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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Found Child Update With Arrest

DATE & TIME: 0/819/10 @ 0953 hours C C. CARD NUMBER: 10-54-007453
LOCATION: Nakomis Ave. and Seminole Blvd. Salisbury Wicomico County, Maryland

On 08-19-2010 at approximately 0953 hours, Troopers from the Salisbury Barrack were patrolling the area of Nakomis Ave, and Seminole Blvd. in Salisbury, when they were flagged down by a concerned citizen regarding a lost child that was found wandering the streets. The child is an African American and he is approximately two years of age. Attempts to locate his residence and guardian were unsuccessful. The Department of Social Services was contacted and the child was turned over to their custody.

With the assistance from numerous tips that were called in from citizens, and other investigative tactics, Troopers from the Salisbury Barrack identified the child’s residence and two women who were responsible for the welfare of the child. Troopers responded to that residence and located the below suspects who were still sleeping and had apparently not noticed that the child had left the residence.
Located in the residence were several other children whose ages ranged from nine months to eight years of age. The suspects were identified as family members of the child. Both suspects were arrested and transported to the Wicomico County Central booking unit for processing.
The Wicomico County Department of Social Services is continuing with their investigation into this matter.

D’Shondra Rochelle Travers b/f, age 23 of Salisbury Maryland
Natasha Danielle Simms b/f, age 28 of Salisbury Maryland
Both suspects were charged with 2nd degree child abuse and are awaiting a hearing before the District Court Commissioner.


Anonymous said...

Thats just lovely, I hope Social Services goes in and takes every single child away from them. Even if some of the kids are not theirs.. If someone was that stupid to leave there kids w/two dumb-asses then they too need to have there kids taken away. Unfortunily I doubt that will actually happen in this case..

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that the guardians are being held accountable. I know that D'Shondra actually is the legal guardian for the child.

Anonymous said...

Still sleeping? WTF! Oh, I forgot. You don't need to get up if you collect money from the gov't. and not from a job.

Anonymous said...

Small tribe in there! What the heck? When are we going to start our rounds of sterilizations?

Anonymous said...

Shes not doing a very good job at it.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, nothing will happen with this, you watch.

Anonymous said...

Hes another lost Angel. We have a whole country full of them, hows the future look now.

Anonymous said...

If nothing else, they are UNFIT to care for children. What takes them sleeping in the middle of the day with a house full of kids? No excuse...but like Anon 4:44 said, I bet nothing will happen to them. The system really sucks for protecting these's really quite sad. I hope he and all the other kids are ok.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised just sleeping in must be nice not to work,my bad you don't have to work under the socialism
and entitlement programs of the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

Lock em up , toss the key.
Thanks again obamie.

Anonymous said...

It never says what time the police showed up at their house. Were they still sleeping in the middle of the day? I think I would have more sympathy if the child had gotten out of the house after they went to bed.

Anonymous said...


It was 9:53am when to police found the child. It was after 12 noon when the alert was posted on the blog. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was well after 10:00am that the police discovered the address after getting "tips". In any event, by 10:00am working people are well into their day. Try it sometime, it's good for you.

J.Albero said...

anonymous 6:32, So you know, we had it posted much earlier. I updated the Post with a photo that came in later and that's why you see a noon, (or so) time on the post. Not that it's a big deal, just thought I'd let you know.

Anonymous said...

Obama??? This has been going on long before Obama. I saw an unaccompanied 4 year old running down Waverly avenue last Sunday at 5pm. I slowed down to ask her where she lived or where her parents(joke) were. She turned down South Blvd to the second block and ran up on a porch.The neighbor came out and said she was on here own all the time and that she had called the police. Some old drunk AfAm women came to the door and let the child in. These kids don't have a chance in hell!

Anonymous said...

Are you always so nasty? At 10 am I have been up for about 4 1/2 hours. Never assume. I'm the type of person that ways all the facts before I judge anyone. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

The time this child spent with the police is more than likely the most love hes seen in his life and that is really sad.

Salisburian1963 said...

Just playing devil's advocate here, but with the charge of Child Abuse, there MUST be an injury to the child caused by the caretaker. Unless there is more information missing here, that charge will not stick in court. Other than Reckless Endangerment and Creating Conditions that Create a Child in Need of Assistance, there really aren't any charges for stupidity. And they haven't been charged with either of those.

Chimera said...

Outrageous!So this poor little boy has already been bounced from home to home if this Dsandra chick is his "guardian".I am tired of my taxes going to girls who reproduce like feral cats and then dont even love and nurture the offspring they are so prolific in creating.
People say its not right to make someone get sterilized but how right is it for kids to be born that end up left outside in the street alone???? I guarantee these little girls playing grownup with all those kids live better than I do financially.....your welcome!