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Friday, July 31, 2009

A Letter To The Editor

The House Democratic leaders have concocted a coordinated strategy for attacking insurance companies..“Our message is simple. It is now being echoed by the White House,” they said in a memo to all Democrat members.

Their message: “Remove the insurance companies from between you and your doctor— capping what they can force you to pay in out of pocket expenses, co-pays and deductibles, and giving you the peace of mind you will be covered for the care you need, if you get sick, or if you change or lose your job.”

Translation: " Eliminate the private insurance companies. Give the government full control of all costs and benefits. We will save you-- you will never have to worry about healthcare again."

Since they weren't able to slam this thing through before the August recess, they will now use that time for a massive propaganda push to try to brainwash the public and vilify the insurance companies prior to their next attempt.

Their "Cash For Clunkers" program only lasted a few days before it ran out of money and crashed.

And they think they can run the healthcare system?


Anonymous said...

Joe Albero: Defending Insurance Company profits over the lives of Americans on a daily basis.

Keep fighting the good fight, Joe!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe for one minute the insurance companies are being attacked. I hear what the politicians say in front of cameras for the main stream media. However, these insurance companies have many of the same board members as the banks who are running rough shod over us. They OWN the politicians.
Washington is simply lying to the American people about health care. They have not convinced me they (politicians) care about we the people. I think this is a wink and a nod to the insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

You don't think the govt wants to squeeze the insurance companies out?
Look at the money. They'll love to have that premium money coming into the federal coffers, so they can divert it like the social security money has been.
They'll wink at the insurance companies, then stab them in the back, just like they have done to us.
With the Dems, it's all about the power and money.

Unknown said...

Let's tell it like it is. The Democrats are the "Euthanasia Party".

Kill the newborns and the elderly at the taxpayers expence. In Germany it was called"Genocide". Here it is called healthcare and abortion.Take the money the elderly have saved and will no longer be able to leave their children and give it to Medicaid (GOV) ..... Doesn't look like a bright future except for those in power while we have to pay the bills. Yes, let's spread the wealth around.

Please contact your Senators and Congressman and say "NO" to their form of so-called Healthcare"

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, why tell our congressperson or senator anything at all? They don't listen to us. We keep electing different people because we are mad at the existing people, and the new boss looks just like the old boss.

I hate to be so pessimistic, but why do we continue to "talk" to our representatives? They really do not appear to work "for us".

Anonymous said...

1:38..that's cuz you in the minority. Get used to it.

Unknown said...

It's amazing.
The Eastern Shore, land of private property and small business, and you guys sound like you all have government jobs with full benefits. Do you? Are you doing without health insurance? Because if you are doing without health insurance then you either have nothing to lose or you are the dumbest person on the planet and the most irresponsible family member a person can have.

People, health insurance is too important and too big to leave it to people like the oil companies, who have already shown that they will screw you at every turn.

Pay your premiums into the Medicare system, you are going to be on Medicare one day anyway, if you are lucky to live so long. It only makes sense to have ONE system. But that's not what the COngress is proposing, because Congress quite simply doesn't have the integrity to do that, so we're going to have a hybrid system. But it will be better than what we have now.

How many of your friends and family members have lost jobs and benefits? How many of those small business people you deal with actually have comprehensive health insurance. Catastrophic insurance is BS- a health crisis can be a death by a thousand cuts. Trust me.

And those of you who are already on Medicare and buying into the insurance company threats and scare tactics- well shame on you for believing those lies. And shame on you for your pettiness, and your selfishness. You are on the system that would work best for everyone, and if you are saying that Medicare isn't working for you, then you either haven't used it (congrats to you) or you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

djh well said! The insurance companies are leading people around with their noses with this crap about killing old people.

Anonymous said...

Do you hate Obama so much you are willing to defend the insurance companies.Maybe they will remember you when they are screwing you over.

Anonymous said...

DJH- Medicare is going bust, doofus.
Many doctors are refusing medicare/medicaid patients now because the reimbursement rates are so low.
And the way to fix that (The government solution)?
Get rid of the competition and become the only game in town-- give the drs a take-it-or-leave-it rate.
Wait till you see what kind of doctoring you're gonna get for that rate.

Chimera said...

DJH-Alot of us with health insurance are very unhappy with it and would benefit from reform but not a complete takeover.
Our family has health insurance BUT we have a pre-existing exclusion until the end of the year so we are screwed if we get sick before then,yet we pay $180 every two weeks for this "healthcare".Anything that helps us is welcome but thats just it,it probably will not.It will largely benefit people who are already on Medicaid or completely uninsured persons.Those of us with private coverage will keep on suffering,and seeing every extra cent go towards medical bills-plus have the added tax burden of insuring everyone else.