Another 30+ days have passed and as taxpayers the States Attorneys Office has nothing to say. No convictions, no press releases. I'm sure Matt is thinking he's got better things to do than worry about Joe Albero and Salisbury News. Think again Matt. Salisbury News is one of the reasons you are States Attorney right now. I always say, never forget where you came from.
I know I pay some pretty hefty taxes in Salisbury and Wicomico County and I'd say I/We deserve better. This once every 60 day teaser about a conviction is complete BS and they know it.
It seems pretty clear the States Attorneys position has been far too difficult for this young man to handle. The word on the street is that their conviction rate is a joke but I've also heard there's been a LOT of bad busts and most are walking. The local attorneys must be having a field day.
I sure miss Sam Vincent
Regret your choice? Do you miss Seth Mitchell yet? Matt won't open his mouth becaused he'd look like the fool that he is.
You wouldn't be able to keep Mitchell quiet.
How many cases is Matt actually trying ALONE? His staff are afraid of him. He is definitely no Sam Vincent in more ways than one. Honesty? How about starting there.
Matt does not have the experience to be the States Attorney and most of his actions have proven it. Firing attorneys, low conviction rate and cases being over turned. Not only that, I am still in shock of his investigation of Joe - who does he think he is??? Perhaps he should spend some time reading some of those law books I'm sure he got in law school.
In fact Joe, when is the last time anyone has heard from Sheriff Lewis about anything?
Joe: i agree with you man! Taxes are incredible in this city, especially for business owners and you and Salisbury News were one of the reasons Matt is where he is now and Matt is in way over his head. From what I heard, his courtroom experience was practically nil when he took over.
Matt should resign so that we can have a special election in November to get a real working attorney into the office.
He played you like a flute, lol
I said at election time he was too young and inexperienced for this position.
Nobody wanted to hear it then.
You got what you voted for.
who on earth would want the job?
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