMLA leave.
I encourage you to talk with a HR person who you can trust and is knowledgeable so you can make the best possible decision concerning your private situation. I hope this has helped you.
Does anyone want to talk about Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton and why they're mad about the council presidency?
There were a lot of friends of Jim Ireton who crossed party lines to get him elected through their friends, neighbors and families. We walked the streets for him. We solicited contributions to his campaign. We waved signs on cold days during the election. What did you get in return? A long knife stabbing us in the back and if that wasn't bad enough he twisted the knife a couple of times. He turned his back on us and I personally feel like a used tramp that he just step on so that he could gain access to the mayors office. I really hope and pray that I can do everything in my power to get my friends, neighbors and families to vote Jim Ireton out of office. I hope his political career is toast and while we are at it I hope his teaching career is toast.
8:43 Now THAT is investigative reporting!
Jacob Day has plenty of skeletons in his closet, the bones are buried everywhere. A consistant law breaker and doesn't deserve to be trusted with my future!
Anonymous said...
It isn't just in city government where women and men who have been illegally intimidated and bullied need to speak up. Bullies count on silence from victims and witnesses. They are empowered by it. Time to file charges.
February 12, 2013 at 6:48 PM
I am a city employee and I spoke up against the city and Barrie Tilghman personally painted that red target on my back. It's still there.
Anonymous said...
8:43 Now THAT is investigative reporting!
Jacob Day has plenty of skeletons in his closet, the bones are buried everywhere. A consistant law breaker and doesn't deserve to be trusted with my future!
February 12, 2013 at 10:48 PM
I have to agree with you 100% Look how quick he screwed his wife/marriage/family over and already has a fiancé. Is this someone that can be trusted? NO!! Jacob Day will screw the citizens over just like he did to his family. He was hand picked by Jim Ireton to run against Debbie Campbell in hopes that Jim Ireton could secure a majority council rubber stamp. Jake Day and Jim Ireton with the help of Cookie are on Facebook and that anti-Joe blog ragging on Joe and Debbie every single day. Jake Day is an idiot who is to stupid to know that Jim Ireton will use him and stab him in the back. On February 26 cast one vote and one vote only for District 2 and make sure that is for Debbie Campbell. You don't have to cast 2 votes just because it says you can. Vote for Debbie Campbell and Debbie Campbell only.
Anon 1050 -
Are you smoking crack?
It appears that you are "too stupid to understand the English language". If you could then you would have realized that I did not dispute one fact presented by Mr. Cox. My criticism had to do with tone and placement. Over the course of two posts I noted that the pieces were "accurate" numerous times.
As for my criticism of "every young journalist to work for the Daily Times", that too is incorrect. If you had said "most" you would be closer to right. Most of my criticism has been leveled against the reporters charged with reporting city news. I haven't leveled much criticism at other reporters because they do their jobs. As for Mr. Cox, I would argue that he is the 2nd best reporter to cover Salisbury since I moved here.
Criticism is not necessarily synonymous with "trashing" someone. You remind me of a local politician who views any public disagreement with their stance as a personal betrayal.
You might not like what I write. That's fine. However if you are going to ATTEMPT to rebut it, try arguing against the message rather than attacking the messenger. Sure, you'll have to exercise a few brain cells but you won't look half as foolish.
Does anyone know who Iretons boy friend is?
Perhaps the EEOC needs to be made aware of any threats, subtle or otherwise, that women will be fired from any job if they report incidents of sexual violation. Politics aside, what man or woman will say inappropriate sexual conduct should be permitted?
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know who Iretons boy friend is?
February 13, 2013 at 5:54 AM
He works at a TV station, now out of town. Jim is always telling female city employees how he can't wait for the weekend so he can get some. Isn't that sexual harassment?
No it is not sexual harassment 7:45, however it is inappropriate, unethical, and SICK and it speaks VOLUMES about his character.
who is "cookie"?
I'm not really concerned with Jacob Day's divorce and what his current love life consists of but the fact that he obviously thinks speed limits don't apply to him is concerning. His pattern of speeding violations show a flagrant disregard for the law.
Day needs to evolve and mature more and become responsible before he deserves a place on the council. The last think the city needs is more histrionics displayed by immature city officials.
8:25 Maybe Jim's boy-girl friend?
Jacob Day's speeding difficulties show not only a flagrant disregard for speed limits but also a penchant for wasteful spending.
I'm fortunate enough that if I got a speeding ticket everyday I wouldn't miss the money but I got one speeding ticket in 1981 and learned my lesson because I hated writing that check for the ticket. I felt I was wasting my money.
Day not only gets tickets but then it looks like he wastes the courts time by requesting a trial and then pleading guilty, the obvious trick everyone uses to get fines/points reduced. He really does need to grow up.
Anonymous said...
who is "cookie"?
February 13, 2013 at 8:25 AM
Chuck Cook. He hates anyone who is conservative and hates them with a passion. He calls them Tea Baggers.
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