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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In-State Tuition Rate For Illegal Immigrants Passes Md. Senate

Undocumented students cheer vote for tuition bill

A bill providing in-state tuition discounts for illegal immigrants just cleared the Senate on a 27 to 20 vote -- and the issue moves to the House.

A group of students, many of whom identified themselves as in the country illegally, watched the debate and cheered afterward. Many wore graduation gowns to signal their enthusiasm for education.
The bill requires that illegal immigrants live and work in Maryland for three years before they qualify for lower tuition at state colleges and universities. It is a higher bar than legal citizens who move here from out of state.

The House is set to hold a hearing on the bill next week, though it is unclear if the body will vote on the measure before session is out. Some believe it will share the same fate as same sex marriage, which passed in the upper chamber only to be shelved in the House.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing! This is a crime in itself. If they are illegal immigrants how can they be treated as legal residents? Treason!

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation. Thats exactly what this is. It is also a betrayal of the oath of office in which they were sworn to uphold the laws of the state and the United States. To pass a law extending anyone here ILLEGALLY benefits reserved for legal residents is defacto scoffing at federal law - the very laws they swore to uphold.

Anonymous said...

Did any of our senators from Maryland vote for this? If they did I say they need to go!

Anonymous said...

If a bunch of drug dealers were on the corner holding up signs advertising crack wouldn't they be arrested for selling drugs? Somehow groups of self proclaimed illegal aliens can gather and no one gets arrested. Seems like easy pickings for ICE.

Anonymous said...

To 9:03, you really don't understand what "treason" is, do you? Treason is trying to overthrow the government or working on behalf of a foreign government. It's not treasonous to support giving benefits to people who aren't U.S. citizens, even if it is flawed policy.

And it certainly isn't a violation of their oaths of office to do this. Maryland universities are government entities and the government gets to determine how much people pay to get into them.

Of course, I'm sure you are one of those people who say our policymakers must follow the U.S. Constitution and at the same time support restrictive immigration policies. Please show me where in the U.S. Constitution it allows the federal government to restrict immigration. Using a strict reading of the Constitution, federal immigration laws are as unconstitutional as ObamaCare.

Anonymous said...

is the MD political party on an expanded drinking binge to allow something like this to happen?? There are families in the state that are struggling to help their children, American citizens, get a college education. Illegals are now going to get in-state rates, why? They will eventually be allows to go free, just a step or two away from that happening.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of this BS from our government. If they would rather the ILLEGALS be here than the LEGALS, just say so! At least then, there might be some honesty!
It just blows my mind that these ILLEGALS are able to gather in HUGE groups and nothing is done!
Call out the cattle trucks, buses and whatever else is needed and get these people OUT of our country!
I have nothing against LEGAL immigration! But if you want to come to OUR country and take OUR jobs and use OUR resources, then do it the right way!
These illegals are treated better than us citizens and it needs to stop NOW!

Anonymous said...


You must be 12...15? Constitution only extends to citizens. You must be born here to be a citizen..illegals are not, hence the word illegal in front of immigrant. And treason is defined as an act of betrayal ones nation. Yes attempting to overthrow your nation falls under treason but so do many other actions.

Anonymous said...

11:40 -- it's 9:30 here. If I'm 12 or 15 then you must be around 8, since I clearly understand the Constitution far better than you do.

Let's see the numerous errors you made in your very short statement:

The Constitution doesn't only extend to citizens. Please read the text. The Constitution limits the power of government, it doesn't grant rights to citizens. The Constitution doesn't say the powers of the federal government are limited only when it comes to citizens -- it says the powers are limited, period. It doesn't say that Congress shall make no law regarding citizens' freedom of speech or that no citizen can be held or answer for a capital crime unless a grand jury indicts him, etc. It limits government's power as it pertains to everyone in the United States, citizen or not.

You don't have to be born here to be a citizen -- you can also be naturalized.

Treason, as the Constitution says, "shall consist only in levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Giving in-state tuition to illegal immigrants doesn't fit within this definition.

The powers of the federal government are few and enumerated. Nothing in the document gives the federal government the power to set limits on immigrants into the country (or emigrants out of the country, for that matter).

I'm sure you claim to love and revere the Constitution. If so, then please read it and understand it before trying to discuss it in public.

Jaycee said...


Alex said...

12:51 thank you.

Anonymous said...

If anyone actually read the article there are many restrictions. A student must have parents that pay taxes, has to attend and graduate at least 3 years of high school in MD. Then they have to attend a community college first before being eligible to attend a 4 year college. They are not just taking kids off the street and giving them a free education. Only the most deserving and most dedicated of students will ever satisfy the minimum requirements to qualify. Look at the positive, at least they do have to pay. They don't pay a dime to attend public schools but that does not seem to fire anyone up.

Anonymous said...

Read first definition of the word treason. Last time I checked websters was a reliable dictionary. How about state laws, can they limit immigration? Also doesnt constitution say something along the lines of "for the people by the people...." pretty sure they are referring to US citizens. Constitution was written to protect "the people" from their govt.

Anonymous said...

8:02, thank you.

Anonymous said...

8:02 -- it's 9:30 again. You may get your definition from Websters. I got mine from the U.S. Constitution itself. You can rely on a dictionary definition if you want, but I'll take the constitutional definition.

As far as "for the people by the people", that phrase appears nowhere in the Constitution. Maybe you are thinking of Lincoln saying in the Gettysburg Address something about "government of the people, by the people, for the people..."

You can be "pretty sure" the phrase not found in the Constitution is only talking about U.S. citizens, but I'm pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. The Constitution doesn't apply to people, for one. It limits the power of government. It protects the rights of individuals not by granting them rights but by limiting government power. Those limits apply to government action regardless of who is affected, citizen or non-citizen alike.

Secondly, certain civil rights are granted to citizens, such as the right to be President. However, the Constitution clearly makes distinctions between civil rights granted to citizens and the general rights of all people that are being protected through the limitation of government power.

This idea that the Constitution gives U.S. citizens certain rights is just a bogus misreading of the document. The Constitution protects the natural rights that individuals possess, rights that are given them by God and the protection of which is the only legitimate function of government. The Constitution doesn't give the government the power to infringe on the natural rights of anyone, whether citizen or non-citizen. It also doesn't give the federal government the power to limit immigration.

Please, read the Constitution before you feel the need to comment on it.