- Smith came into office with a lie. Pledging to support councilwoman Debbie Campbell, she reneged after the Barrie Comegys bloc bought her support off with the center chair. Smith claims she “prayed” about this matter and discussed it with her pastor. As far as I know, the good folk over at Asbury UMC worship the same God that I do. I find it doubtful that her pastor would encourage her to break her word and I KNOW that God didn’t tell her lie.
- Smith turned right around and then voted for a charter change to enable a 17% tax increase. I can only hope that the local GOP is ashamed of ever calling her one of their own.
- Possibly outdoing former councilman Mike Dunn, Smith has repeatedly changed the rules because she is simply incapable of understanding her own rules and obviously believes that obeying them only applies to those who don’t agree with her.
- Smith has saddled the taxpayer with boondoggles such as “The Bricks” and the “Linens of the Week” properties. She has voted to furlough cops because “it wouldn’t be fair to furlough other city employees and not police officers”. She did this despite the fact the furloughs of police officers actually saves nothing (they’re almost all on overtime anyway), but sends a very bad message regarding the city’s desire to crack down on crime.
“A building eyesore on Healthway Drive was removed.”Don’t think so Weezie. I think we can thank folks like Richard Widdowson and his neighbors for that one.
“I pledged to have the city's audit completed without months of delay. Each year it improved.”Smith campaigned for office on ONE real issue – she would get the city to complete their audit ON TIME! To date, the city has yet to complete its audit by the state mandated deadline.
“For the 2010 audit report, a milestone was reached; it was received Dec. 8 -- the earliest since 2003 -- with no instances of noncompliance in the financial statements and no material weaknesses in federal programs.”This is simply not true. While some some material weaknesses have been addressed, others have popped up or re-emerged. Most notable in the last audit is the fact that multiple accounts were run into deficit. This is not only a material audit deficiency, but a violation of the city’s charter. To be fair, Smith isn’t responsible for these problems; however, she is the one who has lied about their non-existence.
“I implemented 12 fall and spring cleanup efforts in the Church Street/Doverdale neighborhoods. More than 20 volunteers dedicated more than 9,030 hours, collecting more than 20.11 tons of trash and 1,515 pounds of recyclables.”Smith should be applauded for her efforts here. However, it should be noted that what she attempts to portray as a “volunteer effort” has cost the city taxpayers untold thousands (probably tens of thousands) in overtime costs. Again, the “fiscally prudent Louise” is a phantom.
Yes, Louise is leaving. We can only applaud and ask that she not let the door hit her in the ass as she exits. I am sure that I will be criticized for this post. However, we need to note the difference between disagreeing with someone’s policies and dealing with people who are genuinely dangerous to civil society because of ignorance, arrogance, and a lack of basic honesty.
If Salisbury is actually better for her “service”; it is only so because the voters may have learned a lesson. We can only hope so.
New posts will fall below this one.
Good Ridance.
Just for the record, what qualifies you to state how the majority of Salisbury voters feel? Was there an election in which she was voted out? A poll with a true sampling of voters? She isn't the only one guilty of innuendo and opinions put forth as fact.
Good bye, Louise.
We hope that your mental health improves.
Anon 0949 -
What qualifies me? I looked at the recent election returns. Are you arguing that Louise could have been re-elected?
It's interesting. People like you scream bloody murder when I hedge a statement and then bitch when I am more straight forward in a statement by accusing me of "opinions put forth as fact". One fact is irrefutable. I have far more evidence backing my claim than than you do affirming the opposite.
I am a city voter and I am glad to see her go. It appeared to me that she abused the authority of her office at every opportunity and had no regard for the public.
IT's a great post! Let's not forget the rest of her legacy, like holding up discussion on the mayor's housing package for six months for the benefit of her landlord buddies, letting people get raped by towing companies for what will be another year, spending tons of time and who knows how much in legal expense to screw one council member and her family out of health insurance, shutting down meetings on a whim, writing nasty letters to citizens who say things she doesn't like at public comment, spending more time promoting herself on PAC14 and in the Daily Times than worrying about people getting shot or getting jobs back in Salisbury.
There's not one word about the change of guard tonight in today's Daily Fish Wrapper. Guess they aren't happy that someone with some decency will end up as president tonight. No mention at all, what a slap in the face to Cohen, Mitchell and Spies.
Comegys is going, too. You should do a post on the devastation he brought on this city too. It will take decades for this city to recover from him and Mike Dunn, if it even can.
This posting is totally uncalled for. Apparently there are many who do not agree with you or she would have been voted out of office.
" However, we need to note the difference between disagreeing with someone’s policies and dealing with people who are genuinely dangerous to civil society because of ignorance, arrogance, and a lack of basic honesty." Yes Joe, never truer words were spoken - if they were applied to you.
Reporting on new items of interest is news.
Reporting facts is news.
Having a personal vendetta against someone is not.
anonymous 10:13, I didn't write this Post.
JA you could have written this post and you did approve it. I never knew why Campbell has been such a hateful person. It's stated in the Post. Hold on better days are not coming. Watch!
...I do not see where 10:13 said you did, Joe. I do see where one of G A's comments was referenced - but the writer said the comment applied to you Joe, not Ms Smith.
As usual Joe, you think everything is about you, you, you,
G A I also believe the story is totally uncalled for.
Joe if you did write a story on Ms Smith, what would you say?
To G.A. aka Mr.Sensitive/Defensive: 9:49 here. I never affirmed the opposite of what you said; I simply asked what evidence you had for your statement of "facts." If, when someone asks for clarification, your reaction is to accuse them of screaming bloody murder, what does that say about you? Get over yourself.
Ms. Travers -
You certainly have a right to your opinion. That said, your logic is lacking.
"Apparently there are many who do not agree with you or she would have been voted out of office."
Sorry. Louise ran for council one time. She was elected one time and then turned 180 degrees on the people who voted her in. Do you honestly believe that she would have been re-elected if she had run?
Trust me. I wanted her to run for re-election.
Also, as Joe noted, he did not write this post. I did. As for your statement about "news", I don't write news. I right op-ed. I right analysis of the news (which is not the same as news). The difference is that I admit it unlike too much of what you read, see, or hear in the MSM.
Anon 1024 -
What are you talking about. Albero has no control over what I write other than the ability to cancel my account on his site. If you had done a little research, you would know that I have actually written posts that were critical of Albero.
I don't have a clue what you are talking about with you "Campbell" reference. She had nothing to do with this post either. If you are referring to Louise's flip in 2007, the audio of an interview Louise did is available where she admits that she flipped on Campbell.
Anon 0949 / 1030 -
If your original comment was merely a question, then I apologize. However, it is obvious from the complete comment that it wasn't "just a question". You were being snide and THOUGHT you were being clever. Since Louise didn't have the stones to face the voters AFTER she was unmasked, coupled with the recent election results, lend credence to my original statement that the majority of Salisbury voters are glad to see the back of her.
Ms. Forall -
You have a right to your opinion.
That said, it is pretty clear that Ms. Travers was under the mistaken impression that Albero wrote this piece. It happens all the time
It's also pretty obvious that you don't like Joe too much. Again, you have a right to your opinion.
"I right op-ed. I right analysis of the news (which is not the same as news)." - How write u r GA.
No need try to be clever,GA, but yes, maybe snide; just an ongoing reaction to the hatchet jobs you do on people. Is it too much to ask that you at least acknowledge that you write your opinions here? In my opinion,it appears that you try to pass your stories off as fact, and hope noone will notice the difference. Otherwise, we would see something like you did in the Comegys post about it being your "speculation." I usually disagree with your opinions, but at least I can tell when it is just that - your opinion. I wish the other readers here could discern that as well. Hell, they can't even tell it's you writing and not Joe. But then that's not your problem, is it? You can say what you want, hope people won't question your facts, and hope to go your whole day feeling all smug without the audacity of some lowly reader questioning your statements. Yes, there is reason to believe you COULD be accurate about the voters of Salisbury, but I still maintain you don't know and should not purport to be the self appointed spokesman for the Salisbury voters without hard facts. I'll take honest snide over disingenuous smug any day of the week.
Ok I am now confused. Joe you have stated in the past that you and sbynews is in fact the msn right? Not to mention the name even imply's this is a news site correct? So whats up with the hit pieces today on outgoing councilmen/women making claims that are in G.A's opinion? This IS NOT NEWS. This is simply another post of bashing these people with someones opinion that Gomegys and Smith are lier's without putting forth any proof.
I don't get the reference to Campbell either. Never heard or saw her do anything hateful. Get beat up a lot, yes, but do any of the beating, no.
You state Louise betrayed Campbell. I take it that is why Campbell is so arrogant at the Council Meetings. Are you going to write a negative post about Ireton. He was promoted by Campbell and they have parted ways. Poor Campbell she is a user and when they don't go her way, all hell breaks loose. She used Albero.
Never been to J.T.s Blog , but from what I've read , G.A. Harrison must be hid buddy.
LOL, 11:03!
Anon 1127 / Anon 1205 -
I apologize! I simply cannot understand how you could read this piece and not understand that it is opinion. Yes, there are facts included. That does not make it a news piece.
Louise admitted on the radio that she backed out of her commitment to support Campbell. She did change the rules (like Mike Dunn did) time and again. The list goes on...
An opinion piece / editorial is an argument. You state a premise - Louise was a bad councilwoman and her editorial on Sunday was riddled with half-truths and lies. You then present evidence. You then state a conclusion.
If it were a news piece it would be Who, What, Where, When and How.
C'mon! Didn't you guys learn this in school?
Anon 1103 -
Good catch. Freudian slip.
I, too, am very glad the Louise will revert to being a citizen. She always seemed in way over her head and never showed us all that experience she said she had in auditing procedures.
Mr. Harrison, it seems the problem is that many of the readers of Salisbury News can't tell the difference. No, they didn't learn it in school, along with many other things like spelling and vocabulary. You are aware enough to know that, which leads to the question, do you count on that when writing your posts? You have to know that many of these folks are going to take what you post as gospel just because it is on Joe's blog. They will even attribute the "facts" to him as they are unable to read who is actually posting. Sad! But as the person before said, that's not your problem or concern. I too would like to see articles id'ed as OpEd. Then again, the ones who don't already recognize the difference won't know what the phrase means anyhow. Anyhow, of the two articles you posted today, I prefer the style of the second one. No need to keep after folks once they are out of business. That's just mean spirited. What service does it do anyone?
Lets ALL start new as of today. Maybe louweasle can set back and see how a real meeting is held.
At least maybe we'll have a council president that doesn't need Brenda Colegrove and Terry Cohen teaching her about parliamentary procedures.
Let's Roll!
Maybe while she's setting, she can sit a while as well.
The witch is gone.
2:10...it's not going after people, it's setting the record straight.
That piece yesterday was for louise's legacy. Problem was, most of it wasn't true.
I wonder if she ever did have any "audit and compliance" experience. Sounds like she was just a schoolteacher. At least Jimbo didn't try to pretend he was a business guru.
g.a. i have always liked your posts and i like this one too. no sugar coating just the plain truth.
Let the party begin.
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