Dear Rush,
A friend of mine just called me and told me you did a segment stating you had never seen a Congressman hanged in effigy. While I'm a Republican, I was the Blogger who attended the event and took the photo. In fact, the DNC STOLE my photo without permission and or credit and have used it in on line fundraiser's for Frank Kratovil AND created a commercial aired on Fox News and across the Internet AFTER we made contact with them demanding they stop using it.
Here's the article on that story. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/dnc-steals-to-raise-money-for-frank.html
Salisbury News, (my Blog) is the #1 Blog in Maryland and Delaware. We have won the #1 spot in Maryland for two years running by Blognetnews. Anyhow, the image is real, (I'm sad to say) and if you do choose to run with it please credit http://www.sbynews.com/.
Thanking You In Advance,
Joe Albero
Salisbury News
I sent this letter less than an hour ago to Rush, who claims he's 99.7% right all the time. A simple Google search would have answered the question but at least now he can't say it didn't happen.
Rush, "You've Been Blogged!"
I am never wrong.
lol, i heard that on his show today and was yelling at the radio.."KRAPOVIL!!" he got "Effed".
Could you provide some background about this incident--namely was this staged by a Democrat wanting to attract negative attention to citizens?
anonymous 3:24, I've seen STUPID before but this comment takes the cake. CLICK ON THE LINKS IN THE ARTICLE, IDIOT.
Show some respect! It's Mr. Limbaugh!
You're not #1 in the whole state, just the Eastern Shore- and that's not all of the time either. I wrote to Mr. Limbaugh as well, telling him to only believe half of what you wrote and nothing of what you spoke. See, us commoners can write too! I also told him that I have a college degree while you dropped out of high school.
Ignoramus Anthony,
Yes I am #1 in the entire state. Try using those typing skills and contact Blognetnews. You just made a huge fool out of yourself.
Maybe he should ask for his money back.
Rush has no idea what he is talking about.
This blog critisizing a extreme right winger liar????????????????????? Did he not sooth your ego or something?
Let's be real...
Rush is an entertainer. He entertains in the course of relaying facts to citizens. If you have personally listened to what he said and do not agree with it, so be it. If you make a statement which is negative with what HEARD Rush said without first hand knowledge, you are simply a fool.
Listen, if you wish, and decide on the truth. If you find misrepresentation, then complain and report it.
Wow Joe, who's side are you on
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