Remember the woman named Nikki who sent in the comment about Brooke Mulford wishing her dead. Tom McGuire, Nikki's Husband is running for Mayor of Delmar, Maryland and I personally cannot wait to see the election results to the up and coming elections in Delmar.
Don't miss the following articles on this nut job and his Wife.
Nikki Said:
"Joe plz take the time to read and reply if you like ( or post)
Joe , hi this is Nicole toms wife . I'm sorry if you took offense to my comment on Brooke mumford ,I don't apologize for it just that you were offended by it . The sad fact is she is going to die period . When is not for me to say that is gods hand or destiny .As i was at work the other day Brooke came up
.The general consensis is the ppl are tired of hearing about it . So am i , as prices go up and we work longer and harder hour just to make ends meet .Constantly be updated on her condition is well asking to much . And the delaying of the inevitable is just cruel .This was just not me but most ppl in the room felt the same way .Joe what offended me was that i did not hide behind a anonymous Id . i was open about it but it is your news blog ,But are you not in a sense as bad as the daily rag . you censored my comment cuz you did not like it . I did not cuss or swear ,Just stated my opinion period ,. I hope there is no rif between you and tom ,He said hey it is his blog to do with as he wants . But hey that is why he is going to run for mayor or counsel , he see's thing from all angles period.You said it your self to tom Brooke is a business period .There were ppl in that room who are working 90 hour a week just not to lose what lil they have. So spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seem out of line. Any way if you choose to post this that is fine by me , I'm not like jt and the others I don't hide I stand by my thoughts and defend them .MY final thought is I hope this raises your awareness not to become like the rag and censor on feelings ,Remember there 2 side to everything some times more ."
OK Delmar, let's see how smart residents of Delmar actually are. Will the residents get out and vote for a couple who wishes Brooke Mulford would just die? In fact Nikki, Brooke Mulford's cancer is gone. Imagine if they chose to listen to an Idiot like you and pulled the plug. I even have a recording from Tom stating on my answering service that his Wife is right.
Nikki has also been calling a certain car dealership claiming Joe Albero is Anti Gay and they'll never buy a car from them. Guess what Folks, Nikki couldn't buy a new car if her own life depended on it. What year car do you drive now Nikki, a 1970 clunker?
Their threats have fallen upon deaf ears. Just how desperate will this group of Anti Albero people get. Time will tell. If I could vote in the Town of Delmar, (I live outside Town Limits) I certainly would NOT cast any vote for this nut case and his Wife. Oh, that's right, she recently dropped out of the race, thank God.
The title of this Post is from a group of concerned citizens who live in Delmar doing everything they can to make sure everyone is educated about Tom McGuire. This guy eats Fruit Loops for breakfast Folks. Again, my guess is that a record number of votes will be cast in Delmar, you mark my word. And they won't be for Tom.
Does she work in the medical field ?, if so , she should be fired.
Nikki, why do you even read this blog? You are a total disgrace to humanity. I sincerely hope your children never come down with cancer or anything of its like.
This message on behalf of Delmar citizens for Ed Ferro. Go Eddie!!!
Citizens of Salisbury for Ed Ferro!
Hey What's wrong with Fruit Loops? LOL
Disgraceful thing to say and just as disgraceful to give this person "airtime" on your blog, good or bad. I certainly hope this young girls' parents or worse she reads this herself. Joe, its kinda like giving that clown that runs across the ballfield in the middle of the game and you move your camera to put them on TV. I certainly understand why you are posting this letter, but her ignorance shouldn't be awarded with "airtime" on your blog. However, I agree with your disgust of people like this. I guess your just trying to let people know, but at what expense?
The sad truth is Niblett has been there 18 years what has he done for anyone. The community needs leaders. I think this guy is not the one.
Looks like Salisbury election dumber and dumber running for mayor.
I work hate to be an employee in that town they crap on the cops and utility workers.
I live in Delmar and i'll vote for any one over this nut job.
Delmar, if you elect this joke you'll be as dumb as Salisbury for keeping Shanie.
Trust me, this woman is NOT in the medical field!
What a couple of morons. Shame on you Nikki for saying such disgusting things {about a child} and shame on you for not proofing your editorial. Try "Grammar for Dummies"...you should pick up "Manners for Dummies," as well.
What a bitter person this Nikki must be. What rational HUMAN thinks like this??
I'm not tired of hearing about Brooke Mulford, and I don't know anybody who is. Every victory of hers seems like a victory for all of us- something to give us encouragement and hope in these very trying times.
She is a child- an awesome gift from God- and it's just plain awesome that she's been found NED. I don't know Rob, but I do know Amy. She truly is one of the nicest people I've met in my life- kindhearted, genuine, honest, giving, and caring. I think Brooke has done something positive for Salisbury- through such a little girl, we have come together as a community- for a common purpose. The "hundreds of thousands of dollars" aren't just helping Brooke- it also goes towards neuroblastoma research from what I understand (and even if it didn't, who cares- medical bills are high). As a parent, I would do everything I could for either of my children. Human life is precious- that's why most of us fight for it.
To follow your lines of thinking, we shouldn't have doctors or hospitals or any healthcare at all-we're just going to die anyway- so why spend the money?
God has given us the technology and resources and he has allowed those things to be used to cure Brooke. That little girl is already a bigger person than you ever will be. On top of that, I guarantee that her vocabulary and written language skills top yours.
If Delmar residents vote this man in for mayor, they are even dumber than the residents of Salisbury.
Joe- I was a little annoyed that you would post this, but I understand why you did. I just hope that you publish the entire floodgate of comments that you will receive in support of Brooke and her parents.
What a self-centered miserable person this woman must be. My guess is that she really needs some serious psychological intervention. She has no conscience, and is totally devoid of a moral compass. She is infact, a sociopath. So , voters of Delmar I implore you to think long and hard about this candidate, because he is married to this woman, and if you think for one second that he does not share the same views as her, then my friend, you too should re-evaluate your mental well being.
As far as the comments about Brooke, you keep up the fight young lady. You are right, cancer is afraid of you, so much as it has left you. Rob and Amy, you have a strong group of people in this community, some complete strangers, that will continue to support, donate, and do whatever it takes to see all of you through this. Stand strong to your Faith, and may God bless you.
agree with 5:29pm
Ditto 5:29
4:42 PM
thats what I wanted to know
It's sad that this has to be posted, but it is very important that it be. There is the ever-so-slight chance that if the public were not aware of this story, the fool could become mayor of Delmar. That would be tragic. God bless Brooke and her family. Brooke, you are my hero!
My question to this woman would have to be, Wouldn't your child's life be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars? I know mine would. My child's life would be worth much more than that, I would give all I have even my own life to save my child. You are a miserable nasty human being, and I as a Delmar resident am humiliated to even know such heartless scum as yourself even lives in my town!!!!
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