
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Monday, March 22, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Are You Excited Or Angry About Healthcare Bill Passing?
Everyone come together on this one and send in your reply.
Let's send a message to the rest of the Country as to where we stand.


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Margo Demers said...

angry angry angry angry

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I am vary excited. It is about time
all Americans have health insurance. There are those that have enough in life and it is about time I get some of it.

Finally I am proud to be an American

2:38 PM

Your lazy a$$ and "all Americans" need to get a job like I have. Nothing is free and your people don't have the right to force me to pay for your health insurance. I am so pissed if you said that to my face I would knock you back to your mother land.

Anonymous said...

Its a driery day but at least my ham,cabbage and potatoes are right on time. Four layer german chocolate cake looks really good to. Slap some deviled eggs togther and rolls Im done.

Anonymous said...


Jack K Richards said...

First of all 11:31 get your head out of your rectal cavity...No one says that because you are poor that you dont deserve an education of medical attention. Name me one person who has been turned away from school that has the determination to get an education. Many have worked their way thru college educations without financial assistance. Go in the ER some time and see the people that are receiving medical attention and will never pay.
And I do not have stacks of cash but can pay my bills which I have done my entire life... never living above my means like many do.
Employment IS available but one hell of a lot think that working at a fast food place is beneath them and wonder why they cant get high salaries. Mostly because they were too damn lazy to get the aforementioned education. Look around and look at the indiviuals that are walking around town with their pants around their ankles, piercings up the ying yang, hats on backwards with tattoos all over their body, talking like a "thug", "gansta".... If you had a business would you hire them, hell no but listen to them bitch because you wont. Comes a time that everyone has to man up and take responsibility for their own interest or lack thereof. Sorry to be so windy but....... (should you wish to continue this conversation)

Anonymous said...

Angry and scared for my children.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:14 PM, very well said by the way.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Salisbury's Tea party will be like this year? if they do not listen when the people protest, what is next?

Anonymous said...

If we seceded who would pay for you to sit home ? Democrats aren't known for their charity or work ethic !

Anonymous said...

All this fear, and yet the CAPITALISTS over at the stock market have made stocks go up today. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

The democrat leadership should be placed under arrest . I hope the military steps in and upholds the Constitution !

Anonymous said...

Thanks to last night's vote, that child of yours who has had asthma since birth will now be covered after suffering for her first nine years as an American child with a pre-existing condition.

Thanks to last night's vote, that 23-year-old of yours who will be hit one day by a drunk driver and spend six months recovering in the hospital will now not go bankrupt because you will be able to keep him on your insurance policy.

Thanks to last night's vote, after your cancer returns for the third time -- racking up another $200,000 in costs to keep you alive -- your insurance company will have to commit a criminal act if they even think of dropping you from their rolls.

Yes, my Republican friends, even though you have opposed this health care bill, we've made sure it is going to cover you, too, in your time of need. I know you're upset right now. I know you probably think that if you did get wiped out by an illness, or thrown out of your home because of a medical bankruptcy, that you would somehow pull yourself up by your bootstraps and survive. I know that's a comforting story to tell yourself, and if John Wayne were still alive I'm sure he could make that into a movie for you.

Anonymous said...

12:41 "You idiot, Bush and his staff kept this country safe!!"

I suppose you mean he attempted to retaliate after NOT keeping our country safe. I believe Sept 11, 2001 fell within his presidency.

Alex said...

Finally democrats got some balls!
Good job Mr. President.
Healthcare is everyone's basic right.

Anonymous said...

mad as hell!

Anonymous said...

SO, you will be fined if you don't have health insurance! Interesting, it will be the same as now. those that work will pay for those that don't. IF you don't work how in the h>@^ will you be able to pay for it.... this is just another entitlement. You live here and you are entitled for us to suppoort your lazy A@@$$. And this has been written by a "lady" who is FED UP.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Don't be hatin.

Anonymous said...

Furious! And after watching the proceedings most of yesterday, absolutely disgusted at the behavior of the Representatives! They acted like a bunch of children who have never been disciplined! And that smirk on Pelosi's face was disgraceful for someone in that position!

Anonymous said...

Hello, yes I am very angry, also the comment about everyone else having everything and now they will have something. You every think about working for something, I have all my life, even while fighting 238 trying working.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:44, it is everybodys
basic right. Thank you

Proud to be American (USSA)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:38 Do you mean those that have worked hard for what they have and now you get some of it for free??

And if you weren't proud be be an American before this point, why didn't you get move to another country. I'm sure which ever one you picked would have gladly taken you in, given you money, health care and supported your family. And what country would that be?

joealbero said...

anonymous 4:02, believe me, plenty of people are considering it. America is NOT what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

You all will have to share some of
the bank accounts, now

Anonymous said...

love it. Anyone with a child up to the age of 26 can keep them on their policy.

Anonymous said...

love it. Anyone with a child up to the age of 26 can keep them on their policy.

joealbero said...

Spoken like a true Wet Pants Liberal Democrat!

Anonymous said...

let the chaos begin

Anonymous said...

Don't worry my cousins are on a bus here and they will get free
health insurance on your dime.

Enjoy my taco 4:02

signed 2:38

Kim said...


Anonymous said...

1/3 of you work hard
1/3 of you collect
1/3 of us stay home and loaf

I love America

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they think that our fire dept runs a lot of bs calls now...guess whats to come.... this is the dumbest decision ever...

salisbury fireman

Anonymous said...


Way to get right into the name calling. You all lost and will continue to lose. Your party is as outdated as newspapers!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very disappointed that the country is falling into a debt hole that will break the bank

Anonymous said...

This gestapo care cured any "new hires" notion I might had, bad idea!

Anonymous said...

Angry doesn't quite explain the feeling.

I am so tired of people expecting everyone else to support them. I have worked since I was 13. I have paid my own way the best that I can. The one time I could have gotten government assistance I turned it down--my feeling was there was somebody out there that needed more than me.

4:06 you are apparently one of the ones sitting on your a$$ expecting everyone to pay your way. Share the bank accounts? Who earned that money in that bank account? Me-working my butt off and putting it in the bank or you-sitting on your fat butt eating chips drinking soda's and watching TV. You sure as hell didn't earn it and definitely don't deserve it!

Anonymous said...

My anger has excited my sense of astonishment and rage

Anonymous said...

stupid stupid stupid - sooo pi$$ed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not happy about it, but what did you expect when you have a moron as a president

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you all are so upset! You rich white people have what you need. You have nice cars and nice homes and nice healthcare. You get upset when you somebody gets a little something for free. You don't know what it means to not have steak all the time. You probably have steak everyday and I can only get it once a week. I wouldn't even be able to have that if I didn't hame my Independence card. You probably don't want me and my kids to have that! You wouldn't know what it's like to feed 5 kids and afford their clothes. Lord knows how much it's gonna cost when they get in high school. Obama's doin' just what he said he would. He's distributing the wealth from the rich to the poor. It's past time you rich white people got off of some of your money and give it to others who don't have as much. If I had a nice job like yours that pays a lot of money I'd go to it every day. But the jobs around here don't even make it worth going to work. Thank you Mr. Obama for making a pair playing field for every body where the color of your skin don't count.

Anonymous said...

Are we angry enough yet? When do we protest in the streets of Salisbury and in small towns and cities all across the country?

Anonymous said...

Few things in life are worth dying for , My freedom is one of those things !

Anonymous said...

its BS...its off to court we go.

Anonymous said...

Forcing employers to provide health insurance make many part-time jobs disappear and many full-timers to go part-time. With the economy as bad as it is, business owners will have no choice in order to make ends meet.

Anonymous said...

Cant stand what they've done? Dont want them to do irreversible things to our Country before we can vote them out? Not quite patriotic enough to take up arms as the billions and billions that have lost their families, their homes and their LIVES fighting for our Country our Liberty? I say stop paying ALL federal taxes IMMEDIATELY! Starve the monster! Send the message NOW! WE have had enough and we're not giving any MORE! If they cant no longer listen to the people then they no longer get paid!

Anonymous said...

Very happy! I hope that some day your quality of health care is not determined by the insurance that you have. I also hope that people with health conditions can now afford to go back to work. I know people who are on disability and want to go back to work but would not be able to afford their medications and medical visits. So, they stay on disability where it will be covered. Why should prisoners and those not working be better taken care of then someone like me who works 40 hours a week?

Anonymous said...

Whats funny is most of those commenting here... for and glad this obamanation has passed, are local gov employees...they havent yet realized that they too will lose their current health insurance and they will pay out of pocket 6thou like the rest will have to do

joealbero said...

No, what's funny here is tha5t 95+% of the people commenting here are against it.

What's also funny is that of the 5% supporting it, I'd bet quite a large amount of money that those comments are only one or two people.

Anonymous said...

thank god the majority of the opposition to this bill are backwoods smalltown redneck sheep who don't know any better and just happen to be the overall minority in America.

I also have to say that there's a lot of small business owners on here instead of managing their business... maybe that's one reason they are going under! Keep blogging and blame somebody else for your own failure.

I just love the ignorance of assuming that people without jobs are lazy, don't want to work, and live off the tax payers dollar. Have you forgot already that your president Bush wrecked the economy and put far too many good people out of work?

I also find it amusing that some claim that the people are against this when this was one of the huge deciding factors for the people who elected Obama.

I don't know... seems like we have kool aid drinkers on the left and sheep on the right... where oh where are the people with common sense?

oh and to those who keep talking about violence... grow some balls first! This county hasn't had what it takes to revolt for far too long and I don't see it happening any time soon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:17 - You are joking right? What is it with the WHITE FOLKS and their money. If Obama did not give it to you, you would grab you gun and rob US right ??? Get a damn job then not complain when we take your income BIOTCH!!!

Bryan Records said...

The majority of the american public made it know that they did not want this. Our elected representatives chose not to listen and vote it in. We will all get to let our voices be heard loud and clear on election day. I am not one bit happy with this socialist plan.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 5:17 You are joking right? What is it with the WHITE FOLKS ? If Obama did not give you our money ,you get your gun and rob US anyway ! Get a damn job and then not complain we when that your income BIOTCH !!!

Mardela said...

Very disappointed, but God lets these things happen for a reason.

I believe this will energize the true American spirit and people will fight to get back our country from the crooks who now run it.

I want to see a bill for term limits.

joealbero said...

Bryan, thank you for sharing your opinion and using your real name. All the pansy democrats are too big of a wussy to ever dare put their name out there because they don't want to be recognized as the wussies that they are, taking free rides from our government.

I can't tell you just how many young democrats that I know right now that work for the government. In fact, if any of them had to look for a real job in the real world, no one would hire these paper pushers who only know how to make charts and hold meeting where they know everyone will pat them on the back for their "hard work." I saw it regularly in the past at the Salisbury Zoo.

Chuck Cook recently lost his job and actually took a job working for Frank Kratovil. It's been reported that even he knows Frank will lose the next election, yet it's a job. Sorry Folks but I can't stand someone as two faced as that. You're either a team player or you're out. Democrats are out for themselves and that's all there is to it.

Anonymous said...

5>53pm....cheese n crackers some of you are sooooo ignorant! If you are will pay....4thou the first year, 6 thou next year....they havent calculated after that..yet! If you are working YOU will pay 4-10 thou for yourself and those that arent working....get it now? I can not afford it for myself...I sure as heck am NOT paying for the lazy!

Anonymous said...

Everybody thats angry about this probably all have health insurance and dont care about anyone but themselves.

Anonymous said...

Wait till election time???? lmao!!! To vote in more crooks? If we dont bring accountability NOW a vote is only for more liars and thieves....progressives. Besides it will only take a few months for most to lose their fire, their courage, become complacent and figure its easier to just find 6 thou for each family member to purchase healthcare or jail time, our lose your possessions to the IRS for not paying... the chains of slavery are on our ankles....are you going to lay down and die..or fight to keep those chains off your children's legs?

Kill them all and let God sort them out.

Anonymous said...


joealbero said...

anonymous 6:00, Why the "F" should I care about you and your health insurance.

I've worked long and hard my entire life for the american dream. Now I have been forced to share my portion of it with YOU?

Now you've pissed me off and YOU are exactly why this country will absolutely 100% fall to pieces.

Get your own F/N job and work for somethying on your own for once in your life and quit depending on those of us who DO work hard every day.

Call me heartless, I don't care. I'm man enough to use my name here and I'm man enough to tell you how I feel. Gifting pansies like you a portion of what I worked so hard for pisses me off and I think Obama is a flaming A-Hole along with thye majority of Congress.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's the best thing going.
It's about time we have someone in there for the people. Is it perfect? no but definitly a step in the right direction. We can only move forward from here.

Anonymous said...

6pm, I have a small business, I usually have a few employees, most of the past two yrs it's been mostly myself. I pay as I go...I cant afford good insurance on a good year...I sure as heck dont have $4000., do I fold and become like many more will without a job...a burden? Do I lose everything, all my possessions I have now to the IRS? Do I take up arms and kill the enemy, the ones responsible for this mess, so others wont lose all they have too?

Anonymous said...

Extremely happy! No other President could make this happen. Great job O!

Anonymous said...

Rest assured come November anyone whom I can vote against that had anything to do with this outragious piece of legislation will get my vote and Obama best enjoy his term it will I HOPE be his last as it goes without saying I will not be voting for him either...

Anonymous said...

extremely upset!!! The Democrats did what they wanted, not what the people wanted.

Anonymous said...

I hope for assassination .

RFGAIN said...

It's nice to know the people in office listen so well to what we ask. I have called and written letters stating how wrong this bill is, yet they go ahead and pass it regardless of support from the American people. I for one will not extend a vote to return a single incumbent!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they would get the message if we organized an armed protest of about a couple million pissed off people .

Hannibal138 said...


George Orwell called and he wants the idea for his novel 1984 back.

Take heart knowing that this is the last large piece of social legislation that will be passed. All the social welfare programs are broke and health insurance is no different. The time quickly approaches that something will have to be down about the entitlement programs. So the dems can talk about historic all they want, but there is no money to pay for this. This bill is a joke. Eventually the middle class is all going to quit their jobs and get welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, health care, etc. Which is exactly what the government wants. 1984 here we come.

(If you haven't read 1984 by George Orwell, you need to).

Anonymous said...


First I want to say you are exactly what's wrong with this country. Discrimation against white people right off the bat, certainly there are no poor people in this country right? Give me a break. Secondly, why should I be paying to feed and cloth your 5 kids? If you can't afford 5 kids, here's an idea, don't f-ing have 5 kids! wtf is wrong with people??? If you want to eat steak, get a freaking job and buy steak. If you want nice things, work hard for them. It's pretty simple. I should bust my behind working and becoming more educated so you can sit on yours and have the same damn things I have? Absolutely not! Try googling "capitalism" and see what you come up with you moron. (don't worry, soon your internet will be free too and you won't have to pay for anything)

Anonymous said...

To 2:38

How sad. Have to depend on the power of the state for your well being and happiness. What will you do when when the "Goose " stays home? You know the one that layed the golden egg. The goose in this case is those who make this country work and support those like you. One day they will no longer be there and you will die in the gutter, begging for someone to save you. You poor pitiful dope.


Anonymous said...

Here's whats next

Universal voter registration: Now being secretly prepared by at least two prominent members of Congress, this is essentially a scheme to legalize voter fraud by shifting responsibility for registering to vote from the citizen to the government, meaning people are automatically registered to vote, based on DMV records, income-tax returns, welfare rolls, unemployment lists and other government databases.

Illegal immigrant registration: Since government databases contain names of non-citizens, not to mention mentally incompetent individuals and felons – factors that would ordinarily disqualify a person from voting in most states – universal registration would open the floodgates to fraud. And since many people own property in more than one location and pay taxes to numerous government entities, they would be afforded the opportunity to vote in multiple locations.

Amnesty: Disguised once again by euphemisms like "comprehensive immigration reform," amnesty will create millions of new Democrat voters. As Obama adviser and SEIU executive vice president Eliseo Medina said recently regarding amnesty: "Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

Convicted felons voting: The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late last year cleared the way for inmates to vote from prison. The court overturned a Washington state law prohibiting felons from voting until they are released and off parole, arguing state restrictions unfairly penalized minorities since they have a higher incarceration rate. Polls show felons overwhelmingly prefer Democrats.

Planting operatives in America's statehouses: A subversive, Soros-backed group called the Secretary of State Project is gearing up to steal the 2012 election for Obama and congressional Democrats by installing left-wing Democrats as secretaries of state across the nation, from which posts they can help tilt the electoral playing field.

Anonymous said...

So I guess all these alleged "lazy" people should die because they can't afford treatment for cancer, etc

joealbero said...

anonymous 7:01, Let me straighten you out right here and now.

As many of you know, I lost my Mother recently to cancer.

No matter what kind of insurance she had, MONEY was never an object!

Some people die, that's life. Insurance didn't save her and insurance didn't kill her.

Like anything else, its all a matter of your genes, your will to survive and your faith in God.

For those of you too scared to face death, those people who believe in God and have faith know that one day they will go to that holy land and be where they have lived their whole life to be.

Mind you, no one should SUFFER along the way but more importantly, NO ONE, (including Palosi and Obama) should PLAY GOD.

Anonymous said...

extreamly upset but not suprised by the actions of the worthless democrats in Washington including Kratovil who voted against recommiting. Don't tell me that he was really against this bill because he wanted it to pass or he could have voted yea to recommit the bill.

Anonymous said...

Typical liberal garbage.

Anonymous said...

I am the owner of a business and guaranteed I will let every last employee go before I am told I HAVE to provide and pay for health insurance. I barely make enough profit now to even make it worthwhile but at least I am working and not sitting on my A..! I dont expect any free handouts like the ones I am behind in the grocery store with their lovely Independence card eating better than I ever will eat.

Anonymous said...

china owns us now for sure

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed and very angry.
Hopefully we can fire those idiots, and start over. If the ones we elect next time wont do what the majority of the voters want throw them out too. Sooner or later somethings gotta give. And it shouldn't be the taxpayer all the time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Excited! By the way we live in a republic not a democracy. Learn the terms.

Anonymous said...

We need to elect people that are not entrenched within their political parties machines folks. The republicans are too stupid, and the Democrats are too crooked. For crying out loud can we start a new movement away from these goons.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have a grandchild with special needs, I'm excited!! This will go the way of Medicare and all other such programs, basics for everyone and supplemental policies for those who can afford more. Give it up, families need help, working families that is who cannot afford to change jobs because of pre-existing conditions of children.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to tears.

Because of getting rid of pre-conditions, my husband can finally get care.

Anonymous said...


As an Indy, it's the first bipartisan thing I've seen!

Anonymous said...

Pissed off is a mild statement. Better get ready for the fight of our lives on this one, This is just another example of Government gone bad. Seems the majority of the people here are against this and we better stick together and defeat this at the poles or how ever we have to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

My cousin is a health care actuarial expert. He says that to make health care affordable for most Americans, what you have to do is to allow a pre-tax $2,000 medical savings account for routine doctor visits and purchase only catastrophic medical insurance with a $5,000 deductible. Then worst case scenario, you're only out $5000 if you require hospitalization. He says that this new health care will be disastrous for small businesses.Don't blame me, I voted for McCain.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Why do you think I am lazy ? You are a bigot. I bet you like Nascar.

signed again

2:38 Proud American Finally

2:55 PM

I think you have gotten another bad case of Food Stamp Poisoning.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12:41 "You idiot, Bush and his staff kept this country safe!!"

I suppose you mean he attempted to retaliate after NOT keeping our country safe. I believe Sept 11, 2001 fell within his presidency.

3:39 PM

Yes it happened eight months after Bush took office, but guess what? All the planning and strategy took place during the 8 years of the Clinton Administration so don't even go there. That comment really shows your ignorance.

joealbero said...

300 comments, WOW!

Anonymous said...

The passing of this Health Care Bill means my taxes and premiums are going up, so this means I have given to the poor. I'm done giving to any and all organizations.

Anonymous said...

Alex said...

Finally democrats got some balls!
Good job Mr. President.
Healthcare is everyone's basic right.

3:44 PM

Healthcare is not a basic right. You need to get a job and fend for yourself. I didn't bring you into this world and I don't owe you anything. Go to another country and see what they will give you. If you are lucky it may be an ounce of lead to take you out of your misery.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

love it. Anyone with a child up to the age of 26 can keep them on their policy.

4:08 PM

WTH! Someone the age of 26 is not a child. When they become 18 they are an adult and they need to get a freakin J.O.B!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you all are so upset! You rich white people have what you need. You have nice cars and nice homes and nice healthcare. You get upset when you somebody gets a little something for free. You don't know what it means to not have steak all the time. You probably have steak everyday and I can only get it once a week. I wouldn't even be able to have that if I didn't hame my Independence card. You probably don't want me and my kids to have that! You wouldn't know what it's like to feed 5 kids and afford their clothes. Lord knows how much it's gonna cost when they get in high school. Obama's doin' just what he said he would. He's distributing the wealth from the rich to the poor. It's past time you rich white people got off of some of your money and give it to others who don't have as much. If I had a nice job like yours that pays a lot of money I'd go to it every day. But the jobs around here don't even make it worth going to work. Thank you Mr. Obama for making a pair playing field for every body where the color of your skin don't count.

5:17 PM

I don't know if this is a joke or not, but any idiot that gave birth to 5 kids they can't afford need to have a frontal lobotomy. Your favored socialized health care should automatically tie your tubes after the first child. And why they are at it put something up your cootchie as a deterent for the idiots who find the need to put there pole where it doesn't belong.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Forcing employers to provide health insurance make many part-time jobs disappear and many full-timers to go part-time. With the economy as bad as it is, business owners will have no choice in order to make ends meet.

5:25 PM

With that said you will see a massive increase in crime.

Anonymous said...

Mardela said...

I want to see a bill for term limits.

5:49 PM

Only an idiot would wish for a bill for term limits. Guess what, the greatest term limit is election day. If you don't like who is in office then vote them out. Another guess for you...I am a die hard Republican and if a good person is elected then we have a democracy and the right to vote.

Giovanni Jones said...

Absolutely I am disgusted with our government and their efforts to socialize health care. It is very disappointing to see what kind of idiots our society has elected into office.

Anonymous said...

Bloodshed? Hardly. There are 100 times more apathetic people in America than activists like you, loony bird 2:39

Anonymous said...

Have people actually read the terms of the bill? I see comments where people say they are refusing to provide health care to their employees in the business they own, then I see comments where people are telling others if they don't like our system then to go get better jobs that have benefits. Hypocracy at its best... The truth is, those jobs aren't out there! I wonder if anyone reading this blog has a child that has recently graduated college and still can't find a job that even allows them to move out on their own, let alone afford an extensive insurance policy???

By the way, the only tax increase is going to be for people making $200k per year or more, unless you count the 10% tax you'll have to pay at the tanning salon. The middle class guy making $40k isn't going to see an increase. And those people you see abusing the system in the grocery stores... HELLO you're already paying for them, this health care bill isn't making that happen.

There was once a time when the government was criticized for building roads because only the richest of the rich had cars, but in the long run that worked out fairly well for us.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

overwhelmed! I work for medicaid now and to think that the govt wants 16 millions people on medicaid by 2014 is just insane. we don't have the workforce now to keep up, how will we ever make it!

Anonymous said...

1.Socialized medicine results in the very worst junk health care -- all it does is bankrupt society while reducing care standards for all and it does so by the immutable laws of supply and demand: force artificially low prices and demand (along with societal cost) increases. Services collapse as they are overwhelmed with demand at the same time as they decline due to funding starvation and this is inexorable and inevitable. Note that this monstrosity is not required to provide a basic safety net cover for all uninsured citizens but appears designed to collapse the system with fully-insured free riders.

2.ObamaCare is a huge leap in the socialization of the United States and socialism bankrupts societies. Just look at the failure of the USSR, a nation massively endowed with natural wealth in resources, arable lands and an abundant able workforce to run its industries -- collectivism simply does not work. China has boomed since turning to capitalism with zest and gusto, a brand of "communism" that would be completely unrecognizable for their founding philosophers.

3.Societal bankruptcy trashes research and development, resulting in the virtual death of science.
Doesn't help entrepreneurialism either, accelerating the decay in research funding and even basic teaching.
America's ability to maintain and develop science will wither and die under socialism and ObamaCare entrenches socialism, thus ObamaCare threatens sound science .

The United States of America's scientific future depends on killing the unmitigated disaster that is ObamaCare.

It's as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Where can I buy a sniper rifle ?

Anonymous said...

Madder then Hell

Anonymous said...

there are people that don't have enough money to pay for housing,food or gas and now this stupid government wants to force them to have health insurance?
as stated in other posts on this site, the government has screwed up everything it touches, social security...broke, u.s.p.s. ...broke, medicare/medicade....broke
the United States of America...BROKE (in both money and spirit). way to go people that voted this moron do you like the change now!!!!!

Jack K Richards said...

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you all are so upset! You rich white people have what you need. You have nice cars and nice homes and nice healthcare. You get upset when you somebody gets a little something for free. You don't know what it means to not have steak all the time. You probably have steak everyday and I can only get it once a week. I wouldn't even be able to have that if I didn't hame my Independence card. You probably don't want me and my kids to have that! You wouldn't know what it's like to feed 5 kids and afford their clothes. Lord knows how much it's gonna cost when they get in high school. Obama's doin' just what he said he would. He's distributing the wealth from the rich to the poor. It's past time you rich white people got off of some of your money and give it to others who don't have as much. If I had a nice job like yours that pays a lot of money I'd go to it every day. But the jobs around here don't even make it worth going to work. Thank you Mr. Obama for making a pair playing field for every body where the color of your skin don't count.

5:17 PM
As another poster stated, who in the hell made you have 5 offspring when you cant afford them Maybe instead of laying around boinking, you should have gotten another job and saved some money like those of us "rich" people And a lot of us rich white people are that way because we decided to go to school, live up to our means, dressed properly, spoke properly. You insinuate that your race cannot get ahead...DUH One is President, idiot!!!! And there are many more blacks that are successful. You are too busy trying to convince everyone that you are an deprived African American, to realize that your ancestors sent you here. You are an American, not African American, you in all liklihood have never been to Africa, will never go there, and probably could not find it on the map. Now get the hell of the computer, go get a education, quit speaking eubonics (?), get a job and maybe you can eat steak Personally I am tired of buying your steak.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Giovanni Jones said...

Absolutely I am disgusted with our government and their efforts to socialize health care. It is very disappointing to see what kind of idiots our society has elected into office.

12:12 AM

What's even more disappointing is the idiots who elected the idiots.

Anonymous said...

Up until this point I thought Tim McVeigh was a nut .

Anonymous said...

This is great! Finally, healthcare for ALL Americans. Not just the ones that can afford it, but even the ones who can't afford it. The government will pay for it. Just like medicaid. Now healthcare is not a choice, but mandatory. If you have any money, you will pay for it. That is the new law of the land. (ironic. Dems think abortion, baby killing is a choice, but healthcare is mandatory) Seniors, who need healthcare the most, will have less. Young people who need healthcare the least, and have the least money, will now have to "buy" it. And for the people who can't afford it, the rest of us will pay for it. That part is just like it was before the law was passed. What's different is the young and old people that lost in this debate, and the middle class who are going to be taxed a TRILLION $ more over the next ten years. The only ones not affected by this legislation are the wealthy. Then again, nothing ever touches them. Democrats, some our friends and neighbors, are complete morons. They have screwed us all, yep, even themselves. They don't understand that we hate Obama even more than they ever hated Bush. Bush only tried to protect Americans during his term. Obama is trying to destroy America and all it has ever stood for.

Anonymous said...

Tim McVeigh killed little kids jack-ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying what he did was right punk but I understand .

Anonymous said...

2:57 Obama and the progressives have no problem killing the unborn .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Obama's Health care will increase abortion by 30 % this is on your conscious baby killers !

Anonymous said...

I am very angry over this health care bill. We are losing our country of freedom. We are now heading to socialism for the USA. Remember this for next election!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm angry

This is for all of you lazy people that sit on your lazy butts all day and do not work for a LIVING. But on the other hand some of you guys have 2 or 3 low paying jobs and still cannot pay for healthcare so for those who fall under this catagory I feel sorry for you. But if sit home all day and don't do anything get off your lazy a$$ and work. I think that is enough said

Anonymous said...

Herd care !

Anonymous said...

This bill is an affront to the very fiber of this once-great Nation. This nation became great because of the knowledge that every citizen has unlimited potential and the only barriors placed are those that are self-inflicted. It is not the governments business or responsibility to provide for the individual, it is the individual's responsibility to provide for himself! But slowly our government has inserted itself in every aspect of our daily lives. Whatever happened to personal accountability, taking pride in your accomplishments, being a self-made man, living by a certain creed or standard? Hopefully our nation will soon remember how only philosophies such as these will lead to a meaningfull, fulfulling life.

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