In a quote made today, yet pulled down almost immediately, Jonathan Taylor stated the following.
"I can assure all my fans and concerned readers that the charges that have been brought against me are bogus. Thank you for the emails and calls."
BOGUS! Are you mentally retarded! Are you calling a District Court Judge a liar! Look, I can see getting spanked by a private citizen who beat the crap out of a professionally paid attorney upsetting but complete denial, you must have some pretty sick fans out there el lardo if any one of them believe his wisdom and judgment is "bogus." Is that what T.J. Maloney told you to say? I thought you stated under OATH that you would never discuss this again!
Oh well, Mrs. Ennis, you may use this QUOTE in your criminal case against el lardo to let him know how much he RESPECTS a Judge's verdict. Looks like this Judge pegged you for who and what you really are Jonathan. A liar and a mentally disabled man.
By the way, does this guy think he's Elvis Presley, "my fans." Looks like Mrs. Ennis will need to go back to the Judge and file additional criminal charges against this Dee, Dee, Deeee as the Judge clearly spelled out ANY discussion about this matter would violate the Peace Order. What an Idiot!
It gets him the attention he craves!
That post went up on his blog at 1:25 this afternoon.
Does he think people are stupid? Mrs. Ennis did not get a peace order because she wanted one. It was given to her because she proved it was necessary. Now he is calling her a liar? Unbelieveable.
He called the charges bogus AFTER he received a peace order? Unbelievable.
Is there something wrong with his mind?
All the calls, who's paying your cell phone bill. You don't have a listed telephone number.
I dont know what this is about, however, I have read about Jonathan on your blog before, and it was not good. I looked up peace order, and it is granted by a judge to protect a person. It was granted...that means that the person that filed it, and the judge that granted it have gotten and given respectively an order against this Jonathan person.(in my readings he probably deserved it) How can he call it bogus? Don't know, ...but, it seems like this person does not understand the law. He can suffer consequences for violating the order. Maybe he needs to go to jail to understand how serious this is. Pride goes before the fall.
He may be guilty as hel, but on't throw a judges comments out there as gospel. Most of them cold not judge there way out of the house.
anonymous 6:55, thank you JR for chiming in. Man, I go through thousands upon thousands of comments each and every week and yours are the easiest to pick up on. ROTFLMAO!
cake is what his tard craves, dumbass!!!!
JR is living in a fantasy land and maybe just maybe he has rubbed off on Johnathan taylor. your next JR your mouth gets you in trouble every time.
There is no way that this fat piece of crap wipes his own butt, his arm could not reach around that body of his, love him or hate him his wife has to be a saint to answer his daily yell of "honey wipe me"
i doubt very seriously he has any problem at all wipeing his own ass.Specially when its sitting on his shoulders.:)
I can't imagine him stalking anyone....that is because he can single-handedly cause a total eclipse of the sun! LOL His bumper sticker says, "My other car is a refrigerator!" Someone asked him what he wanted on his pizza and he said another pizza!
Barrie is now telling her acolytes that she doesn't even know you.
Maybe Bubba and Mikey will still take your calls (but don't count on it.
And guess what, no more cash and checks coming your way.
How does it feel to be a "has been"?
Cheer-up, pal, maybe you can get a job -- ROTFLMAO!
As a matter of law, consenting to a peace order is not the same as admitting guilt. But as a practical matter, it ususally means that there is enough evidence for the ruling to go AGAINST the defendant if the judge is forced to render a decision. There are serious terms and restrictions that go along with a peace order to which virtually no innocent person would consent. In my opinion, if Taylor wasn't shown that there was more than enough evidence for the judge to render a decision against him, he would have let the judge make the decision instead of consenting to the order, especially with a lawyer by his side. I'm fairly certain the lawyer advised him that he was going to lose and that he should consent to the order. Is that about right, Mr. Taylor? I didn't spend 30 years on the bench without seeing it all, but only twice, John DuPont in 1996, and now YOU, have I seen a man insult the court by entering in a wheel chair and leave walking. The charges are bogus, huh? Then why did an innocent man consent to a restrictive peace order? Me thinks it was a guilty one!
By the way, Mr. Taylor, have you succeeded in your efforts to persuade the public to put fake money in the Salvation Army kettles that help the needy? Well, have you, punk? What a guy!
"all my fans" Who would they be, Willy and Shamu?
Hey Porky:
You should run for the City Council, and Lynn would help you get elected, just like she helped Bubba and Boda this year.
"All my fans" Hahahahha That statement just proves he's living in a world of delusion.
That sack-O-taters is a POS
TAL, you eat at Peakys alot dont you?
It's a sad day in Whoville!!! I can just see this fat POS sitting there in his yellow and brown stained underwear surrounded by stacks of empty pizza boxes hiding his tears behind his green mask. Nearby are his sympathizers, the fat cat in the hat,JR, the woeful wizard, wymzie, and the rest of the little whos that got false satisfaction by posting and commenting on his pitiful blog. What goes around comes around and JR could be next! Be careful with what you are buying and selling.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Easier for us to all see him of course because he loved the attention so much.
Humpty Dumpty had a great (and spectacular)fall.
Now there's a large crater in the center of town.
Humpt Dumpty Update.
Mayor Ireton has announced that the massive crater will now be filled with water directed from the Wicomico River and will be Known as Lake Taylor. This plan is expected to bring revenue into the city for planned speed boat racing, deep lake fishermen, and vacationers of all kinds.
Way to go Mayor Ireton!
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