The publisher usually has the final say in these matters. However, despite a strong friendship between Democrat candidate Jim Mathias and SbyNEWS publisher Joe Albero, the consensus of our editorial board is clear – Michael James is exactly who the citizens of District 38 need to represent them in Maryland’s Senate.
James not only represents our values, he understands what we need in a legislator. Government cannot solve our problems. We merely need government to get out of our way so that we may solve them ourselves. James understands this. Over 20 years ago, he came to Ocean City and took over a failing business. In that time he has not only succeeded, he has created hundreds of jobs. Michael James did not accomplish those things by sponging off his fellow citizen. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work.
Michael understands that over taxation and a job killing regulatory burden are two of the things which strangle our economy. He has pledged to fight against those things and FOR the type of state government which will let our farmers, watermen, and entrepreneurs know that government will get out their way and stop hampering their success.
Jim Mathias WANTS us to believe that these are the same things which he stands for. Unfortunately, his record in the House of Delegates literally SCREAMS a different story.
All of us who reside in District 38 have received numerous pieces of mail from Mathias telling us that he won’t raise our taxes, that he’ll fight wasteful government spending, and that he’ll protect our children through laws such as the recent child predator legislation. If one digs hard enough, you can actually find a grain of truth in these mailings. Given that Mathias has spent over $100,000 in six weeks to tell us a story, we should hope that there is some truth in there.
Four years ago, Michael James ran for the House from 38-B. A key issue in his campaign was the need for much stronger child predator legislation. Mathias (and his colleague Norm Conway) couldn’t be bothered with such mundane matters until AFTER young Sarah Foxwell was brutally murdered.
Mathias claims that he won’t raise our taxes and points to his vote against the sales tax increase as evidence. Fair enough. I hope that he doesn’t mind us looking at his votes to INCREASE corporate taxes and the personal income tax as evidence that he won’t hesitate to raise our taxes AGAIN if enough Lower Shore voters are fooled into voting for him.
We also hope that Mathias won’t mind if we point to his support of O’Malley’s budgets; … or his support for higher auto emissions standards which will make buying a car in Maryland as expensive has buying one in California; … or his support for a greenhouse gas mandate which is sure to kill jobs; … or his support for higher energy costs for Lower Shore families by supporting a renewable energy mandate on power companies in Maryland.
Jim Mathias is one hell of a nice guy. Unfortunately for Mathias, we don’t need to send a pal to Annapolis. We need to send someone who will do what he says, not throw his “Eastern Shore values” overboard as he crosses the Bay Bridge. We need a leader. We need someone who understands that government doesn’t create jobs, but can certainly drive them away. We need Michael James.
So Mathias is a "nice guy" -- like Obama is intelligent -- so what?
This is my second attempt to post as there was a glitch before from blogger. I don't know if my first post got through or not.
James is not the right choice for Senator and I am diasppointed with the "Editorial" Board. Actually I found their rationale to be quite partisan as opposed to editorial in tone. It seems clear that G.A. wrote the position statement.
James is an unknown in politics. What HE is SAYING he is going to do in Annapolis doesn't mean HE will. Talk is cheap.
There are plenty of people who know Michael James, have worked with Michael James that don't feel the way the Editorial Board does.
It is interesting that other hotel executives believe that if James is elected, NO MONEY will be find its way west of the Route 90 bridge.
James is the darling of Ocean City because they (the high rollers) think he will deliver BIG TIME for them. This Senate seat is MORE than Ocean City.
James is an elitist and not a man of the people.
Mathias is the right man for the Senate because he cares about the little guy much more than James ever has or ever will.
Since when did being a "nice guy" become a political liability? Sad commentary on the whole political scene.
10:47 --
Quoting my DI of some years ago:
There are "nice guys" on every street corner, but you're gonna be running down the street with a rifle in your hands from dawn to dusk.
The IAFF (paid fire fighter union) in Ocean City just endorsed Mathasis, enough said. Under his watch a Mayor of Ocean City, 2 unions were formed that has resulted in a 52% increase in public safety payroll. Yep, Jim will watch out for your tax dollars alright. Your judged by the company you keep. Check Jim's voting record!
Anon 1047 -
Get real! What do you think endorsements are supposed to be? They're endorsements. Some are luke warm (see Ehrlich) some are vigorous (as above).
What evidence do you have that Michael James won't vote the way he says he will? NONE! However, we have ample evidence that Jim Mathias treats us like a bunch of rubes by telling us one thing and going to Annapolis and voting another.
What's your evidence that no funding will come here if James is elected? NONE! Lowell Stoltzfus is a conservative Republican and I'm not hearing complaints.
What's your evidence that Michael is an "elitist"? Again - NONE!
C'mon, if you don't like our choice that's fine. If you want to argue for Mathias, do it. No one said that being nice was a political liability. Michael James is a nice guy, as is Mathias. That's just not a good enough enough reason to vote for a candidate.
11:04 I voted for James, Mathias is a cancer to society.
It is clear that Mathias is bought and paid for by Gov. O'Malley, Senate President Miller and the public employee unions -- if we continue down that path of more government, more spending and increased taxes, the state will be insolvent within the decade, not to mention the continued drain on the private sector and the steady loss of good jobs.
If that future looks good to you, then by all means let's "promote" Mathias where he can have a larger platform to tax and spend us to the poor house. If, on the other hand, you would like to see some restraint on government spending and taxes to allow businesses to exand, then Michael James is the best choice on November 2nd.
M W Rodgers
I have voted for Mathias in the past but I've been doing my homework. I'm not liking his voting record nor his money trail of campaign donations.
The fact that Jim is a nice guy isn't going to help me at all. My piggy bank more important.
Good work 1:45 everybody needs to do their homework we must make our vote count choose the candidate that will best serve the position.
Michael James and Matt Macearello are the most ethical people running in this election.
Jim Mathias couldn't tell the truth on a bet! He says that he's a fiscal conservative - oh really? How many taxes did her vote to raise? If you ask hime it will be the "I voted against it before I voted for it" answer.
He says he gave back his pay. Wow! How nice of him....EVERY one of those Delagates and Senators gave back 5 days of their pay because of the furloughs. It wasn't done out of the goodness of his heart as he would lead you to believe.
Mathias is the stereotypical politian who will tell you whatever you want to hear just to get your vote.
Just what we need......someone who can tell the truth to the people!
I first heard James on a radio interview and what I liked about him is that he actually answered the questions with short and direct answers. There was no long winded diatribe that in the end made you forget what the question was to begin with!
Thanks for making the correct decision. There is no question as to the better of the two candidates. As I've said many, many times I served for 10 years with Michael's opponent and I cannot vote for him. Nancy Howard
I have worked with and known Michael James for many years. He is a great leader and a caring person. The earlier comment regarding co-workers must have come from a disgruntled employee who was not doing their job. Michael James is the most fair person I have ever known. The work environment at the Carousel is great, with many long term employees. When you have several hundred employees, you will always have some who are not happy. Believe me, I know Michael James well and he is the person we need to represent us in Annapolis. He is a strong businessman and family man who has a vested interested in what happens on the Eastern Shore. You must vote a man of integrety who will work for us - Michael James is the choice to represent us in Annapolis.
Michael James, an ELITIST one commentor wrote, well that couldn't be farther from the truth, I have known Michael for over 25 years and really do not know anyone more honest or hard working than him.
When I met Mike he was going to school in Salisbury and working at the Carousel where he is now the General Manager, both of us were young and working hard to secure a prosperous future. The Carousel Hotel is now a Landmark property in Ocean City and has up to 300 employees in season, without Michaels vision and work ethic none of this would have been possible. The economy in Maryland needs help and Michael is the right man for the job, a proven success. His promises of voting against higher taxes and more regulations that hurt our economy will be kept, he is a man of his word, not just another vote along party lines. We need to stand up to the almighty powers in Annapolis.
The big boys in the State Capitol do not want a conservative who will say no to the tax and spend agenda of the current administration, thay like to have everything gift wrapped and that is not the Eastern Shore way.
I urge you to vote for conservative values Ehrlich and James will give us our state back, Maryland deserves BETTER.
I normally do not get this envolved in the process but, I have had enough.
Bill Herbst
Small Business owner
La Hacienda Ocean City
Proves the point of 10:47. All of those supporters are business people for OC. Should I say more?
Mathias is truly a friend to small business. When we were in trouble due to a bureaucratic mistake he came through for us in a big way that saved the jobs of the 50 employees we have on the Eastern Shore. He asked nothing in return and never was publicly recognized. I'm sure James is a good guy but for GA to call us "rubes" is an insult. Why don't you ask small business owners or better yet start one.
Anon 2316 -
First of all, G. A. wasn't calling you or anyone else a rube. The editorial was stating that it is Mathias (and other Dem elites) who think that we are all a bunch of rubes. They come home, tell us how they are looking out for our interests, and then go back to Annapolis and vote for higher taxes and more regulation.
I'm sure that Jim has done some things to help SPECIFIC businesses. That's our point. Why isn't he supporting policies that would help ALL businesses by forcing government to get out of our way?
That's the difference. Conservatives want everyone to have the opportunity to succeed. Liberals want to dole out "help" form the government so that you'll feel obligated to support them come election time.
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