INCIDENT: Daytime Residential Burglaries - UPDATE
DATE: July 31, 2009
LOCATION: Wicomico County
NARRATIVE: Deputy Pecoraro and Detectives from WBI have developed information leading to three arrests in connection with residential daytime burglaries that have been occurring in the Wicomico County and surrounding areas. The following individuals have been charged with numerous crimes as listed below.
Anyone with information is asked to contact WBI at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776 or the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4891.
Brandon Fletcher B/M 22 years old
Lamar Trotter B/M 22 years old
Kevin Lemore Jr B/M 20 years old
Burglary – First Degree
Burglary – Fourth Degree
Malicious Destruction of Property
Conspiracy to commit Burglary
Handgun Charges
Held at WCDC
Burglary – First Degree
Burglary – Fourth Degree
Malicious Destruction of Property
Drug Charges
Charges related to Conspiracy
Lemore and Fletcher are on Crime Solvers as having been arrested on July 8, 2009. Were they out of jail and arrested again or were they charged while still in jail?
Obama will pay to keep them out of jail. This is completely ridiculous that we keep getting new pictures of these a$$holes...and the fact that Brandon is smiling??? WOW!?!? Brandon, I hope you are reading these comments on the computer that you stole, you pr!ck. I hope that someone breaks into your family's house and pulls out a gun...how would you feel then? You'd probably still keep doing what you're doing, because you're an idiot. Whenever you actually get put in jail, I hope you have a lot of lube for you and your boys.
WELL if i were the police i would look at chestnut manor apt in delmar md they hide out there
At least they recorded them as b/males and not as afro americans.
2:59 they were locked up early in July as you stated. It looks like they have been linked to alot more than just one Burglary
Congratulations to WBI for getting "pieces of trash" like this off the street. Now if the judge will do his job and lock them away for a long time; and they should be required to work at hard labor while they are locked up.
They were arrested however Fletcher's parents bailed him out and he committed more burglaries, charged, parents bailed out, then more burglaries and finally parents ran out of money.
Please contact Crime Solvers if you have any more info on these guys. Fletcher drives a silver Expedition.
Go Cris , you the man. That first
one with the fat head will get
punked in jail , he's pretty.
Silver Expedition? A Silver Suburban type vehicle was the getaway vehicle in the Hebron Shore Stop robbery the other night.
Go get your man WCSO.
Make no mistake these guys are thugs
of the worst kind check them out on MD case search, Also check out the
lawyer that keep's getting them out may he thinks it's **Fine** but maybe Brandon will break into his house next and hurt somebody to keep from getting caught they are menace to society. I Hope the judge see's this.
That was not the vehicle given out in the media releases. Thanks for trying.
Sbynews is such a great place to express how worthless some people are. These guys are an exact definition of worthless and will never make it anywhere in life.
Anon 7:08 in the press release from Det. Gismondi dated July 25, there was no vehicle description given at all. Was there another press release since then?
I hope all three of them rot in hell for what they've done and the people they've hurt. People like this should not be allowed to breathe on this earth. Fu**ing punks! Don't worry, you little pretty boys, you'll get what you deserve behind bars!!
That 1st name is familiar from other police reports.....time to use those "repeat offender" rules on him
i went to school with brandon and his older brother was and still is as big of a pile as this one.
Pieces of crap like these dudes...they deserve nothing but the worst in life. I wish we could just put them in a room and just beat the living crap out of them. It wouldn't stop them from committing crimes because it's embedded in their heads, but it would make me feel better
you can polish a turd....it will be shiny ...but its still a turd..
Losers, will you ever grow?
Lamar and Kevin, just lost young men, both of them grew up in fairly well off homes, just tryin get that street cred yooooo, Got It.
It's a shame that no one is innocent until proven guilty around here anymore!!! OOOHH 3 black males accused of a crime; they must be guilty!!! And then to wish something awful on a guy's family, innocent people who have nothing to do with the alleged allegations. Now that's just wrong!!! Don't get me wrong, breaking into people's homes, stealing, and destroying property they worked hard to get is not right, but neither is wanting/wishing something to happen to the accused's family members.
Oh they are guilty just because they are claiming their innocent to try to save their asses means nothing because that is what criminals do.Getting busted for a crime is not based on being black it is based on who committed the crime. I don't think people get locked up and have such a long rap sheet cause they are innocent seems they just keep getting pass the judicial system somehow Sad for the family that overlook the seriousness of these crimes to the our community. I understand love is blind however wake up to the parents and let them be punished for their wrong doings. Mean time people lock your doors
Brandon Lamont Fletcher. Turd. The guy, atleast to my knowledge, has a criminial record dating back to when he was 15. He stole his brothers car and SPD chased him around the mall. Brandon spun out at Pier One. mall security was there to help SPD. Brandon PEE'D on himself and was crying. It was pretty funny.
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