Despite the tax revenue “cap,” compared to ten years ago Wicomico County’s main office is loaded with high salary types who specialize in pushing paper or doing so by means of a computer terminal. Mr. Pollitt has two special assistants, and the County Council has its own guru, who once was the County Administrator. The County’s attorney is now “in house” with the prospect of a big public pension, like the others named above, along with an assistant attorney.
So, what does a Wicomico County taxpayer get in return for contributing to the well-being, present and future, of these quasi-politicos? Please don’t shout so loud and all at once, and I really do know what “nada” means.
Consider, for cutting, the public information officer position. Mr. Pollitt says that the County probably will have to terminate employees in non-essential jobs in order to keep the core functions as strong as possible. The PIO position should be at the top of that list. If Rick wants media attention all he really has to do is whistle, and he can do those interviews with Bill Reddish without having a handler in the studio.
Starting with that position, it’s time to play “how low can you go,” Mr. Pollitt.
PIO is most certainly non essential...Shea could easily handle that function. When the promoters of the Executive for of government were pushing thie ragenda they were adamant that it would "only" add $400,000 max to the county's annual budget.We can now see how much BS that was....it's most likely closer to $ 1 million
Rick Pollitt will not get rid of any high paying positions in the county. It's not his style.
10:44 is correct.
Pollitt even gave his pals special pay raises, so remember that scam in the next election!
Cut Rick Pollitt firsr then.
The "PIO" is really the acting manager of the "CREEP" -- Committee to Reelect Pollitt.
What about Gary Mackes?
I would like to hear what the PIO actually does. When George Roche was the PIO one of his duties was the filming of the council meetings and an aborted attempt to start some sort of county newsletter. He sure as hell did not earn his salary and ended up getting canned in a disgraceful exit from public service.
I remember Mr. Finneran from his WBOC days and his DP & L days. He was the spinmiester of DP & L for years. So what does he do now that is so important and that justifies $60,000 (or so) of YOUR money?
get rid of Finneran, Shea, and Mike Thompson. Let Sharon Morris run the executive portion and someone else run personnel. that's a start.
How about the WCDC? how many high paid people out there are worthless? I guarentee you a heck of lot of them are overweight, unmotivated, and shamelessly putting in their time on our backs.
Then there is the matter of the landfill. OMG don't get me started as we are STILL employing known and acknowledged criminals out there. We could save a ton of money out there.
This does NOT even take into account the bloated beaurocracy (sp) at the Board of Education. THAT is where most of the "fat" is. Yeah, Joe, let's start cutting but let's do it right this time. Rick will make all of his final decisions based on the fact of which will cause him the LEAST political harm due to next year's elections.
No government should ever have a non-essential employee - period.
11:03 --
Second that comment on Sharon M. -- she's the kind of excellent employee to keep at all costs and could run Pollitt's office on her own. Finneran is good for cashing his pay check only.
Rick needs to clean house at the GOB, now more than ever in his term. But don't hold your breath.
How long before Pollitt follows Ireton's lead to have special fees -- don't dare call them taxes (which they are) -- for stormwater, roads, etc.
What about Joseph Arthur? He doesn't contribute anything to justify his paycheck.
you would think that after the landfill ordeal, POLLITT woud do audits on all county offices that they give money to including the humane society
Rick stated he would donate part of his salary to Meals on Wheels..yea so he can write it off as a donation on his taxes. Big Deal>
A good area to start cutting is at the janitorial staffing positions at the schools! I know for a fact that one night a week is a "hard" 8 hour night and the balance of the week is vacation consisting of leaning on brooms while administration is in the school and then 5-6 hrs. of NAP time/night for the balance of the week! Carry this out over each school and you have big $$$$ That doesn't scratch the surface and to find out more just ask the people that actually do work to "whistle blow" as it's time to do the right thing with taxpayer $'s
I agree with 11:39. He does nothing. What a waste of tax dollars.
Joe Arthur is fine, look at the city and kick Gales Hales to the curb. The man is nothing but a nasty jerk. A man love to make everybody else just as miserable as he is.
let's see, I pay approx $2,000.00 in proterty taxes every year, I pay for my own water and septic, my own garbage removal. the public schools here are filled with juvies thrown out of NYC schools, so the county can make a few $'s. So I send my kid to private school. Seem's on the rare occasion I call the sheriffs dept I am interfering with their day, fire dept? all volunteer! dog catcher? only between the hours of 9 to 5. after 5pm you have to shoot the dog yourself! So would someone please explain to me just what the hell I am getting for my money?
Other than a bunch of fat losers sitting around doing nothing all day, except crying about needing more of my money!
The Board of Ed has two full time public relations people, and the entire rest of the county has one. Fire somebody!
Anyone for repealling that tax "cap"?
Matt Craemer is getting a county retirement. He is making over 100k to be the council's watch dog. Why do they need him. maybe I am mistaken about his role in our goverment. Mr. Pollitt needs to cut Shea and the P.I.O.
The sad fact is under the county pension system no one can afford to go.
The Board Of Ed. is loaded with fat. They could cut in many areas. They are the masters of hiding funds for a rainy day. They have had thier people on the council for years. They get what they want the majority of the time. When the rest got nothing they got pay steps.
Get rid of the at large council positions they are not needed.
As for Pollitt he is a Lion with no claws. The council has the power it is obvious. They continue to run the show. I feel they are in large the reason Pollitt felt he needed to additional staff. There is not a good working relationship between Pollitt and the Council. It is an obvious power stuggle.
Last but not least Ed Baker did well for himself. Given a county pension when he was a contractual employee. Baker did work other than for the county over the years. How did they allow this to happen ?? Should there have been open disclosure by the Council and Pollitt on this matter to see how others may have felt about the issue ??
Joe thanks for taking a stand on the issues in the county the have escaped your watchful eye ovr the years. It is time to hold all elected officials accountable for their actions.
If I am not mistaken the BOE budget cannot be cut by the county,so Pollitt and the Council cannot touch that part of the budget.
not to mention that Creamer is a time thief-just ask why the internal auditor was fired
12:03 - they can't do audits....they got rid of their auditor
cuts at the top sound good to me. Have Ted retire and do away with the PIO, have Sharon do some of that work and have Rick start to run the county that is why he was elected. Down size the legal department, move them into the gob and stop paying rent on their office. Cut Mat to a part employee.
The poor fact of the matter is this county was doing ok until a bunch of dumba$$es got together and decided we needed a county Executive. Think about it people the only thing that Pollitt has done since he's been the king pin is spend spend spend. Get rid of positions like that and we can get back to normal.Pollitt will not reduce where reducing needs to be done because it will cause him to loose the next election for sure! In hard times like we are in right now somebody has to be the bad guy and that's not Pollitts style after all look at the raises he handed out when he knew full well the economy was on a down turn. Repeal the tax cap you say you lost your mind. I agree the cap was low but our leaders learned nothing from it. Instead of tightening the belt when that happened they all continued to spend like it grows on trees. Now that the economy is in the crapper you want more from the tax payer and that is not right either,Step up to the plate and do the right thing and make cuts now.
Love you sista. Like my momma always said, what does not come out in the wash, always comes out in the rinse.
They need to cut some of the over paid, under educated, non-licensed individuals, like Joe Arthur, from the Public Works Department. We know how well that department keeps tabs on its people - see the landfill.
Pollitt screwed Fruitland residents with that damn high water and sewer bills and now he is going to screw the county residents with higher taxes, so he can continue to take care of his friends. You scratch Ricky's back and Ricky will scratch yours.
The general public doesn't have a clue as to what the Executive form of government has cost them!! Rick has placed some of his so called people in positions and the upper floor of the GOB is full of positions not needed. Everyone knows Ted still runs the show so we can't get rid of him. Rick talks about transpancy in government look at what he did with Ed Baker!! Joe I'm surprised you didn't investigate that more, of course Rick has made sure that's a closed door nobody can open. That was a slap in the face to all the loyal workers of the county, but you have to admit a sweetheart deal for Mr. Baker!
anonymous 5:37, First of all, I respect Mr. Pollitt.
More importantly, do you realize just how easy it is for someone like yourself to come on here "anonymously" and make such statements without any credibility.
Say what you want, being a public figure is not an easy position and comes with a TON of critics.
While NONE of us can please everyone, I truly believe Rick does his best.
Mind you, (and Rick knows this) IF something comes up critical against his Office or Staff, I do NOT hold back.
Stop being anonymous, come up with concrete evidence and NONE of you should forget that it was Joe Albero and Salisbury News that came forward with the Landfill information. Mind you, there was an ongoing investigation once I presented it to the Sheriff but I had no problem bringing this forward and exposing it before ANYONE did.
In the mean time, might I suggest you contact Mr. Pollitt yourself and present any of your concerns and maybe, just maybe, he'll tell you the other side. Can't hurt.
Joe, you are so right-on with this article-too many high paying people who are not needed-
Keep the departments that are pulling their weight (financially) and get rid of those who are not.Keep up the good work-I read your blog everyday-first and last thing-thank you---
Pollitt looked good compared to what's in the Fruitland manager's office now.
It should come as no surprise that the county administrator form of government is costing us big time! I recall that, when the administrator idea was put forth to the voters, those who were opposed warned of the potential cost of this whole new branch of bureaucracy. Unfortunately, the cost exceeds anything we ever imagined. We should have known that Mr. Pollitt would bring in his cronies; doing that is usually par for the course. (Look at President Obama or Gov. O'Malley). Two or three within the executive department earn more that Rick Pollittt himself. Unfortunately, once something is established, it's very difficult to rescind it Does anyone know right off hand how much Matt Creamer, Gary Mackes, and Tim Shea earn combined?
Well just look at what Rick did to the city of fruitland, high taxes, many fees and the list goes on and on now its wicomico county turn. May be they should get rid of the public address announcer Finneran, then go to parks and recreation and trim a few there
The issue is not whether you like a person or not. The fact is, it is too costly to have a County Executive form of government in this county. The cost is slightly less than 1 mil a year. What are you getting in return? Eliminate this form of government. Reduce county council to 5 persons. Pay council administrator position no more than $60,000 per year. We've opted for a revenue cap to save tax payers money, but opted for a change in government to spend tax payers money. Are the residents of this county smoking something illegal?
Hey, it's not just Rick the Slick.
If that County Council cuts pay or furloughs anyone without first terminating Finneran, they all should be voted out next year.
2:54 focuses on a very valid point. There is so much that the taxpayers have no clue about. The wasteful spending on non-essential employees. Make the cuts and keep your talented staff.
Keep electing Democrats and this is what you get!
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