FINALLY, someone in the MSM wants to get to the bottom of Mayor Ireton's phone call three weeks ago and who better than Bryan Russo.
Bryan called this morning to ask if I'd be willing to sit down with him for an in depth interview, I agreed. He stated he'd be speaking with Greg Bassett and hopefully Mayor Jim Ireton. So tomorrow I'll sit down with Bryan and give him the interview Chief Barbara Duncan never asked for, yet completed and closed her investigation.
One thing is for sure, I'll make the firm statement, I spoke with Mayor Jim Ireton for 7 minutes and 38 seconds and that's all there is to it. No one sided investigation. Just remember Folks, Jim Ireton has never refused to return a phone call to me or a text message. Interesting how he has chosen this time to not return a call or text, eh?
Put your seat belts on because the ship it going to hit the fan. Let me close with this. A friend called me earlier today and he said 90% of the people believe what I'm saying. The other 10% are saying I took this one too far. REALLY, too far, eh? I get a phone call from the Mayor, people get fired over it and I've taken things too far. Some have even stated that I'm being charged with filing a false report. HELLO! I never filed ANY report to start with. Secondly, it's already been PROVEN a call was made with Ireton's number.
If there's ANYONE who is innocent here it is me. Think about this as well. It's been well known Jim Ireton, Sarah Lake and Joe Carmean were close friends. WHY on God's Green Earth would THEY want to pull a prank they knew would backfire on their friend Jim Ireton. I rest my case.
Stay Tuned...
Get em Joe. Jim should have owned his mistake from day one and this is what happens when you lie.
Everyone I've talked to says Joe is telling the truth. I don't know where you came up with 10 percent because this is open and shut. Ireton got drunk and that's nothing new in Salisbury.
Good question. Why would his friends do that to him. You just convinced me Joe.
Why did Jimmy have to bring his whole family to that press conference. He's guilty and he's a fool. Stop drinking Jimmy. You have a problem in case you hadn't noticed. Grow up and start acting like a man.
I heard Matt Marshmellow signed off on the phone record subpoena.
It will be nice to have closure on this.
Jim Ireton has made Salisbury the laughing stock of the eastern shore. I hope the council impeaches him.
Are you suggesting that 10% of these people believe anything anyone from the daily rag said is true. They got caught in their lied and got fired. Yet chief Duncan took them at their word. When I learned they never interviewed you I know the outcome would be crap.
Jim is not going to talk to you. Duncan is not going to talk to you, neither is Lewis.
You are a major threat to all of them Joe.
Word is, the police have disabled apps to radio transmissions to farther thwart YOUR efforts to bring real news in real time.
Just because you have a venue to tell your side of the story doesn't make you guilty of anything in my opinion. You say the mayor made the call, I believe you. These people have never been up against someone who has such a following and you scare the bejessus out of them. Its about time Iretons childish behavior casme to light. I truly believe he's done in politics. He's blown his second chance after quitting the last time. Keep up the good work Joe.
anonymous 3:17, too funny! I don't even own a scanner.
When will the interview air.
anonymous 3:27, I'll let you know just as soon as I know.
Yeah, why would his friends do this to him. Something stinks.
heard the same thing. local law enforcement has disabled apps and transmissions on scanners to prevent you and the local public from knowing what is going on.
like today. i heard a large number of emergency vehicles were at northside park? nothing on the police scanners at all. just word of mouth from someone who saw it.
the city needs a special prosecutor :).... at this point to investigate ireton, laura mitchell, marcello, lewis, duncan. the entire bunch of them
This is to freaking awesome!
Good Afternoon Mr.Mayor
Good Afternoon. LOL
Now that is the polite and quick response you SHOULD receive from a Mayor!
Joe they are running from you. Turning off the scanners come on now. Looks like the good ole boys are going down. Keep up the good work.
you won't laugh long you wet back dego!
Mr. Ireton, where exactly were you at almost midnight?
Well, I'd rather not say.
Mr. Ireton. In order for me to complete my investigation I'll need to know your whereabouts that evening.
I was at home.
Was anyone with you?
Just Bruce.
Who's Bruce. How is he related to you?
He's my friend.
Does your friend Bruce have a last name.
Do we really have to go there chief. Can't we just make up a name and leave it at that.
Jim, if you want this thing to go away your going to have to cooperate.
Damnit Barbara, I don't need Chuckie knowing I was with Bruce if you get my drift.
Ok Jim, you were at home.
End of investigation.
3:46, sounds about right.
Anonymous 3:46
The is my favorite picture of you Joe. You wife is one lucky lady.
Are they going to put all of you in the same room?
Jim is so done for. Heads are going to roll.
anonymous 3:51, No. As much as I'd enjoy that Bryan is far more professional then that. However, IF Jim runs for Mayor you can believe one thing, this WILL be a big topic in each Forum.
Joe for Mayor !
Fireworks came early this year!
And there are others who are not so sure ---until there is a neutral party who uncovers the truth and and proves this matter was a call from the Mayor with tangable proof, no doubts, no drama and no ranting.
anonymous 4:04, are you suggesting I'm lying? Look, I'm the one who received the call. My Wife sat right there when she heard Jim Ireton's voice and said, that's Jim. I then held a 7 minute and 38 second phone call with a person some are suggesting was someone else. THINK about that for a minute, seriously. Do you really believe someone can fool you or anyone else for that long? We instantly recognized the voice. I recognized the manorisms and the whole nine yards. I know exactly who I was on the phone with, period. Its not as if there was all this noise at either end of the phone. I was standing in the middle of a field in the middle of God's Country. No traffic, no noise. The phone said it was Jim Ireton and I know Jim Ireton's voice. Twist it any way you want, I didn't make a call to Jim Ireton. It was the other way around.
3;46 I have tears in my eyes I'm laughing so hard.
I also believe it was Ireton. Joe is correct no one can fake a voice for that length of time.
Another thing if Joe believed it wasn't Ireton then he would have gone with that story from the beginning- Late night call from someone claiming to be Ireton. Who is posing as Ireton? And why?
Can someone help me understand what happens when your phone records are subpoenaed? Does some judge simply say "get what you want and share it with anyone you wish"? Does the person whose records these are have a right to find out just who those records were shared with and do the people that viewed them have to have a valid reason or is it just entertainment amongst friends?
I'm serious. I'd like to understand how this works in the event it ever happens to me.
anonymous 4:19, it is my understanding it came from the States Attorneys Office and not a Judge. How's it smell now?
Some are calling it an illegal search and siezure. I'm not a lawyer but we'll see what happens.
I didn't know the state's attorney had the power to issue a subpoena. I thought it always had to have a judges' signature.
Why didn't the police interview you. That's what answered all of my questions about this.
So this is what we get when we bring in a different Mayor with a unique lifestyle, no thanks. A real man would have ignored it. It seems to me someone has a lot to hide.
The question is-What crime was the PD or SA "investigating" that allegedly occured for them to even subpoena the phone records? To clear the mayor's name? Would that even be a criminal offense?
Could this be considered malfeasance-mayor having PD get involved in a civil matter?
Next question-on JT's site I believe I saw where Sby PD said this was an investigation into a "false" report made by Joe.
"False" report? Isn't that stretching the truth considering Joe showed them his cell phone with the name Jim Ireton as having called him the night before.
Looks to me and I may be misreading but the PD/SA maneuvered Joe's concern by saying he filed a "false" report in order to turn this into a criminal matter.
anonymous 4:52, Can you or anyone else state they have seen ANY evidence of JT's claims? There are none because I have never been charged with anything.
Jonathan Taylor is a liar and always has been. If I say the sky is blue he'll come back instantly and say its brown. Haven't people grown tired of hearing I'm going to jail, I'm getting sued, blah, blah, blah.
I never filed a Police Report, HELLO! Wouldn't I have to FILE one for it to be false, or are some people just that stupid.
The Officer on duty CONFIRMED the call was in fact from Jim Ireton. Duncan admitted that in Jim's Press Conference. Jonathan Taylor is no different than the Daily Times.
I believe several people have subpoena authority, depending on the type of subpoena. State attorneys, court clerks and of course judges.
This is how I see it.
How many times have you done posts about Jim Ireton and weather they were factual or not He never responded. Now they are over the top saying I did not do this.
I will tell you why because he (Jim)
is Guilty as charged. When people go to great lengths to say they didn't do it, well I see for what it is. A Press Conference over a phone call, friends taking the fall and a Police Chief sweeping it all under the rug.
Jim if you had just let this one go I would of always had doubt about the truth. Sorry to say you screwed up in big way by denying it.
Every single scanner app I have found for my phone shows the Salisbury Police feed as disabled. II have checked like 10 of them so far.
If they are going to cover up things in this town they better start doing to better job. "They" really f'ed this up.
I know Joe but here's the thing. JT has what appears to be official reports posted and I'm quoting-
"The incident was reviewed and Mr Maciarello DETERMINED that an INVESTIGATION CAN BE CONDUCTED in reference to a FALSE report by Mr Albero." I added the CAPS.
So basically what they did and how they were able to subpoena your records was to twist this around and turn it into a criminal investigation saying you filed a FALSE report.
90% will win an Election!
anonymous 4:59, awesome comment and so true. When people start lying they go to extremes. Most of us have raisewd children and we see that exact behavior when they lie.
I'd have to agree with the volume of things we've brought up about Jim Ireton, (could be more than 100) and they never reacted with a press conference.
Thanks for the comment.
anonymous 5:05, Holy Crap, you can't be serious, right?
If that is the case, #1, I am wrong Mr. Taylor, please forgive me.
Secondly, IF that is the case I can assure you, SOMEONE has some serious explaining to do.
I never filed ANY report, to start with. Secondly, what in the hell could have been false anyway.
I'm calling my attorney right now. Thanks for the heads up.
Joe, what they did was to twist this into a criminal matter in which they ended up investigating you for what they claim was filing a "false" report.
Bryan needs to ask them what was so compelling even after seeing your cell with an incoming call naming Ireton as the caller, that lead them to think you filed a false report. Let's see how the PD and SA try and spin this one.
YES!!!! That's what they did!
It's clear by the docs JT has posted.
"Jim if you had just let this one go I would of always had doubt about the truth. Sorry to say you screwed up in big way by denying it."
June 26, 2012 4:59 PM
Light Bulbs are going off! Wow! Jimmie has something to hide!
An Absolute disgrace---he should resign immediately. He needs to be in rehab for his alcohol issue tomorrow if not sooner. If anyone knows someone who can intervene and get him help.. but in the mean time he should resign!
Jimmy has burned all of the bridges that got him where he is today. He has no where to turn except the bottle, just like Tighlman. That call was surely a cry for help, I hope he gets himself straight.
"Is anyone willing to spearhead a Recall Petition on Jim Ireton? "
I still dont understand why a phone call is newsworthy. Is this really a story? It seems as if this is being blown outnof proportion. It was a phine call
I work quietly, do my job, do not overtly draw attention to myself and keep my mouth shut. As such people tend to ignore me and just forget that I am around. The biggest thing I do is LISTEN and throw in the rare question. What I do know is that my iPhone police scanner app no longer lists Wicomico County under Maryland. I used to be able to get SPD on it. I understand that the threat of going after internet records is a viable option. There is a suggestion/rumor that there was an internet worm introduced shortly after midnight Monday morning that opens up and unlocks a mirror image of sbynews.com . The justification is that among other things there have been many racial and homophobic statements that have been made, implied, and allowed to be posted by Mr. Albero. This is an LLC corporation that has claimed (by ruling of a judge) to be MSM and therefore open to the Freedom of Information Act and by a technical extension Ricco Law. The association to Ricco Law is at this point a loose one but there are implicatins that given a thorough review of information gathered that it may be possible to make it stick. Let me advise that from my admitted limited experience that this may be a stretch but the FEDS really do not have to "make" a case in order to investigate, make everything public (via the Freedom of Information Act, see how it works in circles?) and start a fire storm. It may go nowhere but it sure will open SEVERAL cans of worms. Mr. Albero, I wish you the best of luck and hope that you are able to come out on top of this. PLEASE just beware that there are gears in motion that at this point are not going to stop moving...
I believe in you Joe and all that you stand for.Life will treat you well.
I know first hand what a Great Person you are Joe.You will be a awesome Mayor!! Salisbury is so lucky to have you run for Mayor.
I still can not believe the Mayor was harassing you!
What on Earth was he thinking? Jim is losing it!I don't just mean the election! LOL
I was a supporter of the Mayor last election and was still leaning toward him again. No more. He really should not run and make an exit. Cannot handle the pressure of the job and is melting down.
What a tangled web they weave.
so who is brian russo, what msm is he from
""The incident was reviewed and Mr Maciarello DETERMINED that an INVESTIGATION CAN BE CONDUCTED in reference to a FALSE report by Mr Albero.""
I would think that if Maciarello believed that Joe was intentionally filing a false report and that this justified a police investigation (tax payers money) than he is without a doubt incompetent and the Wic Co court system is in big trouble.
Joe Albero for Mayor!
Joe Albero for PRESIDENT!
By this kind of action it just shows he is not in control of himself.
We can't afford someone like this running our city.I have always know Joe to be in control even under extreme pressure.You have my vote Sir.
Bye Bye Jim Good Bye.If I said I would miss I would be lying!
Matt you can kiss your job Good-Bye.
I am Lovin it!
Anonymous said...
The is my favorite picture of you Joe. You wife is one lucky lady.
June 26, 2012 3:50 PM
Ditto, DITTO !!!!
Joe I know you have secrets on people in power. If these are the same people that are causing these problems you should start telling their secrets one by one. My guess would be they would shut up and go away.
I don't think Blogger is going to be able to handle the traffic when this interviews airs. OMG
I just pop the cork on my Campagne early and added a Strawberry. I know a sure thing when I see it.
Seriously what WAS so compelling that the PD and the SA ended up turning this into a 'federal case' and investigating Joe for filing a so called false report?
They all are looking like a bunch of frenzied, nervous maniacs out to get Joe for some offense they contrived.
They all really need to get a grip.
I watched Jim speak at the last City Council Meeting as a citizen. He will be one soon enough.
Has anyone been reading the news about swatting? The liberals are going after the conservative bloggers. This is almost the same thing or at least they are trying to make it look that way. Someone makes a fake call to the police saying a crime was committed and the swat teams shows up at their door. The only difference is the call in this case was not fake. The police just want us to think that it was.
You need to sue Maciarello
Joe Albero Is The New Mayor Of Salisbury Maryland.I know this is only the beginning of things to come!
Jim Ireton is a P.O.S.!!!
WOW I never noticed how pretty your eyes are.
This is just a guess, but when Jim and Greg find out that Joe is also to be interviewed or already has been, they will cancel out. They will not be able to handle both sides of the story being told. Hope I'm wrong, but you know how these people can be sometimes.
Thanks to Mr. Russo for having the courage to try to bring the facts to light.
Oh My god, how corrupt of our Police & other suppose to b----dignitaries !!!!
This town is a laughing stock to others----I am ashamed to say I live here!!!
You go Joe, You have a Lot of Support out there. We are tired of this Total Mess!
You tell us the truth even if it hurts. That is what we need, honesty.
You are going to blow these two fools away! We will here the guilt in their voice.
I Am Voting For Joe said...
This is how I see it.
How many times have you done posts about Jim Ireton and weather they were factual or not He never responded. Now they are over the top saying I did not do this.
I will tell you why because he (Jim)
is Guilty as charged. When people go to great lengths to say they didn't do it, well I see for what it is. A Press Conference over a phone call, friends taking the fall and a Police Chief sweeping it all under the rug.
Jim if you had just let this one go I would of always had doubt about the truth. Sorry to say you screwed up in big way by denying it.
June 26, 2012 4:59 PM
No more needs to be said.
I have a bad feeling about this all thing Joe. Something is telling me their is a story behind the story. I believe we are not being told the truth by the powers at be.
This is why we need SBYnews now more than ever and Joe Albero!
I will also wear your bumper stickers
in the right places LOL!!
Heard your radio interview the other week. I really like your ideas for the area.You are just what we need here. Can't wait to here this one.
Matt freshen up that resume!
Anonymous said...
You are going to blow these two fools away! We will here the guilt in their voice.
June 26, 2012 8:20 PM
I think you meant "Hear" . LOL
Joe from what I have read you have someone hot for you. I thought you told J.B. to stay off the site. LOL
I am wearing my T-shirt as I type. I got the pink one. I love it!
This is only a commercial break.
We will return in a moment and tell the conclusion of the Mike and Matty Show..
Sorry the show has been cancelled do corruption and fraud.
Jim said...
I am wearing my T-shirt as I type. I got the pink one. I love it!
June 26, 2012 9:26 PM
Hey Jim what else are you wearing? Funny
The Good Olde Boys didn't count on someone like you to question how things are down. You really have pissed a lot people off getting the truth out there. Watch your back Joe.
There are so many comments to read I should have gotten a bigger bowl of ice cream.
"Put your seat belts on because the ship it going to hit the fan."
Not correct you but it should say "Diapers", because we are dealing with a bunch of babies.
Anonymous 9:31pm
What does Mike have to do with any of this?
Well you have 3 votes from our house. You stood up against Tilghman and Webster and drove them out. We'll be honored to have you as our next mayor.
Sweet Dreams Jim. We are putting you to bed now.
If the election was tomorrow I would write your name twice!
"Think about this as well. It's been well known Jim Ireton, Sarah Lake and Joe Carmean were close friends."
I wouldn't say they were close friends, I would say they used Jim Ireton for inside info to use for the daily rag. If you remember correctly Joe Carmean and the Daily Rag were pimping for Bubba Comagees and constantly printed negative information against Ireton including his homosexual persuasion and his brush with the law on a beach in Delaware. I can't believe Ireton is to stupid to fall for those losers and turn on his friends like he has.
IF you are arrested for something, anything, we will know that there are certain powers to be behind it. Know that they are doing everything they can to include three Council Members in that triangle. Joe you have been in these battles before and walked away victorious. This is ALL about politics and the intent to defame you.
Just be careful that this "interview" is not just another avenue to get to your information....looking at what evidence you may have if this should proceed in legal action. Just as they turned this phone incident around to try to make you the bad guy as opposed to the victim in this mess, this too could be a ploy.
Time to break out the hip wadders, because the crap is getting deep.
Joe, the comment that is listed as 5:23PM is my comment word for word, but I didn't make that comment today, I made that comment several days to a week ago.
Someone either copied and pasted my exact comments that I posted when this story first broke, or somebody has compromised my computers security.
Are the local authorities ready for a class action law suit? I'm ready to jump on this lawsuit band wagon just to get the **** out of this town!
This is the most absurd thing I've ever witnessed.
I certainly hope we end up with a qualified candidate for Mayor.
This BS is what hurts this area. It does nothing whatsoever to help effect positive change.
anonymous 11:12, It's unfortunate you feel that way. I do believe I am a qualified candidate. The citizens will either vote for me or they won't. Time will tell. Thanks for your comment.
I posted a few days ago in another thread that the Freedom of Information Act has nothing to do with making the records of the media public, but some people apparently don't understand. FOIA deals with public access to government records, not vice-versa.
"Anonymous said...
I posted a few days ago in another thread that the Freedom of Information Act has nothing to do with making the records of the media public, but some people apparently don't understand. FOIA deals with public access to government records, not vice-versa.
June 27, 2012 6:14 AM"
and could I add-Records of public officials while engaged in their public duties so a public official's private cell or email records aren't covered under the FOIA either.
So true, 10:30.
I've often wondered why the mayor has allowed himself to be sucked in by those who campaigned against him. After he was elected he literally abandoned those who campaigned and voted for him.
it's no wonder the daily slimes is mostly sports
I disagree with anonymous 11:12 in that it will bring about change. Some of these people have to be removed from office or their jobs. Sure, this is almost comic-strip stuff, but they're the people doing it. Exposing their bad moves, and holding them accountable, lets us know what they are really made of. Now we're going to find out, and hopefully make the necessary corrections.
Well how did the interview go Joe?
Glad to know we are going to finally get the truth.
Ding ding goes the computer with all the comments coming in!
I hope Jim tells the truth about you living in Maryland. The taxpayers can't afford this lawsuit.
Love the site Joe!
How is the interview going to help tell the truth? You have been explaining on here for three weeks the truth. Unless Ireton and that bunch come clean - agree to an interview also - your interview won't do anything to help your cause.
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