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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reflections On The Ground Zero Mosque


Anonymous said...

I hope this doesnt get built but I'm afraid President osama will make sure that it does!

Anonymous said...

An excellent presentation. Any religion that promotes 92 virgins as a reward for killing "infidels" is both demaining to women and the institution of marriage.

In addition, as pointed out in the video, followers are encouraged to be "two faced". Just these two doctrines alone should make it clear that the promoted doctrines of Islam are evil!

It promotes and condones behavior that is just the opposite of Christian principles and teachings. It is the manifestation of and the encouragement of man's evil side.

In our open and free society, a constituitonal republic, how do we defend against such evil? Could the promotion and support of such an evil approach to religion be classified as seditious behavior and in violation of our Constitution? As freedom loving, patriotic Americans, we had better come up with an answer and course of action before it too late.

Concearned US Citizen said...

I was there last week at the rally and protest of the MOSQUE trust me they already bought the building got approved for rebuilding it to a mosque , the messed up thing is that Part of one of the AIRPLANES ENGINE is still in an elevator shaft in the BUILDING,which WILL be a mosque if we dont make this a HISTORIC Building and have this stopped, this IMAM that is in charge of this MOSQUE wrote a book sevaral years ago stating he wants to bring SHARIA LAW to the united states, if you dont know what that is look it up, WAKE UP AMERICA,these extremist hidding in mosques are waiting to hit us again, and shame on US, only 2500 people showed up for the protest last sunday out of how many people in th USA, what a shame i guess when we get hit again and we will then we will open our eyes AGAIN, But then its too LATE.

Anonymous said...

I am afraid that it is going to happen 9:13 am because of the majority of the people that supported and voted for Osama Bin Biden. The good people are outnumbered by the liberals and the Kool Aide drinkers. We are a doomed nation and it is just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

joe, just keep educating!!! this is a great piece. it's a must see for all.

Anonymous said...

Joe , can you repost this to the top of your website more people need to see it after work, its all the way at the bottom of the page right now, thanks.

Mardela said...

Besides protesting, what can the average American do?
Vote? Start arming ourselves for the eventual battle?
We keep letting people into our country with out making them assemilate to our ways, our values, and the principles that our country was founded on.
I pray that God has mercy on our souls for abandoning him and taking to the ways of the world.

Anonymous said...

The number of citizens who are ignorant of due process and constitutional law is amazing. Though I vote Republican, and I believe Obama has harmed our great country, you people are idiots.

Anonymous said...

damn straight, 8:52. They're making all of you Conservatives look bad right about now.