I always say, give credit where credit is due. This is an EXCELLENT article published in today's Daily Times. The investigative reporting on this is what newspapers ought to do on a regular basis. My hat is tipped to them on this one. Great work!
OCEAN CITY -- In a routine tax filing to the IRS last spring, the Worcester County Teachers Association made a startling disclosure: Its leaders believed more than $100,000 in funds had gone missing.
Now, local authorities -- who say they never heard about the reported loss -- are investigating.
The WCTA's tax-exempt status was revoked by the Internal Revenue Service in October for failure to file a Form 990 for three consecutive years, according to the Guidestar website, which makes available public tax filings from nonprofit organizations.
Before that, in March, the union had told the IRS its finances were in crisis. According to a WCTA tax filing dated March 13 of last year, the union documented $111,589 in what it called "misappropriated funds" and noted the amount was pending an audit by a bonding company.
The DT story tells of them using Wicomico's teachers union office. Maybe they need checking out also.
Very interesting! I am a Worcester County teacher, who pays dues to this organization, and have heard nothing about this. Will be making a few calls tomorrow.
To 6:44 Posting
It said the Worcester Co. headquarters is in Wicomico County at the Wicomico County Teachers office on Old Ocean City Road address - across from Blind Industries.
Maybe the two unions are in Cahoots.
I would not be giving them to much credit because they probably read SBYnews's investigative article regarding the State bailout of the Teachers Pensions. The DT staff were all probably saying - hark - we need to attach ourselves to SBYnews's coattails on the BOE - then maybe more people will buy our newspaper.
7:01 Posting - that's to funny, but it is probably the sad truth.
Sbynews gives more invesitgative reporting in an hour than the DT does in a week.
In Maryland Government, people are not appointed to positions because they are in any way qualified or believed to do a good job. The Counties aren't any different. Maryland has a judge going around publicly promoting Gay "Marriage". She's a judge for pete's sake that may be more suited to the local burger drive up window. This particular (small town) incident isn't a lot different in principle.
So reading between the lines: Someone stole it most likely one of the board members and since it was brought to light, miraculously it was paid back and because of the good olde boy Worcester politics they are trying to keep it hush hush and let the teacher whole stole the money slide. Thats B.S. arrest, prosecute and go to jail theif. Go get them Beau.
I found the whole article confusing. Was the problem paperwork not being completed on time, the fax machine or was money actually taken? The first part made it seem like they just didn't have their act together, then it said no money was taken, but the money was paid back? I only go to the DT now to read the obits...but this article caught my attention - I now feel dumber for reading it.
They would hav had to be a magician since their article was in the paper this morning, and a story like that takes days to compile. Let's be truthful.
You know in this day and age I don't understand why there are not more checks and balances with these organizations. I see people being arrested for fraud all the time. I know you have to trust your employees to a certain point,but it just seems to me that stealing from organizations is extremely common any more.
So say for instance you have an in-house employee who processes the checks that go out to cover expenses. Wouldn't it make more sense to protect yourself and have 2 signatures on the check before it can be cashed?? That way one person cannot commit this type of fraud. $100,000 is a lot of freaking money.
Just a word to the wise, get monthly updates, review every check that has been issued and never, never allow just one person to be in charge of finances. I've been employed with organizations that require two peoples' signatures on the check. The bank will not cash without the proper authorized signatures. I've actually had to go to local banks in order for my signature to be logged into a computer and verified if an employee comes in with a check to be cashed. Both signatures have to match what is in the system before it is cashed. If there is a question, (say for instance they tried to copy my signature)the banks would catch it and call our office. Just food for thought for all of the organizations out there.
I cannot help but wonder how one's geographical location and ethnic heritage can determine the difference between something deemed a theft versus something going missing, know what I'm saying ?
Did anyone read the DT article about Sheila's Party World closing?The opening line reads "Dont cry on the crepe paper or burst the balloons...blah blah blah" What a stupid and insensitive way to open a story. These reporters are just getting worse and worse. Is this the first business we have lost? Or the hundreth? What planet are those people from?
You generally tear apart every article in the Times, telling viewers how wrong all employees are in their thinking or how they copy everything from you. Now, all of a sudden you copy and paste an article, from a newspaper you would not wipe your butt on, let alone buy or read, and expect us to believe the employees are the best investigative reporters ever. If their past
investigative reporting is a joke, how do you know this article isn't full of mistakes and biased?
I think they will find the missing money. It was probably given to the Obama for president campaign
Daily Times has pulled this story from their website. Hmmmm.
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