Over the past 5 years Salisbury News has delivered some very powerful tips to local law enforcement. Sheriff Mike Lewis, (more so than anyone) knows very well just how much we have been able to assist in numerous cases and today was no different.
HOWEVER, even though I have not been able to make direct contact with Mike Lewis or Matt Maciarello, I used to be able to rely on Chief Gary Baker to pass on information. That too has now changed.
You see, even though a Mother has run off with these children, even though this case is in the hands of the Sheriff's Department, even though I have an exact address, even though I have been attempting to call the Sheriff's Department, they refuse to answer their phone.
Therefore I was forced to make contact with the Maryland State Police and fill them in on the details. Yes, I left Gary Baker a message telling him I had such information on this person, Mr. Baker never returned my call. Last week I left him a text message on another case but again I never received a reply.
Look, here's my problem with all of this. It's one thing that Mike Lewis and Matt Maciarello no longer appreciate what I do. However, when there are CHILDREN out there who have allegedly been kidnapped and taken out of state, I DRAW THE LINE RIGHT THERE!
That being said, today I learned that someone I know will in fact be running against Mike Lewis for Sheriff of Wicomico County. Not only am I pleased that this person has chosen to commit himself to the race, he can actually beat Mike Lewis. The morale at the Sheriff's Department is at an all time low, officers are leaving the department and its childish behavior like the above case in which Sheriff Mike Lewis needs to move on and let a true professional do the job.
By the time the new election comes about, I will be exposing information about the Sarah Foxwell case that will hand deliver the election to the new incoming Sheriff and my guess is Mike Lewis doesn't have the stones to run again anyway. We'll then hear something like, I'm not running again so I can spend more time with my Family. You know the usual excuse.
Since I know Matt, Gary and Mike read Salisbury News, let me ask you guys this question. If it were YOUR children missing and I got word of exactly where they were located, would you answer the phone then? Grow Up Gentlemen!
In the mean time, the case is now being handled by the Maryland and Delaware State Police along with WBI.
New Posts to fall below.
Who is running Joe?
They act this way because they know what you know. The Foxwell Case is going to be their downfall.
Do not expect to much from Gary is to far up Mikes butt to see straight.
Why didn't you just call their regular line that goes straight to a dispatcher? If every person with a crime to report or information on a case called the Chief or Sheriff, they wouldn't get anything done, that's why there are dispatchers, to route the call or information to the appropriate person to handle it. Why do some people feel that they have to call the Sheriff or Chief directly? Truth be told it takes LONGER if you do that because after you hang up with the Chief, the Chief calls the dispatcher to have someone sent. I've even seen where someone emails the Chief about a problem, the Chief forwards it to the Captain and the Captain forwards it to the on duty squad commander to handle. If the person had just called the department directly it would have been handled immediately. Instead of making this about you and Lewis why didn't you just call their regular number and give the information to the dispatcher? After all, It is "about the children" isn't it?
Way to go Joe!... You all made him so I guess you can remove him.
Oh My, Are you saying you know who the real killer is in that case?
They are afraid of the truth!
OMG You pick today of ALL days where I cannot curse. I would normally say Mike"Shortie Smurf"Lewis is a Blanking blank. And as far Matt Marshmellow goes grow some blanking balls.
But it is your site and your rules so no cussing. LOL (^_^)
Mike and Matt do not care about our children. They only care about about themselves. We know this first hand.
This must be regarding Misty... we all know she's in Florida.
Mike has burned too many bridges. It is very difficult to remove an incumbent but a qualified person who is a lifelong resident of the Eastern Shore can do it given enough time. If Nelms ran again there would be no competition. You are right about the morale of the Sheriff's Office. Most of his men are mad at in his lack of management skills and his big ego. They can't express their opinions without being targeted by his goons (administration). He talks before he thinks and he makes promises he can't keep. He holds grudges against people who disagree with him. The people of Wicomico County suffer because of it.
Mike verbally threaten my best friend with Physical violence when we were in court on the worst day of our life. I absolutely have no respect for him. Mike you know who I am and this I will never forget.
If Mike's Professional life is anything like his Personal life well lets just says It is not a "Honest"one!
To All,
Davis Ruark packed his bags and moved to New Mexico. Davis knows the truth behind the Foxwell case. He and Mike tried bluffing their way in the Leggs case bbut the ONLY ones who fell for their BS was the public and some of the Foxwell Family.
We're talking about VERY unstable people with backgrounds the public would CRINGE over if they knew their entire history.
At the time there was absolutely no way anyone was going to expose their history but their days are numbered.
The Foxwell's were pampered and made to feel as if they were important but I for one, (and there are plenty of others) who knew just how much Mike Lewis couldn't stand most of them and I truly can't blame the man.
However, Mike and Davis threw me under the bus in the hopes of defaming me publicly because they knew ALL of the information I have and they knew if I went public with it that would destroy them. So they encouraged the Grandmother to make that speech, (looking like a complete Idiot). They even tried to get the Judge to remove me from the hearings because they orchastrated the Press to come on days they wanted them all the way in Elkton and on days where damning information was going to come forth they told the Press not to be there. Some of us were too smart for that game, so we drove all the way out there every single day.
get this. There was OE day I couldn't be there but they didn't know it. However, THEY knew there was no hearing but they refused to let me or the Family know about it. One Family member drove all the way out there only to learn there was no hearing. Talk about pissed! Maciarello and Ruark didn't care about the Family members who were there for the RIGHT reasons and not just on the last day!
They tried to screw ME and instead screwed a Family member instead and that person drove straight to Ruark/Maciarello's Office and chewed them inside and out!!!
There will come a day when we produce so much damning information I can guarantee it will blow ALL of you away.
The Foxwell/Leggs trial was a complete joke from beginning to end. They NEVER had one ounce of evidence to try Leggs for the death penalty, not one ounce!
It was simply a re-election ploy for Ruark and Lewis.
More to come!!!!!
I think it is time your readers know what Matt is all about.
Matt let me drive 2 1/2 hours to court well knowing it was cancelled 3 days prior. The only reason he did this was because he thought YOU (Joe) were taking me. He is a shallow childish man and I use the word lightly.
Mike Lewis claimed the speed cameras were for the safety of the children. You have evidence as to where these kidnaped children are and he won't call you back. You just lost my vote Mike Lewis.
Here is a teaser and I apologize for this because of the timing. But the night before the verdict hearing according to Matt and Mike they were going to get the FBI out looking for Joe. Joe do you remember?They were running so scared! What a joke they were then and now!
I hope the children are recovered safely.
I will add this. It made me sick to my stomach how Mike and Matt ran their elections on my niece's murder case. If all the details of things said and done were ever made public it would turn this town inside out. I think someone would fall from their HIGHCHAIR!
Joe, Thank You from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me.
I have no problem saying you are a Great Man with a Big Heart.
Some how i get the feeling you won't follow thru with this. They will toss you a few crumbs and you will quiet down.
Hope this is not true! A true news reporter reports the truth, no matter what.
Please don't let us down!
When you are done crushing the sheriff department, can you please come over to wicomico county detention center. There are too many middle manager dic heads running that department.
Joe, i like the way you bring it and don;t back down. but you know no one in their right head will every run against the Greatest Sheriff in the Land. He owns this county and rightfully so. Mike Lewis put the sheriffs department on the map and the only ones there that don't like him are the ones who can't keep up with him.
Who wants to bet anon-7:18 am is Mike Lewis LMAO
He "put the sheriffs department on the map," 7:18? How?
Surely not because he's a Constitutional scholar.
Some people seem to think that Mike Lewis is a God..Everyone can be replaced..There is always someone out there that is better than us. Its time to do something as our county and city are not getting better..Its not even safe anymore to even go outside. Just so sad...
Don't talk about it, be about it. You got something to publish, publish it now or you're just full of hot air.
anonymous 9:00, I will publish information when I see fit. I will await election time, (as I have stated numerous times).
Last night we received comments challenging me in reference to the Leggs trial. First of all, I was there, you were not. And that includes Mike Lewis, who was rarely ever at any of the hearings. Maybe two or three but that's about it.
I'll have plenty to say when the time comes.
For a little guy he sure is going to fall hard.
Look at all the hype about the thefts by county employees a few years back. It was all about Mike Lewis pulling over a truck for a mud flap violation? Was real justice served and restitution recieved? Plea deal and move on as usual.
This is unfortunate. If these were my children I'd have to make a personal visit to the sheriff's office or the county executive.
You are playing with fire.
As much as I hate to say it, Mike Lewis is full of hot air. He makes promises and never follows through...all talk and trying to make himself look like something he's not :(
Make an outline and write a book, Time the realease. I think that these sorts of things happen in towns like ours all over the country. It would be a very interesting read. You could self-publish or go to a publishing house. Do hire a good writer to help with the project who has some experience in the field. It will make it much easier to get it done. If all of the bad things are claimed are happening, exposing them is really the only way to get our community back.
"Anonymous said...
You are playing with fire.
April 12, 2012 10:14 AM"
Why do you say this? If what Joe is claiming isn't true then no need to worry, right?
Threatening comments like this one, leads everyone to believe Joe knows what he is talking about.
@ 10:14
More like a smoking candle.
That little flame just got blown out!
Lewis is a poor excuse for a Law man.
He is 0% integrity on the job and at home.
Been that way since high school.
The guy is one sick minded human being.
People are finding out more and more about Mr. Mike Lewis. He has no morals. While he was running for office he would be your best friend and then when he got elected how quickly he forgot about you. He is nothing but a smart ass who thinks he knows everything. Let me just say that he goes to the bathroom just like the rest of us and that badge and gun doesn't scare me! Joe, I am sure he would like for you to disappear right off of the planet because you know too much about him. Keep doing the great job that you are! I really hope that someone else runs against him that is deserving of the job.
i must speak on the missing children. as a parent if MY child was missing i can honestly say i would not be relying on our local law enforcement to locate them. as i mother i would take this matter into my own hands. if my child was gone I WOULD NOT STOP until she was found. however, knowing all parties in this case personally, when you know where your kids are go get them. for once in your life stop waiting/relying on everyone else to be the parent you are incapable of being!! 4 kids later you would think you would have learned a little something. unfortunately you have not and that is sad. it is time for you to step up and be the "man" or "daddy" you claim to be. he had his children and sent them back knowing the danger they would be in!! and is now crying a sob story and once again relying on everyone else around him to do what he should have done a long time ago. i feel no sorrow for him. but God bless those beautiful, innocent children.
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